Impossible to know what if anything really happened as a result of this supposed "strongest ever recorded storm in the history of the western hemisphere". According to the official story this storm that had virtually in the blink of an all-seeing-eye-of-horus morphed from a cat2 into a mega-cat6 monster threatening life and limb, just as suddenly dropped back down from cat6 to what apparently amounted to not much more than a somewhat minor disturbance basically - not a cat6 but a kitty-cat. As the explanation went, the storm 'missed all major areas and fell apart over the mountains'. nothing to see here folks, move along, move along. Note what did result though - for one, mass evacuations [compare: 9-16-15 Chile 'tsunami'] of coastal cities and towns were carried out. For example:
"Civil Protections have begun evacuations ahead of Hurricane Patricia throughout the coastal areas of Colima, Jalisco, and Nayarit, including an estimated 20,000 in the area of Vallarta-Nayarit. A total of 50,000 people are expected to be evacuated before Friday afternoon, according to civil protections in the three states" - source:
Funny how that works. Was the entire thing then just an exercise? A complete fabrication? A few random images is all that was ever seen. Perhaps also the phantom storm a cover story to Agenda21-style 'geo-delete' some mountain villages, which could be done with a variety of methods, e.g. a little landslide here, a little dam breakage there, with a news blackout? Just thinking out loud again, and just noting these things. It's a make-believe world:
[Excerpt from original post on Mega-Cat Pat - 10/23/15]
Unprecedented biggest hurricane ever recorded - "Patricia" - reportedly slamming mainland Mexico as this is posted. So says the ZNWO Bureau of Propaganda. Look look the numbers are off the chart - so they say - the damage likely will be catastrophic - so they say. Quoting from the 'follow-up' paragraph at the top of the below post this reality: "...with complete control of every media outlet in the country, the perception of what is happening is easily manipulated. Whatever numbers are thrown out, whatever images are used, lots of endless hype, and then that's what it is". So-called unprecedented "Superstorm Sandy" caused catastrophic damage - said they - and it was a "post-tropical" non-super storm when it hit land. But that destruction was because of, according to a later 'study' produced by NASA and Columbia University, another "unprecedented" event which they neatly termed, of all things, the "Sandy Hook". That people is by definition how the "hidden-in-plain-sight" game is played. Below is a post from just less than two years ago 1-25-13 on the subject, noting how exactly the unprecedented destruction actually came about: namely for all intents and purposes a pretty good sized 'tsunami' that flooded NY along with a 'failed' berm that flooded out NJ. Really folks, it was the "Sandy Hook". Brings to mind the destruction in South Carolina just two weeks back - the "unprecedented 1000-yr storm" that, John Q. Public is told by the ZNWO news-distribution channels, was the cause of how many dams breaching resulting in devastating flooding. Really folks, it was the unprecedented 1000-yr storm [see: South Carolina "1000-Year Storm", Bursting Dams, And Agenda 21 - It's A Match]...And now Mexico. The hype is already unprecedented, the numbers being thrown out are unprecedented...stage seems to be set for just about anything -- [and] with complete control of every media outlet in the country, the perception of what is happening is easily manipulated. Whatever numbers are thrown out, whatever images are used, lots of endless hype, and then that's what it is...[see post]
Full post: 'Strongest-Ever' Hurricane 'Patricia' Hitting Mexico - And "Superstorm Sandy" Comparison; Geoengineering - link
Rev. 18:4
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