Underway now: Representatives of more than 190 countries meeting at COP19 UN Climate Change Conference in Warsaw, November 11-22, 2013
UN Climate Change Chief Blames Typhoon Haiyan On Global Warming
Warsaw (AFP) - Nations launched a new round of talks Monday for a 2015 deal to cut Earth-warming greenhouse gas emissions, in the aftermath of a devastating Philippines typhoon the UN's climate chief labelled "sobering".
Christiana Figueres urged progress at the notoriously fractious talks amid a slew of new warnings of potentially disastrous global warming as a Filipino negotiator made a tearful undertaking to fast until the talks yield a tangible result.
"The recent very painful events of cyclone Haiyan... have reminded the countries gathered here... of the urgency of coming to a resolution of how all countries are going to collaborate with each other to address climate change in a timely manner."
The meeting was taking place under the weight of many "sobering realities", of which Haiyan in the Philippines was one, said Figueres.
"In solidarity with my countrymen who are struggling to find food back home and with my brother who has not had food for the last three days... I will now commence a voluntary fasting," he told fellow negotiators as the 12-day talks got underway.
"I will refrain from eating food during this COP (conference of parties) until a meaningful outcome is in sight" -- which could include pledges of money for a Green Climate Fund meant to disburse resources to developing countries for coping with climate change.
"all countries are going to collaborate"
It could not be any more simple than what has been stated here. The absolute reality of the great "global warming/climate change" worldwide con job fully encapsulated in one single phrase: "coming to a resolution of how all countries are going to collaborate with each other". That's it. There is absolutely nothing more to it.
'Climate change causing destruction on earth' is a massive production crafted for the sole purpose of forcing the entire globe to submit to a single regulatory control system. And, to make it 'convincing' - well, just take a look around. Geoengineering is an advanced science these days, and is it just a coincidence that overtly anomalous geologic and weather-related 'destruction' across the globe has become the 'new norm'? You think? [link]
Interesting to note also how the latest highly anomalous weather-related planetary destruction in the Philippines has become the poster-child for this latest United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP19. The Super Typhoon of history that left "tsunami-like" destruction behind is being touted as a "sobering reality" of the urgency of action needed by the "Nations" to collaborate for a "2015 deal" [see: geoengineered tsunamis].
Interesting to note also, according to the report, how the situation in the Philippines has turned into a pledge by the Filipino negotiator to fast until a "meaningful outcome is in sight". In that, the anomalous 'typhoon' has now become a tool for applying pressure on 'Nations' to sign the contract and surrender sovereignty.
When all the nations collaborate and agree to a single regulatory system, well they have a name for that - that name is one-world-government. As is easily seen, 'climate change/global warming' is nothing more than the vehicle to get there. When it does get there, it will be the Antichrist one-world-government, if anybody is wondering.
Rev. 18:4
Compare: 26' Tsunamis On U.S. East Coast, And 'Extreme Cyclones' With 30' "Storm Surges" Across Globe, Says NWO 12-7-12 ""Extreme cyclones" called Black Swans with 15' and up to 30' village and town and city destroying walls of water called "storm surges"? 26' or bigger tsunamis on the East Coast from "a variety of sources"? Oh that's right, almost forgot...climate models...global warming...new research. Of course...that explains it" [see post]
'The fourth beast shall...shall devour the whole earth - Dan. 7:23-24
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