Pope signals inter-faith alliance against gay marriage
Pope Benedict on Friday signaled the Vatican was ready to forge alliances with other religions against gay marriage, saying the family was threatened "to its foundations" by attempts to change its "true structure".
The Vatican has gone on the offensive in response to gains for gay marriage in the United States and Europe, using every possible opportunity to denounce it through papal speeches or editorials in its newspaper or on its radio station.
Throwing the full weight of his office behind a study by France's chief rabbi on the effects the legalization of gay marriage would have on children and society, he said:
"There is no denying the crisis that threatens it (the family) to its foundations - especially in the Western world."
re: "the crisis"
The battle lines are now effectively drawn on two fronts, homosexual pseudo-marriage, and the HHS mandate. The foundations of society are at stake says the pope, and with that this then becomes a fight to the finish. There truly is no way out other than the promised resistance, which has been in the planning stages for a couple of years now. With the political circus-slash-election now past, the religious-protest part of the global agenda, already well primed, will now be brought to the forefront. It will not be long before things start heating up. Civil disobedience, arrests, chaos, all on tap [example]. Interfaith religious organizations forming to meet the 'crisis', once formed, will never be 'unformed'. The scheme is intentional, designed to accomplish the very thing; see:
Evangelicals, Catholics, Mormons Sign Letter To American People To Resist Forced Homosexual Agenda; Predict Conflict 1-17-12 "Turning out to be more than meets the eye, the homosexual pseudo-marriage agenda is proving to be a master-stroke in the devious scheme to create the desired micromanaged global society. One of the biggest obstacles standing in the way of this delusional-utopia has always been the lack of a 'harmonious' working relationship between different "faith traditions" (globalspeak) of the earth's people groups. If only a way could be found to get them to overlook their differences and come together...In addition to religion-merging through the use of the oldest trick in the book - joining hands to fight the 'common enemy', this whole scheme is also designed to serve a second purpose - instigating 'civil unrest'. Creating scenarios for 'unrest' is necessary to further prepare people for the 'Revolution' which the NWO-ers have planned for this country - to first disrupt the staus quo and then completely dismantle it." [see post]
see all: 'religious protest agenda'; 'Manhattan Declaration'
Note to true Christians, this is not your battle. This present world is still under the dominion of Satan (2 Cor. 4:4), and will neither be fixed, saved, or changed, until, and only when, the Lord Jesus Christ returns and overthrows the '...principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places' (Eph. 6:12)". This the Catholics, Jews, Mormons, deluded dominionist professing Christians, etc, neither understand nor believe. Until then Christian, you are called only to come out from among them to be a witness against all of it, including this end-of-the-age Babylonian religious unity that is forming before your eyes. Be aware. Maranatha Rev. 18:4
John 18:36 'Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight'
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