Evangelicals, Catholics, Mormons Sign Letter Supporting Traditional Marriage
“We are happy to add the national voice of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod to this thoughtful and articulate case for marriage between one man and one woman,” Harrison said in a statement Friday, a day after he signed the letter titled “Marriage and Religious Freedom: Fundamental Goods That Stand or Fall Together.”
Written to all Americans, the letter was signed by 38 other religious leaders from Anglican, Baptist, Catholic, evangelical, Jewish, Lutheran, Pentecostal and even Mormon communities in the United States.
Signers affirm that “the union of one man and one woman as husband and wife - is a matter of the common good and serves the wellbeing of the couple, of children, of civil society and all people.”
They also say in the letter that the “most urgent peril” is “forcing or pressuring both individuals and religious organizations – throughout their operations, well beyond religious ceremonies – to treat same-sex sexual conduct as the moral equivalent of marital sexual conduct.
“There is no doubt that the many people and groups whose moral and religious convictions forbid same-sex sexual conduct will resist the compulsion of the law, and church-state conflicts will result.”
“There is a need to act collectively with others of good will in this society,” he added.
The letter comes days before the presidential proclamation for Religious Freedom Day on Jan. 16 and weeks before World Marriage Day on Feb. 12 and National Marriage Week USA from Feb. 7 to 14.
The Catholic church wrote very recently to the White House [see 'follow up' above]; this time it is a uni-faith letter addressed to the American people. Both letters echo the 11-'09 Manhattan Declaration [see below]; i.e. "faith groups" putting aside differences and joining hands to fight the 'common enemy'. Collective action means an overseeing organization. Exactly the plan. A new unifaith organization. The homosexual agenda is not going anywhere, which means the promised conflict is inevitable. And with this latest development, an interfaith letter to the American people, it is getting closer by the day. Be aware.
Compare: Homosexual Psuedo-Marriage And The Global Agenda: Manhattan Declaration 'Leaders' Call To Mobilize In Opposition 8-15-10 "...At the exact moment when so-called gay marriage has taken a judicial end-run around the will-of-the-people...the 'Manhattan Declaration-ites' are already signed up and ready to be "mobilized" for marching in the streets. - Turning out to be more than meets the eye, the homosexual pseudo-marriage agenda is proving to be a master-stroke in the devious scheme to create the desired micromanaged global society. One of the biggest obstacles standing in the way of this delusional-utopia has always been the lack of a 'harmonious' working relationship between different "faith traditions" (globalspeak) of the earth's people groups. If only a way could be found to get them to overlook their differences and come together...In addition to religion-merging through the use of the oldest trick in the book - joining hands to fight the 'common enemy', this whole scheme is also designed to serve a second purpose - instigating 'civil unrest'. Creating scenarios for 'unrest' is necessary to further prepare people for the 'Revolution' which the NWO-ers have planned for this country - to first disrupt the staus quo and then completely dismantle it [here]." [see post]
Pope Echoes NWO's "Manhattan Declaration" In Speech; Draws Line In Sand On Homosexual Marriage 9-25-11 "It was a little less than two years ago [11-'09] that a globalist-inspired, religion-merging, militant, 'manifesto to defend traditional values' called the "Manhattan Declaration," was first released. In the first year or so, according to the figure given at that time (by Chuck Colson), it had amassed over 460,000 people of various religious affiliations, Catholics, Christians, Jews, Mormons, and 'others', who were signed on and ready to be mobilized in a 'common front' for protest against things like, for one, homosexual marriage...The pope spoke to 30,000 youth. His language was very strong. The NWO has already started civil unrest in this country. The Manhattan Declaration gang is "mobilized for marching in the streets". The pope's speech leaves no room for doubt that he is reading from the same script. This makes him to be a facilitator of the NWO agenda...Expect to see 'religious protests' springing up across the land soon, societal-chaos creating, to the delight of the kabalist globalists. [see post]
also: 'Manhattan Declaration' Calling For Civil Disobedience 11-24-09
see all: 'Manhattan Declaration'
and: Antichrist 'School Of Theology' Opened By CA University 11-6-11 "America's first inter-religious school of theology, one that will train pastors, rabbis and eventually Muslim imams, all on one campus."
[follow links, connect dots]
Believer: 2Cor. 6:14-16 'Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?
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