
Calls For Ending Religious Free Speech Reach Crescendo At UN General Assembly

Follow up on: 'Muhammad Film Chaos' Update: Pakistani Foreign Minister Khar Reads NWO One-World-Religion Script 9-24-12 The true purpose of the 'Muhammad-film ordo ab chao' global exercise is becoming evermore undeniable....straight from the kabalist-Zionist one-world-religion building manual...forced compliance to 'interreligious' tolerance, i.e. acceptance, through restricting the freedom to cast doubt on or question another's religious beliefs. And make no mistake...the script is being read, and the implementation has begun. [see post]
Muslim Leaders Call Upon Nations to Criminalize Blasphemy at UN General Assembly

A number of Muslim leaders called upon the nations to enact laws that criminalize blasphemy during this week’s UN General Assembly.

Pakastani President Asif Ali Zardari [:] “Although we can never condone violence, the international community must not become silent observers and should criminalize such acts that destroy the peace of the world and endanger the world security by misusing freedom of expression.”

Afghanistanian President Hamid Karzai said that America must resist Islamophobia. - “I call upon leaders in the West, both politicians and the media, to confront Islamophobia in all its many forms and manifestations,” he stated. “As we speak today, the world is shaken by the depravity of fanatics who have committed acts of insult against the faith of over 1.5 billion Muslims. … We strongly condemn these offensive acts, whether it involves the production of a film, the publication of cartoons, or indeed any other acts of insult and provocation.”

Nabil Elaraby of the Arab League made similar statements during the U.N. Security Council session.- The League of Arab States calls for the development of an international legal framework which is binding … in order to confront insulting religions and ensuring that religious faith and its symbols are respected.”

As previously reported, Barack Obama addressed the General Assembly on Tuesday, calling for all religions to be tolerant of one another. He defined “the voices of tolerance” as those who speak out against expression that is believed to be slanderous.

The summit continues until October 1st as other national leaders are expected to make similar statements calling for the criminalization of blasphemy worldwide. Currently, countries such as Iran, Egypt, Pakistan and Poland all have laws against blasphemy on the books.

re: "called upon the nations to enact laws...worldwide"

That a massive and gloabally coordinated psychological operation is underway here is utterly transparent. Cui bono? - which is Latin for 'who benefits?'. Who will benefit from enacting a legally binding "international legal framework", as called for by the spokesman for the 'Arab League' (quoted above), which would effectively destroy the right to religious free speech. To preach one's religion can not be done without pointing out the contradictions of opposing beliefs. But of course this is not conducive to one-world religion building, so what is required is a production dramatic enough so that all objections to the contrary could be outweighed.

And surely that is exactly what the world is now being subjected to. The stakes are no less than the "peace of the world and endanger[ing] the world security", according to the President of Pakistan, and if that does not move the world community to action, what will?

And, as the President of Afghanistan claims, using the phrase "Islamophobia" to make his point, the 'objectionable' religious comments are most certainly based upon fear. Following that line of thought can lead only to the intended conclusion that 'fear' is based upon ignorance. And 'ignorance' is of course an evil which simply can no longer be tolerated in the globally enlightened future kaballistically designed for all of mankind, where every religion leads ultimately to the brotherhood of the human species bowed at the throne of the 'universal will' - i.e. the Antichrist. [Isa. 14:12,13,14]

Presidents of nations are singing in perfect NWO harmony to force the one-world-religion agenda upon the people of the planet. Cui bono? It is obvious.
Rev. 18:4
Psalms 96:4-5 'For the LORD is great, and greatly to be praised: he is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the nations are idols: but the LORD made the heavens.'


New TSA 'Freeze Drill' - Youtube w/Comment

Bizarre TSA “Freeze” Security Drill Caught on Camera
The TSA’s bizarre new policy where it orders travelers who have already passed security to “freeze” on command has been caught on camera, with the clip illustrating once more how the federal agency has implemented a series of ludicrous policies that seemingly have no other purpose than to act as an obedience test for the traveling public. The video shows the final 24 seconds of a 2 minute period during which travelers were ordered to “freeze” by TSA workers and were not allowed to move. One TSA screener is heard to say, “stay right where you are,” at a man who is walking through the airport, as the other static travelers look on in bewilderment:

Youtube: "As if air travel couldn't get any worse: this (regrettably short) video shows an new TSA "strategy" which they are quietly beginning to implement: the "freeze drill". At Phoenix, Arizona's airport, WITHIN the "secured" area of the gates, I suddenly found myself in a bunch of travelers who were being sharply told to "STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE! DON'T MOVE!". A TSA employee was pointing his blue-gloved hand at anyone who moved a muscle (including airport workers) and barking these orders. Beyond him were two other agents doing the same thing to everyone in a 90-degree radius. The tension was rather palpable, as you might imagine. No explanation was given, no other words were spoken. No one moved a muscle. Parents grabbed their children. Anyone who fidgeted or made a step forward got yelled at....Two minutes or so later, Mr. Gloved Hand brusquely waved everyone about their business (as seen in the tape). I only managed to capture the final 30 seconds or so of the incident.

After this, I walked into the terminal intersection they had cut off, expecting to see someone in handcuffs, face down on the carpet with a bunch of cops on him. Or at least ONE single police officer or security guard... but there were none. There was NO incident happening, whatsoever. And everyone went onwards to their gates...I wound up sitting next to a couple on the plane and asked them if they got ensnared in this weirdness, and they didn't. But it turned out that the guy sitting next to me knew exactly what it was: an insane TSA strategy of mind control. It's called a "freeze drill". He'd read of it in the New York Times, and sure enough, he used Southwest's wi-fi access and found the article for me: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/29/business/29road.html?_r=0 ...Turns out this article is a year and a half old. In any case, I was stunned. It is a TOTAL police state maneuver which serves no purpose other than to reinforce the notion that a TSA "voice of authority" can tell you to stop where you are at any time."

This post related to: New TSA Policy: Checking Your Drink "For Explosives" While You Drink It 9-3-12 "The only possible real explanation though is that it is part of a behavioural-training program designed to subconsciously instill docility in the would-be 666 slave class by way of ever-increasing subjection to police state tactics even in routine situations...Take note - TSA has not stopped expanding since the day they were created (11-19-01)..."  fyi

Agenda 21 Dissolving Of California Cities Strikes Again - Atwater May Be Next

Another California city scrambling to avoid bankruptcy

Atwater, a city of roughly 28,000 in California's Central Valley, may declare a fiscal emergency as soon as next week, but it is trying to avoid becoming the fourth California city to file for municipal bankruptcy this year, its mayor said.

Under California law, a local government must either declare a "fiscal emergency" or go through a 60-to-90 day confidential negotiation process with its creditors before it files for municipal bankruptcy. Since late June, three Golden State cities-Stockton, San Bernardino and Mammoth Lakes-have filed for bankruptcy protection.

"We are planning to stay current on our ... bonds," said Mayor Carol Joan Faul in a telephone interview with Dow Jones Newswires. "We are hoping to avoid" bankruptcy, she said, "but as far as I'm concerned, we may have to declare a fiscal emergency" on Oct. 3.

This post is a follow up on: Agenda 21 By Bankruptcy: Cities Across CA "May Cease To Exist" - LA Times 7-13-12 "Three bankrupt California cities in the last two weeks is just the "tip of the iceberg" says the Stanford economics professor quoted in the above article. Even the cities that do not suffer 'bankruptcy' may simply "dissolve", says the spokesman for the "California League of Cities". The solutions proffered are "privatizing" and "regionalizing" of services. Privatizing and regionalizing is Agenda 21 globalization-speak aka dictatorship. The old order must be deconstructed before the new order can rise from the ashes...There is no place for state and local governments (or nations for that matter) in the community based Agenda 21 system. It is a GLOBAL management scheme...[see post]

One by one cities across the USA are in fact now being economically crashed and subjected to emergency measures or bankrupted altogether [link]  so as to absorb them into what truly is a now rapidly forming "one world government". America, per se, cannot exist in the context of this global government either, and ultimtely must be effectively eliminated also, exactly as is now underway with regard to the individual nations of Europe [link]. The entire globe is to be divided into regions and managed as such. Bottom line - you are seeing it. So far, in California alone, three cities in June-July, and now a fourth on the block. Be aware, the pace can only quicken, nationwide, and definitely be clear on exactly what is actually happening - the privatizing of the earth by an unholy cabal who intend to enslave all people - i.e. the 666 scenario. Believe it or not. Rev. 18:4

Follow links, connect dots
Rev. 13:1 'And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea'


NWO Emerging Christianity Into Homosexuality: Emerger Brian McLaren Leads Son's 'Homosexual Union' Ceremony

Emerging Pseudo-Christian Church  Leader Brian McLaren Leads Son's Homosexual "Committment Ceremony"

Trevor Douglas McLaren and Owen Patrick Ryan were 'married' Saturday in Washington. Guy Cecil, the executive director of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and a Universal Life minister, officiated at the couple’s apartment.

Later in the day, the Rev. Brian D. McLaren, Mr. McLaren’s father and the former pastor of Cedar Ridge Community Church in Spencerville, Md., led a commitment ceremony with traditional Christian elements before family and friends at the Woodend Sanctuary of the Audubon Naturalist Society in Chevy Chase, Md.
No bigger name in the apostate-krishtun world of Laodicea than Brian McLaren, which makes it highly significant that he is now 'openly' espousing the acceptance of the homosexual agenda by the so-called Christian-world through the unholy espousing of his own son in a sinful homosexual-union. But of course with the advanced stages of homosexual gnostic wisdom that McLaren and the like have now achieved via their "emergent church" doctrine, they have deemed themselves fit to override the Word of God [1Cor. 6:9-10], and consequently have declared that male to male (and female to female) sexual immorality is no sin at all. In fact, rather than condemning the behavior, it is to be celebrated. This is a new revelation of godliness, they would like to convince you, and it is only now that the human species is finally understanding this. [What does the bible really teach?]

Evidently this new 'krishtun doctrine' of homosexual enlightenment is becoming epidemic. The 'Neo-Gnostics of Homosexuality' have also set up shop at the globally influential so-called 'Gospel Coalition':

'Gospel Coalition' - Piper, Chandler, Keller, Carson, Lutzer - Counsel "Folding" Homosexuals Into Churches 7-11-12 "The so-called Gospel Coalition, led by Piper, Chandler, Keller, Carson, and Lutzer has determined that homosexuals, unrepentant, unregenerate, openly defiant of God's eternal word in refusing to acknowledge their sin, should be "folded into our churches"...This 'decision' reached by the fearless leaders of Global Kristianity 2012, Piper, et. al, definitely represents a new level of encroachment by the homosexual agend-ites toward unquestioning membership in the Christendom sectors of the fast growing Babylonian world religion of today... [see post]

Believer, if you will hold fast to the Word of God, as instructed, so as not to lose your crown [Rev. 3:11], separation is the only answer. The outward professing church today is thoroughly apostate, and truly is connected at the highest levels nationally and even globally [link]. There is no way to stay involved any longer without serious compromise. To not separate "from their sin" is to accept it. The consequences of acceptance are certain - suffer her plagues. Do not make excuses, the stakes are eternal. Rev. 18:4
Isaiah 3:9 '...they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves'


'Muhammad Film Chaos' Update: Pakistani Foreign Minister Khar Reads NWO One-World-Religion Script

Follow up on: Muhammad Film Global 'Chaos': NWO Calling For Criminalizing Speech Against World Religions 9-16-12 "'Interreligious unity' is not optional for the globalist agenda. All religions must be made to harmonize for successful global oneness, and to accomplish that goal speaking against another's belief cannot be tolerated. And so, out of the blue, here you have it - 'chaos' and the new order coming out of it, as declared by the designated global leaders, very apparently all reading from the same script..." [see post]
Pakistani Foreign Minister: 'Maybe We Do Need to Rethink How Much Freedom is Okay'

(CNSNews.com) – Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar told CNN's "Situation Room" last week that if freedom of speech in the United States provokes people in the Muslim and Arab world to take actions against Americans then “maybe we do need to rethink how much freedom is okay.”

"I see that this certainly can get better," she said. "And I think what we need is more tolerance for each other's views. What we need is to be able to give mutual space for us to be able to demonstrate what is culturally, religiously important to us and not to hold each other--you know, not to judge each other for that, to give that space and to be able to create some space for ourselves.

"I think we have to be sensitive to religious sensitivities. I think it's not good enough to say it's free speech, it should be allowed. I think if this does provoke action against American citizens or Americans anywhere else in the world, then maybe we do need to rethink how much freedom is OK.

"Is freedom to the extent of harming lives also OK?" she said. "So, I think we need to find a way to manage this in a civilized manner in trying to bring all of our, you know, all of our minds together."

re: 'find a way to...bring all our minds together'

The true purpose of the 'Muhammad-film ordo ab chao' global exercise is becoming evermore undeniable, which purpose was here clearly articulated on American television by Paskitani Foreign Minister  Hina Rabbani Khar: "more tolerance for each other's views...not to judge each other...be sensitive...not enough to say it's free speech...need to rethink....bring all of our minds together".

There it is, clear as a bell, straight from the kabalist-Zionist one-world-religion building manual. Everybody submitted to the (their) global ideal,  now to take the form of forced compliance to 'interreligious' tolerance, i.e. acceptance, through restricting the freedom to cast doubt on or question another's religious beliefs. And make no mistake...the script is being read, and the implementation has begun.  

At the precise moment that this actually becomes the 'way it is' is the exact moment when a true one-world-religion is birthed. The globalist agendizers must have this 'one-world-religion' in order to make their global kingdom manageable. Even more than just that practical reality though is the deeper reality, the spiritual reality, the bible prophecy of a one-world-religion and the purpose thereof reality:

Muhammad Film Update: Full Blown Ordo Ab Chao; Religious Free Speech On The Ropes 9-18-12 "Free speech and religious division in the novus ordo seclorum of the universal brotherhood of mankind to be tolerated? Not a chance and the program to do away with both is on the front burner...Despite the differing creeds espoused by the varied religious systems of mankind the spirit is the same in all, and the 'god of this world' (Satan/Lucifer) is now forging ahead with his plan to bring them all together as one ultimately, where he will then have them all to bow at his feet in worship [Rev. 13:4,8]. follow links..connect dots

Rev. 18:4


Sunday Night Bible Study - God's 'Perfect Witness' To His Son Jesus In the First 13 Verses Of Mark Chap. 1; 1892

An excellent mini-study giving a glimpse of just one example of the perfection of God's Holy Word.
Sevenfold Witness of Mark Ch.1 1892

As is well known, the number seven in scripture always represents 'completion' or 'perfection'. Here tucked away in the first thirteen verses of the first chapter of the Gospel of Mark is found God's 'perfect witness' to His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

The author's initals are J.W.S. and is otherwise unknown, except that he was one of the 'Plymouth Brethern' - who as a group were known for using only their initials to sign their work.
There is something very striking in the first thirteen verses which form what may be called the introduction to the gospel by Mark. They contain a rapid, but remarkably concentrated, testimony to Christ Himself. There is no genealogy, no account of His birth, no visits of wise men, nor of shepherds.

The evangelist enters at once on his line of ministry. His opening words are, "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ." That gospel displacing, as it were, the law, and starting in all the freshness of its own peculiar message. But he announces this Christ as Son of God - a title in itself striking, when we get to see that Jesus is presented by this writer as Servant. It is the Servant-Son! The Son assumes the lowly "form of a servant." He preaches, teaches, heals, and labours; but He who deigns to do so is, at the same time, Son of God! Precious combination! For, it may be asked, who can serve as a son can? An alien toils for his wages, and has no personal interest in his work; but a son feels that his father's interests and his own are the same. It is a common and equal partnership. Profit and loss are borne equally. Self-interest is practically disallowed, and it may be truly said the Son "seeketh not His own glory, but the glory of Him that sent Him."

Jesus is thus presented as the Servant-Son, and thus this gospel begins [Mark 1:1].

Now, prophets had foretold the advent of the Lord, whose ways were to be made straight, and before whose face a messenger was to come. This was John the Baptist - sent before His face, according to the prophet Malachi [Mark 1:2, Malachi 3:1]; to prepare the way of the Lord, according to Isaiah [Mark 1:3, Isaiah 40:3]. First then we have the combined testimony of these two prophets, who unitedly bear witness to the fact of the Lord's coming. And their words are taken up by John Baptist, who applies them to the mightier than he, who should come after him, the latchet of whose shoe he was not worthy to stoop down and unloose. This was Jesus. "He shall baptize you," said John, "with the Holy Ghost" [Mark 1:7-8].


London 2012 Paralympics Closing Ceremony: Manifestation Of Lucifer - and 'Worship of the Beast'

Ezekiel 8:9 'Then said he unto me, Son of man, dig now in the wall: and when I had digged in the wall, behold a door. And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do here'
The London 2012 Paralympics were held August 29-September 9. The closing ceremony, as the video below reveals, turned out to be the fourth part of a very dark melodrama enacted on the world stage over about a six-week period. It started in Aurora, which signified the coming of the "sun god":

7-21-12 The first scene: Colorado Incident Symbology? - Aurora 'Goddess Of The Dawn' And the Rise Of 'The Dark Knight' "Aurora" symbolizes the dawning of a 'new day', the very "harbinger" of that 'new day' actually - the novus ordo seclorum, i.e. the 'new order of the ages', which is to be realized by her birthing of "Titan", or, the 'sun god', aka Lucifer"...

7-29-12 The second scene was the London 2012 opening ceremony:
Aurora CO And The Olympic Opening Connection: Giant Baby As The Birth Of 'Titan'; And Zion "As unlikely as it should be, the Aurora, CO incident of July 20, 2012, and the 2012 London Zion Olympics opening ceremony one week later, with the very strange appearance of a 'giant' (titan) baby, when taken together, seem to present a completed picture that goes beyond the realm of chance...Aurora, the mythical Roman goddess of the dawn, is said to be the "harbinger of Titan", and as has now been seen by all the world, the Olympic opening ceremony has turned out to be the very fulfillment of that omen - the symbolic birthing of the "Titan". Titan, of course, is one of the occult names used for Lucifer [sun god].

8-13-12 Third scene:
2012 London Zion Olympics Close On A Dark Note: The Phoenix Rises, The Star Descends, Bottomless Pit Opened "Part three, the destruction of the existing world system, the rise of the new order, and the symbolic opening of the pit to release the "spirit" of the flame [Antichrist] - who is then to rise as the "Dark Knight".

And as is now evident there was still one more scene needed to complete the Satanic ritual of the "Dark Knight Rising", the final act coming from the London Paralympics closing ceremony: (1) Aurora, the harbinger of the birth of the 'sun god', (2) the London 2012 opening the fulfillment of the Aurora 'omen' with the portrayal of the birth of the 'sun god', (3) the London 2012 closing ceremony gave the release of the Antichrist spirit from the bottomless pit to empower the 'sun god', (4) and in this very last scene from London 2012, the closing ceremony of the Paralympics, is portrayed the manifestation of the "sun god" on the earth, and the worship received - "And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? ...And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." Rev. 13:4,8:

Paralympics SunKing Rises: Rihanna (Isis), Nimrod & the NWO Religion video by nephtali1981

After seeing that hideous display of darkness, taken together, the entire four-part production is absolutely incredible. Not in a good way obviously, but astoundingly eye-opening to the reality of the total depravity of unredeemed man. "There is no fear of God before their eyes" Rom. 3:18

The message is as clear, and dark, as possible: The rulers of this world have just openly vowed allegiance to Satan, i.e. Lucifer, as you have just witnessed, and play-acted his appearing on the earth. And as to where it goes from here, if we may quote the scripture from the book of Ezekiel at the top of this post...it will surely be nothing but "wicked abominations".

The speaker sums it up nicely with his comment at the 11:20 mark..."they are coming out with all of it...everybody is uniting as one...they created false religions...now they are going to unite those false religions".

The hour is late. The 'darkest' night of man's history truly is now coming upon the earth [Matt. 24:21]. It's biblical. Be informed. Rev. 18:4

Replacement vid 4:45 min.- not an expose as the above video was this is just a cut from the moment of the "sun king" rising -- it gives the effect [see @ 3:00 min.]:

compare: Muhammad Film Global 'Chaos': Uniting World Religions 9-15-12 "...important to establishing the desired totalitarian control mechanism over the people of the planet is bringing the religions of the world into some sort of working agreement. More specifically, a manageable framework for control is what they are really after..

see also: Isis "...despite the many different names attributed to this 'feminine spirit' throughout history, the Bible identifies it simply as "the great whore" - "with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication"

(One small disclaimer: The speaker/producer [re: original video above 'Rihanna Isis Nimrod' - now nonexistent] makes a couple of references during his commentary that "the messiah is coming [soon]" (1:58; 8:35). We would just remark, along with 'the woman at the well' who said "I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ" [John 4:25; cf. John 1:41], that it is always improper to refer to the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as "messiah". The term is ambiguous and actually is a judaizing denial of the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ [1John 4:3]. The point is very important because the Jews are still looking for a "messiah", and one is coming, but he will in fact be the very "sun god" shown in the video. And they do intend to make their 'messiah' the king of the world - aka Zionism [link]. The distinction must not be lost, for life is through the name of Jesus the Christ [John 20:31])

(follow links, connect dots for the full picture)
John 8:12 'Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life'


As Evil Reigns In The End-Of-This-Age, What Should Believers Do? "Put Ye On The Lord Jesus Christ"

Romans 13:12,13-14 "The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness...[ and]...put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ

It is no small advantage to the holy life to "begin the day with God." The saints are wont to leave their hearts with him over night, that they may find them with him in the morning. Before earthly things break in upon us, and we receive impressions from abroad, it is good to season the heart with thoughts of God, and to consecrate the early and virgin operations of the mind before they are prostituted to baser objects. When the world gets the start of religion in the morning, it can hardly overtake it all the day; and so the heart is habituated to vanity all the day long. But when we begin with God, we take him along with us to all the business and comforts of the day; which, being seasoned with his love and fear, are the more sweet and savoury to us. —Thomas Case (1598-1682), in the Epistle Dedicatory to "The Morning Exercise."


Eleven Largest European Nations Release Document Laying Out Plan For United Europe With Single President

Follow up on: Bible Prophecy: EU Draws Closer To Full Economic And Political Integration, And Global Government 9-12-12 "And so the regional global-government plan to merge Europe into a single-entity political-economic Superstate progresses...Progressing even toward the final stages of the one-world government plan as never before, which is complete and final political and financial integration of the European-region of the globe." [see post]
Europe's most powerful countries call for elected EU president

In a document released on Tuesday after a meeting between 11 foreign ministers in Warsaw, the bloc, which includes all the largest European countries outside Britain, charted a vision for the "future of Europe".

As well as calling for a single, elected head of state for Europe, the bloc demanded a new defence policy, under the control of a new pan-EU foreign ministry commanded by Baroness Ashton, which "could eventually involve a European army".

In order to "prevent one single member state from being able to obstruct initiatives", a reference to British opposition to a European army, the German-led grouping demanded an end to existing national vetoes over foreign and defence policy.

The plan...has the backing of Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Holland, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg and Portugal.

The document also proposed sweeping new powers for the European Parliament and further splitting of the EU by creating a new parliamentary sub chamber for the 17 countries of the eurozone.

In another major change, the 11 countries urged that changes to European treaties should in future be adopted and implemented "by a super-qualified majority of the EU member states" instead of by unanimity, meaning treaties can no longer be blocked from entering into force by No votes in popular referendums...The document follows last week's call by Jose Manuel Barroso for the EU to become a "federation" and growing calls in Britain for a referendum on any new European treaty or constitution.

re: 'vision for the future of Europe'

The merge of Europe into a true global-regional bloc has been under construction for many years, but is now very dramatically nearing the final stages. Barroso spoke of "the vision" just last week and this week the document laying it out has been released, with the support of all the largest European nations. The individual nations of Europe will never be the same. They will be effectively dissolved, losing permanently all power to self-determine, with a single titular head (serving only the Zionist global agenda) in the form of a so-called elected president to be installed over the 27-nation EU.

Plain and simple, this is one-world government in full implementation. Multiple nations grouped into regional blocs and managed as single entities. The globalist plan calls for every nation on the earth to be placed into it's own group, exactly as the world is now seeing with Europe. Once that is accomplished - after a few more "regime changes" - the different blocs will all be formed into a single global government. The globalists call this plan Agenda 21. The Word of God says it will become the kingdom of the 666 Antichrist. You are seeing it come to pass. BTW, if you do not believe the bible you might want to rethink that. see: "ten kings...shall arise" Dan. 7:24
see also: Update On Barroso Call For United Europe - Europeans React 9-14-12 "And the people are not being asked they are being informed. First Europe, then the world. [see: CELAC]"

NDAA "Indefinite Detention" Temporarily Reinstated By Appeals Court

Follow up on: NDAA "Indefinite Detention" Struck Down, White House Says That "Infringes On Obama's Power" 9-18-12 "...the Justice Department asked the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals to put the ruling on hold, according to Law Blog" --While the attorney for the plaintiffs in the case states that he does not believe that any White House challenge will be successful...the reality is that there is very little reason to expect anything but that...Running it through the entire court system 'for show' and afterwards giving it a SCOTUS stamp-of approval sets it forever in stone. They did it with 'Obamacare'" [see post]
Appeals Judge Allows Obama Admin. to Enforce ‘Indefinite Detention’ Law

NEW YORK (TheBlaze/AP) — Less than a week after a federal judge in New York ruled against it, an appeals judge has temporarily allowed enforcement of a law that permits the indefinite detention of people believed to have supported terrorists.

Despite U.S. District Judge Katherine Forrest’s claim that the “indefinite detention” provision found in the National Defense Authorization Act for 2012 could infringe on First Amendment rights, the Obama administration immediately asked an appeals judge to suspend the ruling.

The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan order was issued late Monday by Circuit Judge Raymond J. Lohier after the government warned in court papers that the law was necessary in the nation’s battle against terrorism. Lohier said the order would remain in effect until Sept. 28, when a three-judge panel was scheduled to hear arguments on the government’s effort to block a ruling that struck down the law

Plaintiffs’ attorney Carl Mayer said it was “astounding” that Lohier’s order was issued before evidence was presented.
The next leg of what may very well be a journey to SCOTUS to remove permanently every possible avenue of opposition begins on the 28th. In the meantime...the 'disappearing act' has reappeared. fyi


Muhammad Film Update: Full Blown Ordo Ab Chao; Religious Free Speech On The Ropes

This post is an update on: Muhammad Film Global 'Chaos': NWO Calling For Criminalizing Speech Against World Religions 9-15-12 "What are the odds that the religious 'chaos' currently spreading across the globe, which according to all MSM/NWO sources comes as a result of the so-called 'anti-Muhammad film', is actually just another Bureau of Propaganda production - in this case especially designed to permanently cripple freedom of speech with regard to opposing religious beliefs? What are the odds that it is not? Answer: Slim to none...[see post]
'Muhammad film' ordo ab chao becomes full-blown global crisis:

Saudi Arabia Threatens To Block YouTube Unless Mohammed Film Taken Down
“Saudi Arabia’s Communications and Information Technology Commission has ordered host companies in the kingdom to block this movie from Internet users and has also requested Google to block all YouTube links carrying the film,” SPA reported...“If this request is not met, the commission will block YouTube altogether,” SPA said, also quoting the Saudi telecoms as urging citizens to report any links through which the film can be viewed.

Thailand: Hundreds Of Muslims Protest Mohammed Film, Threaten “Sea Of Fire” If U.S. Government Doesn’t Take Action
A protest leader, Sa-id Sulaiman Husseini, said the world could become a “sea of fire” if the American government does not stop the distribution of the film.

Egyptian Cleric Issues Death Fatwa On Cast And Crew Of Mohammed Movie
A Salafist cleric in Egypt is calling for the deaths of all those involved in the making of an anti-Muslim film that has outraged the Islamic world, SITE Intelligence Group said on Monday. In a statement, the terrorism monitoring service said Ahmad Fouad Ashoush issued his fatwa, or religious edict, against the cast and crew of “Innocence of Muslims” via jihadist internet forums over the weekend.

Hezbollah Leader Hasan Nasrallah Issues Death Fatwa On Filmmakers Behind Mohammed Film
The leader of Lebanon’s militant Islamist political party Hezbollah has issued a proclamation calling for the death of the producers and actors of the highly controversial film, “Innocence of Muslims,” which has sparked outrage, protests and violent attacks throughout the Islamic world...“I issue a fatwa and call on the Muslim youth in America and Europe to do this duty, which is to kill the director, the producer and the actors and everyone who helped and promoted the film,” Nasrallah said, the Daily Telegraph reported

Iran Writes Letter To U.N. Chief To Protest Mohammed Movie
TEHRAN: Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi wrote a letter to United Nations (UN) Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to protest against the anti-Islam film produced in California, which has sparked protests across the Muslim world, Iran’s Mehr News Agency (MNA) reported...Meanwhile, the Iranian ambassador to the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Hamid Reza Dehqani on Monday said that foreign ministers of Muslim countries will soon discuss the issue of the insult to Prophet Muhammad...Dehqani said that given the fact that the sentiments of Muslims were hurt by the insult to Prophet Muhammad, foreign ministers of member states will discuss ways to deal with the issue during their 39th meeting and also during the 67th Session of the United Nations General Assembly.

Council Of Shia Muslim Scholars In North America Demands U.S. Government Censor Mohammed Film
“The Council of Shia Muslim Scholars in North America severely condemns and strongly denounces this heinous act. Moreover, the Council cautions and demands that all those with a sense of responsibility take the following into account: 1) Officials and governmental authorities should exercise extensive efforts to prevent the propagation of causes for spreading hate which can endanger security and stability. Among such causes is this offensive and inappropriate film. This must be done in order to protect the lives and property of people from the rage of those taken by emotions and who may lose control, whether Muslims or non-Muslims.”

Egyptian Court Sentences Christian Man To Six Years In Prison For Insulting Islam
An Egyptian court on Tuesday sentenced a Christian teacher to six years in prison after convicting him of blasphemy and defamation of President Mohamed Morsy and a plaintiff lawyer, according to Egyptian news reports...Sohag’s prosecutor referred Kamel to trial in August after receiving a complaint from Mohamed Safwat Tammam, 32, accusing Kamel of posting insulting caricatures of Prophet Mohamed on his Facebook page, as well as abusing the country’s president in his comments.

Rampaging Palestinians Burn Jewish Holy Books
Three Arab youths were caught Saturday night desecrating Jewish holy books at a sacred Jewish cemetery in Jerusalem. The vandals were in the process of trying to burn several Tehillim – volumes of the Book of Psalms authored by the Biblical King David – at the ancient Mount of Olives Cemetery...The three perpetrators, Arab teens about 16 years old, are residents of the Arab neighborood adjacent to the cemetery. All were arrested; two confessed to the crime, and the third was also found to have been involved although he continued to deny it. Police told reporters they plan to expedite prosecution of the case.
Free speech and religious division in the novus ordo seclorum of the universal brotherhood of mankind to be tolerated? Not a chance and the program to do away with both is on the front burner. Calls for censorship from every quarter, Youtube and Facebook included, death fatwas being issued, the issue set for UN negotiation, and the "desecration" even spreading to other religions - "Jewish holy books" (for good effect). It's utter chaos, and the end result surely will be NWO-repressive, exactly as designed, free speech clearly being heavily victimized.

False religion? Not in the 'new order' buddy. Every belief system is valid, and don't you dare say otherwise. Except of course true Christianity because they cannot play along. But apostate christianity will fit right in, as the spirit is the same as that of every other religion, i.e. the 'spirit of this world' [Rev. 17:5]. This is true. Despite the differing creeds espoused by the varied religious systems of mankind the spirit is the same in all, and the 'god of this world' is now forging ahead with his plan to bring them all together as one ultimately, where he will then have them all to bow at his feet in worship [Rev. 13:4,8]. Forced acceptance of all religions is a starting point. This is that. Rev. 18:4
1Timothy 2:5 'For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus'

NDAA "Indefinite Detention" Struck Down, White House Says That "Infringes On Obama's Power"

Follow up on: 12-31-11 Happy New Year America - Occupy White House Obama Signs NDAA, Wipes Out The Constitution "Despite any pretended "reservations" the Occupy White House movement claims to have about the unlimited and unchecked authority that they have just granted themselves by creating and passing the NDAA - the "National Disappearing Authorization Act", it is now officially 'on the books'. Makes zero difference who says what, the deed is done. The Constitution has been superseded by military rule. And not only America, the self-granted authority extends worldwide, according to the new Occupy White House law. Anybody, anywhere, anytime, no questions asked, only an accusation, and, no formal charges, no lawyers, no trial, and, shipped off anywhere. Brave New World 2012.
White House Says It's Unconstitutional To Strike Down The NDAA

The Obama administration had some harsh words Friday after a federal judge appointed by Obama said the government doesn't have a right to indefinitely detain anyone even remotely associated with terrorist groups. Judge Katherine B. Forrest permanently blocked the government from enforcing the National Defense Authorization Act, claiming it was too vague and would have a "chilling effect" on free speech.

And now the Department of Justice is calling Forrest's ruling "unprecedented," arguing that the government has long had the authority to detain anyone it deems a threat to the county, The Wall Street Journal's Law Blog reported Friday. And on Monday, the Justice Department asked the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals to put the ruling on hold, according to Law Blog.

Forrest's ruling oversteps the court's authority and infringes on Obama's power to act as Commander in Chief, according to the government's court filings. The Justice Department requested a stay of the ruling pending appeal, which Forrest denied Friday.

Carl Mayer, an attorney for the plaintiffs in the case has hailed the decision as a "huge and historic victory for democracy," saying he believes any challenges from the Obama administration will be shot down, RT reported over the weekend.

re: "infringes on Obama's power...according to the government"

The "indefinite detention" clause being "permanently" struck down in a federal court recently was big news. Not unexpectedly the White House immediately set out to challenge the ruling requesting the ruling judge for a stay which was denied. Also not unexpectedly the government has appealed the ruling to a higher court, now requesting a "hold" of the order, offering for their argument that restricting the dictatorial authority to remove people at will from society "infringes on Obama's power".

While the attorney for the plaintiffs in the case states that he does not believe that any White House challenge will be successful in reinstating the 'disappearing clause' of the NDAA, the reality is that there is very little reason to expect anything but that. Appealing the case all the way to SCOTUS and then slam-dunking it may very well be the exact strategy being employed here by the dictator-makers of the NWO. What better way to make it impervious to objectors. Running it through the entire court system 'for show' and afterwards giving it a SCOTUS stamp-of approval sets it forever in stone. They did it with 'Obamacare'.

"Infringing the power" is NWO dictatorial language. The would-be power-brokers of the Zionist-NWO do not even want the power to determine the size of a cup of soda that can be purchased to be 'infringed' upon. How much more to have absolute control over "persons of interest".

Note: There can be no U.S. Constitution in the NWO...and this is now the NWO. Rev. 18:4
Isaiah 5:8 'Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth!'


Muhammad Film Global 'Chaos': NWO Calling For Criminalizing Speech Against World Religions

updated 9-16-12 What are the odds that the religious 'chaos' currently spreading across the globe, which according to all MSM/NWO sources comes as a result of the so-called 'anti-Muhammad film', is actually just another Bureau of Propaganda production - in this case especially designed to permanently cripple freedom of speech with regard to opposing religious beliefs? What are the odds that it is not? Answer: Slim to none. 'Interreligious unity' is not optional for the globalist agenda. All religions must be made to harmonize for successful global oneness, and to accomplish that goal speaking against another's belief cannot be tolerated. And so, out of the blue, here you have it - 'chaos' and the new order coming out of it, as declared by the designated global leaders, very apparently all reading from the same script:
USA: Obama: Americans ‘reject denigration of any religion — including Islam’
"President Obama paid tribute to the four Americans slain this week in Libya and again tried to tamp down anti-American anger around the globe in his weekly radio address on Saturday...“I have made it clear that the United States has a profound respect for people of all faiths. We stand for religious freedom. And we reject the denigration of any religion — including Islam,” the president said in the prerecorded remarks."Saudi Arabia:
Grand Mufti urges criminalizing abusing prophets arabnews.com"The Kingdom’s Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh called on the international community to criminalize acts of abusing great prophets and messengers such as Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them all), according to a statement issued today. The statement was issued in response film in the United States denigrating Islam and ridiculing the Prophet (pbuh)."

Al-Azhar sheikh demands new international law criminalizing defamation of religion egyptindependent.com"Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar Ahmed al-Tayyeb has demanded a UN resolution criminalizing blasphemy against Islam and other world religions, as well as demanding that those he described as “misled” be punished for committing “these heinous acts of abuse to the Prophet.”...In a statement released Saturday, Tayyeb called on UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to criminalize the defamation of religion, saying that such actions and words threaten world peace and international security."

Qatar-based "International Union of Muslim Scholars": Top Sunni Cleric Yusuf Al-Qardawi Demands Pope Benedict Apologize For 2006 Comments On Islam
nowlebanon.com"An Islamic group [Qatar-based International Union of Muslim Scholars] headed by influential cleric Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi on Friday demanded Pope Benedict XVI apologize to Muslims over inflammatory remarks he made in 2006...The union "demands the pope of the Vatican apologize to Muslims over what he said during his speech in Germany...just as he had apologized to Jews," said the statement issued late on Thursday...In 2006, Benedict offended Muslims by appearing to link Islam with violence in a speech at his former university in Regensburg, southern Germany."
update 9-16-12; more chime in (from America): Radio Talk Show Host Bill Press: Anti-Islam Filmmakers 'As Guilty as the Terrorists' Who Killed Americans in Libya"This is a group of extremist, Muslim-hating, so-called Christians in southern California who are using their religion to stir up hatred against Islam... I think we also ought to be identifying the people who made this video and go after them with the full force of the law"

American Imam Condemns Video Makers
As anger flared across the Muslim world Friday over an anti-Islam video from the U.S., the religious leader of Michigan's largest mosque...urged the U.S. to do more to stop the people behind the video and those who are promoting it."Somehow, they should be stopped," said Imam Hassan Al-Qazwini of the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn. "The U.S. response should be much more stronger than verbal condemnation."

Islamic Group "CAIR" Calls for ‘Condemnation of Extremists’--In U.S. and Overseas[Washington-based] The Council on American-Islamic Relations [CAIR] on Wednesday called...for the “condemnation of extremists” who produced and promoted an “intentionally inflammatory film.”
Where this is going; see: Antichrist 'School Of Theology' Opened By CA University; First Ever 11-6-11
"Claremont Lincoln University, a graduate school in California, is the first in the United States to bring together Christians, Jews and Muslims in the same classrooms to educate the future leaders of churches, synagogues and mosques" - Great strides are now being made by the Zionist NWO would-be masters towards globalizing the world's economy, and this is tremendously significant, but equally important to establishing the desired totalitarian control mechanism over the people of the planet is bringing the religions of the world into some sort of working agreement.
More specifically, a manageable framework for control is what they are really after...Religion, and conflicting doctrines of who God is, are things that must divide, and of course counterproductive to this overall goal, hence, what we see [happening here]....

Some have already gone so far as to term the 'interreligious seminary', where all beliefs are equally valid, as the "new model" which all will in time follow...[see post]

Compare also: Job Opening: 'false prophet' 2-9-08 "...there can be no speaking against any other's belief, or attempting to convert another to your beliefs... - the 'false prophet' (Rev. 13:11; 16:13; 19:20). Tolerance and acceptance of all belief systems as equally valid will be the hallmark of his program, designed to create global unity. This system of blended religions will be politically compatible and allowed for a period of time, an adjustment period if you will, but at a later point (Rev. 17:16) the job of the 'false prophet' will be to re-direct the different "faith traditions" to the worship of the Antichrist himself..."
Global religion coming together with global government is bible prophecy - straight out of the Book of Revelation. These are the two primary signs to look for to know that the 'day of the LORD' is drawing nigh (Isaiah 2:12 [1st mention]). Not to know the day or the hour of course, but to know the season, yes (Luke 21:28). And knowing the season to then walk in a heightened sense of expectancy, looking for the blessed hope of the return of the Bridegroom the Lord Jesus Christ for his bride - which must precede the final fulfillment of all other prophecy (Rev. 4:1). If you do not believe there is still time to believe - by faith. (Heb. 11:5).


Update On Barroso Call For United Europe - Europeans React

Update on: Bible Prophecy: EU Draws Closer To Full Economic And Political Integration, And Global Government 9-12-12 "And so the regional global-government plan to merge Europe into a single-entity political-economic Superstate progresses. The European economic chaos has done and continues to do it's destructive work, 'magically' creating international pressure to "fix the region's bank problems" ..."Let's not be afraid", says European Commission President José Manuel Barroso, to "establish a 'contract of confidence' between member countries, EU institutions, social partners, and the Union's citizens."" [see post, video]

CHIEF Eurocrat Jose Barroso ignited fury yesterday by calling for the EU to become a “federation of nation states” run from Brussels.In his most ambitious rallying cry yet for political and economic unity, the European Commission President said “shared sovereignty” was the only solution to the debt crisis in the eurozone.

Mr Barroso also demanded “absolute loyalty” from member states. “Let’s not be afraid of the words: We will need to move towards a federation of nation states,” he said.

Mr Barroso promised a new treaty to effectively establish an elected Europe-wide government and denounced opponents of his dream aspopulists and nationalists”. Mr Barroso also called for a “debate” over the future of the EU and promised an overhaul of its founding treaties to make his dream possible.

He told Euro MPs: “We are in a defining moment. This moment requires decisions and leadership. In Europe, this means accepting we are all in the same boat. It means recognising the commonality of our interests. And it means demanding a true sense of common responsibility

Tory Euro MP Daniel Hannan said: “Mr Barroso has got no idea how far removed he is from public opinion and economic fact. I am alarmed he still seems to think a federal Europe is the answer to Europe’s problems and anyone opposed to it is a populist or an extreme nationalist. “On his definition, three quarters of the people of Europe are populists and extreme nationalists.”

UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage issued a furious response to Mr Barroso in the parliament, telling him: “This creeping euro dictatorship will repulse millions of British people.”
re: "the only solution....dictatorship"

Certainly in destroying the sovereignty of individual nations and robbing people of their national identities the kabalist globalists would expect to get some backlash. And just as certain is the reality that they do not intend to be deterred by it. It is all part of the paradigm-shifting strategy. When the uproar begins, so does the labeling of those making the noise, as seen. Suddenly the words "nationalists and populists", in this new-paradigm, are now being assigned a negative connotation. Bad bad nationalists. The new acceptable term then must be 'globalist'. Nationalists bad, globalists good. This concept must be accepted, say the globlists, using classic globalspeak for an explanation - because of the "commonality of our interests", etc..

This 'common interest' is primarily the so-called eurozone 'debt crisis', of course, which is threatening the future survival of all Europeans, of course, and the only solution, of course, is to merge all of Europe into their "creeping Euro dictatorship". We have no other choice, say they.

Of course when it is clearly understood that the so called Eurozone economic 'chaos' has been absolutely orchestrated from the beginning to accomplish this very thing, it is ridiculously simple to see it for the massive sham that it is. Ordo ab chao. Create chaos, come in with the "only solution" - the preplanned solution which just so happens to be essentially dictatorship, regardless of any spin put on it. And the people are not being asked they are being informed. First Europe, then the world. [see: CELAC]

As for bible prophecy believers, the relative few, you are seeing the biblically foretold global-kingdom of Antichrist beginning to take shape, and how the builders are accomplishing the goal. It is by fraud and deception. Christian dominionists and world-changing preterists you are being hoodwinked. The 'kingdom of God' you are striving to bring upon the earth will belong to the 'god of this world' - Lucifer. Wake up before it is too late! Rev. 18:4
Habakuk 2:12 'Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood, and stablisheth a city by iniquity!'


Bible Prophecy: EU Draws Closer To Full Economic And Political Integration, And Global Government

Follow up on: EU Lays Out "Detailed Proposal" For Economic Merge; And Bible Prophecy 6-5-12 "And so the regional global-government plan to merge Europe into a single-entity political-economic Superstate progresses. The European economic chaos has done and continues to do it's destructive work, 'magically' creating international pressure to "fix the region's bank problems". This will require a "surrendering" of the "cherished national prerogative", i.e. each individual nation giving up sovereignty over their own economy to that of a "central authority"...Nations being dissolved and merged into regional blocs is Bible prophecy being fulfilled. The Book of Daniel predicts exactly what is happening globally today - the dividing of the governments of the world into regions or 'unions'...[and then] "ten kings...shall arise" " [see post]
[9-12-12] Merging Europe financially:

Brussels unveils new banking plan

The EU Commission has unveiled sweeping plans for the European Central Bank to supervise all of the eurozone’s banking system. The reforms, which still need approval from member states, would give the ECB responsibility for the bloc’s 6,000 or so financial institutions.

In Strasbourg, the EU’s financial services chief Michel Barnier said he hoped the new system would be up and running soon. ‘‘When? After the text is approved we hope things will be in place before the end of the year and that the European Central Bank will have the power to directly supervise any banks that it believes are at risk,’‘ Barnier said.

The move is seen as a key step to creating a banking union in Europe, often regarded as one of the cornerstones for full fiscal integration.

[9-12-12] And politically:

EU Barroso calls for 'federation of nation states'

European Commission President José Manuel Barroso delivered today (12 September) his State of the Union speech, passionately pleading for launching a wide-ranging public debate for a major transformation of the European Union into a "federation of nation states".

Barroso stressed that in order to survive, the Union should evolve and agree on “a decisive deal for Europe” that would establish a “contract of confidence” between member countries, EU institutions, social partners, and the Union’s citizens. “Let’s not be afraid of the words: we will need to move towards a federation of nation states. This is what we need. This is our political horizon,” he said.

re: "full fiscal integration....major transformation...into a federation"

To quote from the 'follow up' link above..."And so the regional global-government plan to merge Europe into a single-entity political-economic Superstate progresses". And as seen with these two announcements, coming on the same day interestingly enough, progressing in a big way. Progressing even toward the final stages of the one-world government plan as never before, which is complete and final political and financial integration of the European-region of the globe.

"Let's not be afraid", says European Commission President José Manuel Barroso, to "establish a 'contract of confidence' between member countries, EU institutions, social partners, and the Union's citizens". That statement is easily translated. The language is straight out of the handbook for the Agenda 21 global-management plan. Wire every aspect of society into top-down controlled networks - from national governments down to the individual, in every sphere, social, financial, political, all answering to the same central authority. That central authority will ultimately be the biblically foretold kingdom of the beast - the Zionist Antichrist. Believe it or not.

And do not be afraid, say they, everything will be just fine. In fact, while we're at it we'll just put this little '666 mark' on you...

First Europe, then the world. Rev. 18:4
see also: Free Speech Takes Huge Hit In The EU: Brussels Outlaws"Insults" "What sprouts in Brussels will spread over the whole earth. Be not unaware"
Dan. 7:23-24 'The fourth beast shall...shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces [and then] ten kings...shall arise'


Facebook Takes Big Brother To New Level Again - Sends 'Mental Health Warning' To Website Editor

Facebook issues 'mental health' warning to CLG editor over posts

'You're receiving this message because a friend is concerned about something you posted on Facebook.' By Lori Price, http://www.legitgov.org/ 11 Sep 2012 On Monday, I received a 'substance abuse' warning email from Facebook. The CLG [Citizens for Legitimate Government] Facebook page has over 4,200 'likes' and frequently includes '9/11 inside job' commentary.

Update: On September 11, Facebook would *not allow me access* until I checked a box on a pop-up to acknowledge their 'substance abuse warning,' purportedly issued due to the 'nature' of my posts. The message was identical to the email I received from Facebook below, with this additional wording: 'I have read the message above,' and a box which had to be checked in order to access my account.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 8:36 AM
Subject: Facebook Warning


You're receiving this message because a friend is concerned about something you posted on Facebook. Facebook is working with the the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to provide resources and support for those who may be struggling with substance abuse...You can contact the SAMHSA's National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or 1-800-487-4889 (TDD), where help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The Helpline provides free and confidential information and treatment referrals, in English and Spanish....[read full post at link]

Compare: Forced Psychological Evaluations For Marine's 9/11 Facebook Posts A Psy-op? 8-22-12 "...that Big Brother is sending a message with this 'case' is clear. That message is that the NWO is now taking their dissent-squashing program to the next level - the fear factor"

So then, the precedents have been set: As it now stands, posting something 'objectionable' to Big Brother on Facebook not only may now bring "mental health" warnings...but as recently demonstrated could even lead to forced psychological evaluations.

That an absolute crackdown on dissent must occur before the would-be global overlords could hope to fully achieve their totalitarian global aspirations is simple deduction. It is then no surprise to see it developing - how could it be otherwise? Obviously this includes reigning in the internet, and judging from these Facebook 'precedents', the full status of 'crackdown' has been officially reached.

The Gospel of John chapter 9 verse 4 reads (in part): "the night cometh, when no man can work"

September 2012 - it is now the twilight's last gleaming. Be aware.

see also: Talk About Big Brother - Google, eBay, Facebook, Amazon To Be "Unified Voice"; And 'Flo' 7-31-12 "...Google, Amazon, eBay, and Facebook banding together and forming a new animal called "The Internet Association"..."
Psalms 112:4 'Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness'