Europe's most powerful countries call for elected EU president
In a document released on Tuesday after a meeting between 11 foreign ministers in Warsaw, the bloc, which includes all the largest European countries outside Britain, charted a vision for the "future of Europe".
As well as calling for a single, elected head of state for Europe, the bloc demanded a new defence policy, under the control of a new pan-EU foreign ministry commanded by Baroness Ashton, which "could eventually involve a European army".
In order to "prevent one single member state from being able to obstruct initiatives", a reference to British opposition to a European army, the German-led grouping demanded an end to existing national vetoes over foreign and defence policy.
The plan...has the backing of Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Holland, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg and Portugal.
The document also proposed sweeping new powers for the European Parliament and further splitting of the EU by creating a new parliamentary sub chamber for the 17 countries of the eurozone.
In another major change, the 11 countries urged that changes to European treaties should in future be adopted and implemented "by a super-qualified majority of the EU member states" instead of by unanimity, meaning treaties can no longer be blocked from entering into force by No votes in popular referendums...The document follows last week's call by Jose Manuel Barroso for the EU to become a "federation" and growing calls in Britain for a referendum on any new European treaty or constitution.
re: 'vision for the future of Europe'
The merge of Europe into a true global-regional bloc has been under construction for many years, but is now very dramatically nearing the final stages. Barroso spoke of "the vision" just last week and this week the document laying it out has been released, with the support of all the largest European nations. The individual nations of Europe will never be the same. They will be effectively dissolved, losing permanently all power to self-determine, with a single titular head (serving only the Zionist global agenda) in the form of a so-called elected president to be installed over the 27-nation EU.
Plain and simple, this is one-world government in full implementation. Multiple nations grouped into regional blocs and managed as single entities. The globalist plan calls for every nation on the earth to be placed into it's own group, exactly as the world is now seeing with Europe. Once that is accomplished - after a few more "regime changes" - the different blocs will all be formed into a single global government. The globalists call this plan Agenda 21. The Word of God says it will become the kingdom of the 666 Antichrist. You are seeing it come to pass. BTW, if you do not believe the bible you might want to rethink that. see: "ten kings...shall arise" Dan. 7:24
see also: Update On Barroso Call For United Europe - Europeans React 9-14-12 "And the people are not being asked they are being informed. First Europe, then the world. [see: CELAC]"
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