New Regional Group CELAC Born Amid Consensus venezuela-us.org
During the inaugural summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (known by its Spanish initials, CELAC), held December 2-3 in Venezuela, the 33 member states of the new group unanimously approved two founding documents: the Caracas Declaration and Caracas Plan of Action.
Another of the points of consensus in the more than 20 speeches made during the two days of deliberations was the idea that CELAC should have great importance in the future. Leaders noted that 200 years had passed since Latin America began its struggles for independence, and that the time has now come for countries to unite.
Just last month Calderon of Mexico was suddenly called away from this meeting in Hawaii: Harper, Calderon, Obama To Meet For 'Canamerexico' Summit During APEC Week In Hawaii 10-30-11 "The White House said Friday the North American summit would build on co-operation between the three countries with a focus on competitiveness, the economy, security, energy and climate change."
...because a high official in his administration reportedly had been killed in a "helicopter crash". He did not attend. Now, suddenly, it appears that Mexico is no longer to be a part of the 'North American region', but is being grouped with what apparently is now the former Central American 'Region' 12-10-08; the former South American Union 10-17-08; and the former Caribbean Economic Union 2009; all three together now being formed or perhaps more accurately stated 'melted together', into what looks at this point to be the "Superstate" model...exactly like what the 27-nation EU is being financially-collapsed and 'melted' into.
This new regional grouping is to be known as "The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States" or CELAC:
Argentina; Bolivia; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Cuba; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; El Salvador; Guatemala; Honduras; Mexico; Nicaragua; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Uruguay; Venezuela; Antigua and Barbuda; Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Dominica; Grenada; Guyana; Jamaica; Saint Lucia; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Trinidad and Tobago; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Brazil; Haiti; Suriname
33 nations in total. Very interesting as that just so happens to be the favorite kabalist-zionist illuminati number. Note from the 'update' at top that this has actually been in the works for a while. At any rate merging 33 nations into a single system is a huge development in the formation of the biblically foretold one world government which, acording to the Bible, gives rise to the biblical Antichrist. Believe it or not. As described in the Bible, and exactly what is being done globally today, in forming this one-world system the nations of the world will first effectively be dissolved, and then divided and grouped into regional-subsystems of the whole. This is that - we are there. How many regions none can say* which makes this development even more interesting as what was three is now one, including Mexico which was always expected to be grouped with Canada and America. Keep watching, this is world changing, literally.
*For the bible prophecy see: Ten kings...shall arise" Dan. 7:24 "The world is now being rapidly transitioned into a regionalized world government much like what is described in the seventh chapter of Daniel. The number of the broken 'pieces', or regions, is not specified by Daniel's prophecy so it cannot be stated with any certainty by anyone. It may be ten, or it may not be ten. We are told exactly how many rulers or 'kings' will initially rise to claim authority over the 'pieces' though, however many it turns out to be. Ten kings shall rise to power over the reorganized earth"
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