Canada-U.S. border deal creates North American perimeter montrealgazette.com
Among the highlights of the new "Beyond the Border'' plan:
* There will be enhanced tracking of travellers in both countries, and both nations will try to identify threatening people who seek to ``enter the perimeter'' of both countries so they can be stopped.
* An entry-exit system will be established in which both countries share information on when their citizens have crossed the border.
* Each country will obtain more information, including biometric data, from people in foreign nations seeking to come to the U.S. and Canada.
* Each country will share more information about criminals in their countries who might be seeking to cross the border.
* Police forces and security departments will work more closely to identify "radicalized'' people who might become violent.
* Security officials, including armed police officers, will work as teams on either side of the border - with Canadian and American policemen venturing together into the territory of each nation.
* There will be joint screening of cargo coming from foreign countries to Canada and the U.S., so that it is screened just once for both nations.
* Some companies in either Canada or the U.S. that ship goods across the border will be given ``trusted'' status so that the shipment is pre-screened at the factory instead of the border.
* There will be more opportunities for Canadian travellers to obtain NEXUS cards to get faster clearance at border crossings, and governments will commit more funds to open up more lanes for quick clearance at air and land crossings.
Also Wednesday, the two leaders announced a separate action plan to create harmonized approaches to regulatory approval of products.
The two countries have identified 29 initiatives where Canada and the U.S. will "align'' their regulatory approaches in areas such as agriculture and food, transportation, health and personal care products, chemical management, and the environment.
While the border deal has generated heavy media and public interest in Canada ahead of Wednesday's announcement, there has been little notice given to the talks in the U.S. media.
Both governments, in their action plan, pledge to protect privacy and maintain national sovereignty.
see also: CELAC Is Born: NWO Merges 33 Latin American, Caribbean Nations 12-7-11 "...suddenly, it appears that Mexico is no longer to be a part of the 'North American region, but is being grouped with [CELAC]'" [see post]
Enhanced tracking of travellers in both countries, cross-border police teaming, aligning of regulatory in "agriculture, food, health and personal care, chemical management and environment", and the very Orwellian sounding declaration to "work more closely to identify "radicalized" people who MIGHT become violent" - regardless of whatever spin is put on this it very simply is regional-global management and police state Big Brotherism.
It should be noted that while both countries have sworn to "maintain national sovereignty", this will only be a facade. The harmonization i.e. integration of the two countries is not according to any sovereign goals of the two countries, but according to the globalist agenda. All the nations on earth are now being 'harmonized' and 'regionalized' in the exact same way, according to the same agenda. Once that is done, all the new regions will then be harmonized into what is to be the final global dictatorship. Can you see it?
America and Canada are officially regionalized. It's done and over. For people who still believe that the upcoming elections could make a difference if Obama were to be 'voted' out, the reality is that no politician at any level will change anything. The fact is that they will only facilitate the global agenda at whatever level that they function. In other words, it makes absolutely zero difference who the president is, or for Canadians, who the Prime Minister is. Zero. That is the reality of the novus ordo seclorum ZionistAgenda21 world today. Maranatha. Rev. 18:4
2-22-12 update
Luke 21:28 'And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh'
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