It is vitally important to know who is defining the terms, and what is meant when certain words are used. Case in point is the word "spiritual", which is now to be defined as something that is inherently all inclusive, which is of course necessary for a 'global-people'. Many paths to enlightenment is what is meant when the word "spiritual" or "spirituality" is used. Here, the internationally recognized spiritual teacher, Dr. Deepak Chopra, elucidates this point in a recent interview: Chopra
"Dr. Deepak Chopra, the internationally recognized spiritual teacher, has added a whole lot of hyphens to his resume......
Q. Your last book was about Buddha and your next is about Jesus. Yet you subscribe to neither Buddhism or Christianity? A. Because I think neither Buddha was a Buddhist, nor was Christ Jesus a Christian. I think theology and dogma and ideology are institutions that build up after somebody's authentic experience, but not having your own. In my books I try to explain what was the experience that Buddha had and how can we have it ourselves. And what is the experience Christ had, and can we have it ourselves? Otherwise, we're just buying into somebody's experience. That's why spirituality is the biggest threat to religion.
Be alerted. This new "spirituality" is being introduced into every arena (sphere) of society...yes, even Christianity (see: here). Yes, religious is out, spiritual is in!
Problem is that Christianity is not inclusive. Christianity is exclusive. By way of the cross only. The way is narrow. Are you in, or out?
see also: new denomination----------------------------------------------
"Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." (Matt. 7:14)