What: Breakforth Canada 2008: breakforth
When: 1/25-27/08 (this weekend)
Some of the big-names scheduled are:
Kay Arthur fans, the news is not good. If you go to the website (link above) you will see the brochure, and on the left hand side of it you can see that they are openly promoting the 'emerging church'. This is no surprise seeing that emerging leader Erwin McManus is among the speakers. Here it is people, the developing "new denomination" that Jim Wallis (below post) is speaking of: here
It's necessary to know who is saying what these days, and if you follow any of the teachers participating in this or any other conference you need to know who they are working "hand in hand" with. Some of the teachers are openly promulgating heresies, and the rest do not seem at all concerned e.g see: McManus .
:^//// i just heard today that the women at NSCF are doing another class by Kay Arthur called "Lord, Heal My Hurts". wonder if that's true or if they are doing another Beth Moore class.
There are many areas of concern with this particular conference. Lee Strobel is R. Warren/purpose- driven affiliated, for one. Many others who are part of the emerging movement are involved also. As for Beth Moore, she has many "hand in hand" affiliation problems too. Even if any of these have correct doctrine (which is another subject itself), they are still "partakers of her sins" by participating/sanctioning. These are difficult things, but must be faced just the same.
The LORD is faithful!
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