[excerpted] Google is undertaking a new effort to better identify content that is potentially upsetting or offensive to searchers. It hopes this will prevent such content from crowding out factual, accurate and trustworthy information in the top search results.
The effort revolves around Google’s quality raters, over 10,000 contractors that Google uses worldwide to evaluate search results. Quality raters use a set of guidelines that are nearly 200 pages long, instructing them on how to assess website quality and whether the results they review meet the needs of those who might search for particular queries.
Those guidelines have been updated with an entirely new section about “Upsetting-Offensive” content that covers a new flag that’s been added for raters to use. Until now, pages could not be flagged by raters with this designation.
Content that promotes hate or violence against a group of people based on criteria including (but not limited to) race or ethnicity, religion, gender, nationality or citizenship, disability, age, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
...being flagged as “Upsetting-Offensive” by a quality rater does not actually mean that a page or site will be identified this way in Google’s actual search engine. Instead, it’s data that Google uses so that its search algorithms can automatically spot pages generally that should be flagged. If the algorithms themselves actually flag content, then that content is less likely to appear for searches.
Being flagged as Upsetting-Offensive does not mean such content won’t appear at all in Google. In cases where Google determines there’s an explicit desire to reach such content, it will still be delivered.
The guidelines address this. It acknowledges that people may search for possibly upsetting or offensive topics.
When the user’s query seems to either ask for or tolerate potentially upsetting, offensive, or sensitive content, we will call the query a “Upsetting-Offensive tolerant query”.
...informational results about Upsetting-Offensive topics must (from guide):
Be found on highly trustworthy, factually accurate, and credible sources, unless the query clearly indicates the user is seeking an alternative viewpoint.
Address the specific topic of the query so that users can understand why it is upsetting or offensive and what the sensitivities involved are. [read full @ link recommended]
re: 'Google determines'
10,000 raters scouring the internet and flagging "offensive' content", and actual search query's being analyzed for a person's perceived reason for searching for that particular content - upon which 'Google will determine' for them what is "trustworthy, factually accurate, and [from a] credible source"...and note especially, from last quoted paragraph above - in such a case the search result must explain why the topic is "upsetting or offensive" for it to make the results page.
Slice it any which way, Big Brother censorship on the WWW has officially begun large scale. Algorithms, raters, however the workings of it are 'explained', very clearly, views, opinions, beliefs, etc. that do not line up with the Zio-kingdom-come new-world [link] narrative, are all to now be buried.
MSM and censored internet? That's bleak. Be informed now.
Rev. 18:4
see also: Jewish ADL Announces 'Cyberhate' Command Center In Silicon Valley CA - Noahide Or Bust 3-16-17
Deut. 32:35 '...their foot shall slide in due time'
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