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Mark 16:2 'And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun'
[borrowed from 'comments'] Note on raging ordo-ab-chao flat-earth 'debate'-psyop:
Spinning, rotating around the sun globe or stationary flat earth. Which does the bible teach? Answer: neither actually.
Spinning globe rotating around the sun is called 'heliocentricity'. This is not found in scripture. What is found in Scripture is a fixed non-spinning earth, with the sun orbiting around it [cf. Psalms 104:2]. This is called geocentricity.
This is an involved subject of course, and relatively few are probably even aware of the issue, but for the record, the bible very definitely teaches "geocentricity" i.e. the sun does the moving, the earth is fixed. For just one example the verse at the end of the above video Ps. 113:3 'From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD’s name is to be praised'
Heliocentricity: sun in center, earth moving around sun
Geocentricity: earth in the center, sun moving around earth
The basic issue of it is that the bible teaches that the Earth is not some random inconsequential speck in a vast universe, but is in fact the very center of the creation of God (Job 26:7), as the Earth is where all God's purposes in Christ Jesus would be accomplished.
Heliocentricity, which does oppose scripture, robs this understanding, and makes man and the earth out as some sort of random creatures on a random planet insignificant really in the big universe. Not hard to figure out where that would come from. Eph. 6:12
Note: every observable fact of modern astronomy used to 'prove' heliocentricity holds perfectly true with geocentricity also (and some that actually disprove heliocentricity - for one example the claim that the earth is spinning on it's axis equates to a speed of 1000 mph (at equator). There is no observable proof for this. Absolutely no motion whatsoever can be detected).
And 'Flat Earth' is nowhere in the picture [see video], regardless of the massive FE psyop to create worldwide i.e. 'global' chaos-confusion.
Any interested to study up on these things search geocentricity [one resource: 'Geocentricity Primer' [pdf]
Rev. 18:4
3-22-17 follow up: Flat-Earth Psyop Going Mainstream: Ex-NBA Shaq Latest Celebrity To 'Believe' FE - And Jimmy Kimmel; Pet Humans
Amen! This nonsense has been dividing professing Christians as though it were doctrine. It's shameful how gullible so many are these days. Just stick with the Bible - that is where you will find TRUTH. To God be ALL the glory!
It does to go around! (If you are standing in Antarctica) :)
There has been a concerted effort to tie people who (legitimately) question NASA to the flat earther nonsense. The logic goes- since all flat earthers say NASA is a sham organization full of liars, then if I question NASA's claims of landing on the moon or Mars or the ISS, I must be an idiot flat earther. They do the same thing with traitor Alex Jones.
In response to JC comment above - :) noted
re: "sun goes around"
apparently so - for four months of the year the sun goes around due to the unique geographic location of Antarctica at the South pole
disclaimer though on video's 'preacher' S. Anderson: as to biblical doctrine - many issues; also while the subject was not mentioned in above post, SA is teaching 'heliocentricity', not geocentricity.
Heliocentricity: sun in center, earth moving around sun
Geocentricity: earth in the center, sun moving around earth
This is an involved subject of course, and relatively few are probably even aware of the issue, but for the record, the bible very definitely teaches "geocentricity" i.e. the sun does the moving, the earth is fixed. For just one example the verse at the end of the video in the above post Ps. 113:3 'From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD’s name is to be praised'
The basic issue of it is that the bible teaches that the Earth is not some random inconsequential speck in a vast universe, but is in fact the very center of the creation of God, as the Earth is where all God's purposes in Christ Jesus would be accomplished.
Heliocentricity, which does oppose scripture, robs this understanding, and makes man and the earth out as some sort of random creatures on a random planet insignificant really in the big universe. Not hard to figure out where that would come from. Eph. 6:12
Note: every observable fact of modern astronomy used to 'prove' heliocentricity holds perfectly true with geocentricity also (and some that actually disprove heliocentricity [and 'flat earth' is not even in the ballpark]).
Any interested to study up on these things search geocentricity
I love your website, and often go to it to find out what the satanic elite (satan's puppet masters) are doing. I will have to agree to disagree on your view regarding the earth. I believe in flat earth and believe it is biblical. Your lame video on flat earth hoax proves nothing..just that you agree itisa hoax. I'm surprised you put out such limited info regarding your belief's..the model you profess, is very complicated, I don't know how a child could possibly understand it...Bible explains flat earth very simply in the account of God's creation so a child could understand.
in response to 'jews' above:
no agreement to disagree here - flat earth is absolutely impossible, and a huge deception
which is why when the sun supposedly '3000 miles up and circling the flat earth' actually goes down over the horizon (exactly what it does do - and exactly what the bible says it does) - this can only be explained by Flat-Earth Psyop-ers with ridiculous convoluted nonsensical illogical explanations - all of which can do nothing more than to make 'the setting sun' (or rising sun) out to be an optical illusion.
The setting/rising sun alone destroys flat earth. As there is no getting past this, there really is no reason to even waste time debating the rest of it (which can be done but a :35 second lame video is enough to disprove FE - which is the point of it). Flat earth does not work - cannot work - that is the reality.
FE is the illusion and those who are pushing it are the 'illusionists' [kabalists].
Do not be robbed of your common sense and ability to use critical thinking
- which by the way is the exact purpose for the FE dome terrarium with military guarded ice walls at the edges and 3000 mile high sun which is like a flashlight pointing down in only one area at a time which never goes down (but looks like it does) and moon that has it's own light and magically somehow still goes through the monthly phases with nothing to block it...and so much psyop.
The Word of God teaches nothing of this - which never stopped the illusionists with their distortions of it to try and make it say anything that fits any of their agendas (e.g. JW, Mormon, Catholic - all distorted scripturally) nothing new here - Rom. 16:18
FE is becoming a cult. Do not be a victim - Proverbs 19:27
So his conclusions stated that
"The end of the matter is this: the earth is not moving; it has a place of its own."
This alone should raise more questions.
Thus it does not claim the scientific claim that earth is spinning (moving) but rather takes on a geocentric approach. But neither is there given support for it being a (globe), so how is there strong evidence for a globe (spherical, oblate) shaped earth or pear shaped? Only that it is established and firm. The fact that gravity is only a theory it does not support orbitting of the earth. Most things can be explained with mass, density and velocity.
Isaiah knew the difference between a ball and a circle.
The truth shall set you free.
Glory to the Living God and Yeshua the son of God.
Anon (directly above)
re: But neither is there given support for it strong evidence for a globe (spherical, oblate) shaped earth or pear shaped
Very simple. All observable phenomena i.e. moon phases, sun rising/setting is applicable to the sphere model only. Has there ever been a 'pear shaped' moon phase? For instance has there ever been seen a crescent-moon with a pear-shaped outline? No. Always perfectly evenly curved. Eclipses, etc. - all the observable phenomena - none of these are possible on FE - but a sphere is deduced from them.
FE is absolutely impossible. It is a kabalist lie.
re: truth shall set you free
This is only a partial verse. John 8:31-32 Christ Jesus speaks of continuing in "my word" showing oneself a true disciple as the only way to know the truth - and that they that do are the only ones who shall be made free. Is it possible for a continuing true disciple to not even know the name of the Lord Jesus Christ?
re: Glory to the Living God and Yeshua the son of God
'Yeshua' is not the name of the Lord Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God. It is in fact a slur. That name is derived from the Talmud, describing a 'bastard' and a sorcerer who is burning in hell in hot excrement.
Any who use the name of 'Yeshua" or any of it's many many derivatives - here is the truth - thy speech bewrayeth thee.
You are either judaized, or are a judaizer. Talmudist Jews the modern day pharisees hate hate hate the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jude 4: For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ
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