The devastating earthquake that tore through Christchurch on Tuesday is the product of a new fault line in the Earth’s crust that seismologists were previously unaware of.
Official NWO explanation for the devastating Christchurch quakes: Oh imagine it turns out there actually is a fault line causing these unexplainable NZ quakes and it just happens to run RIGHT under Christchurch...funny how we never knew anything about it before...and with it laying there for 10,000 years or so like that and now suddenly springing "back into life". Oh, and did we tell you about how it might even go away again all by itself too...
Is that even in the slightest degree believable? or could there be more to the story. Follow the Christchurch timeline:
9-3-10 Christchurch (New Zealand) Devastated By Massive Earthquake: 'As Above, So below'? "...was this event then an 'enactment' - a Cabalist/Antichrist proclamation of victory in their 2000 year-long effort to destroy "Christ's church" on earth?"
9-6-10 NZ Quake Anomaly-Update: 'Fault' Is Unknown; Earth Ripped Apart 11 Feet "Very strange also, the anomaly of the quake having hit where there was no existing fault, bypassing an existing and relatively nearby active fault...But, that existing and active fault was not located in Christchurch now either..."
10-14-10 New Zealand Quake Update: After 'Chaos', 'New Order' Dictatorship Being Tested "New Zealand government uses earthquake to enact sweeping new powers"..."The government has already announced that it is considering introducing a permanent version of the Act that could be applied in the event of any future emergency."
12-26-10 'Christmas day' Christchurch Quake: "Buildings Exploding "...another is quoted as saying "this one [4.9] was a lot more violent" than the much larger 7.4 quake of almost four months ago."
see also: Manmade Earthquakes? 'Maybe We Are' Says UCLA Researcher 10-15-10
Jer. 51:25 Behold, I am against thee, O destroying mountain [kingdom], saith the LORD, which destroyest all the earth: and I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and roll thee down from the rocks, and will make thee a burnt mountain'
How did they all miss it?
Sure it's new alright, [no I really do not believe them]
re: missed it ('new' fault)
Not believable is it?
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