
When Did The NT Church Really Start? - Acts 2 Or Mid-Acts 9, 13, etc. [Solved] - Not What You Think - Back To The Image John 20

When did the New Testament church really begin? Any familiar with the topic are well aware of the never-ending disagreements on the topic. It is a very important topic because when exactly the NT church began is foundational to everything that follows. Acts 2 is of course the most common view but others put it at Acts 9, 13, or even later. Only one answer can be correct of course and the fact is 'none of the above' are correct. Surprise to most all, the NT church did not begin Acts 2, or anytime after that, but at an earlier time. The account of the actual beginning of the NT church is found in 20th chapter of John. Here is found the only correct answer - which is that the NT church actually began on the day of the resurrection - in the evening - when this happened:

John 20:19 'Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you'

The day of the resurrection this was the evening. All the disciples were there.. (except Thomas v. 24); Peter James John etc. would have all been there -- and then the risen Lord Jesus Christ..

John 20:22 '..breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost'

Highly significant moment in the history of mankind. This was only the second time ever that God 'breathed' on man - the first was the original creation Genesis 2:7, and now here.


A21 Geo-Attack Stunning Video: Unprecedented 'Smart' Fires Surgical Precision Obliterating Communities Worldwide [2018]

Repost from 2018 - definitely worth another look -- end of 2024 into 25 the agenda has only increased globally. Video is a drone-flyover surveying the aftermath of a 'smart fire' location Northern CA 2018; 6:30 min no-audio producer unknown; Watch and see:
Below video is stunning. Absolutely impossible fire destruction - naturally occurring that is. Beside the obvious untouched trees, grass, note also brush on surrounding hills is not even singed. Everything appears to be reduced to fine white ash. This is incineration. Open air fires do not incinerate. The burn is also absolutely uniform...indicative of a thing systematic. Systematic - a repeatable action that always returns the same result. The result seen in below video is exactly the same result now being seen in burned down communities worldwide. This fact leaves only one possible conclusion, namely this: induced burning-of-entire-communities, home by home, systematically, with precision. Geo-attack against the 'common' people of the planet is what that interpreted means - exactly as seen in this video:

[video location not stated by producer - seems to be Northern Cal maybe Santa Rosa; recommend view full screen - if vid-button does not work would have to go to site - watch to end: vidlink 6:30 min.

Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/0B73baAnx4Rq/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


That it is in fact so blatantly obvious that there is nothing in any way 'wild' about the fires now burning Agenda21 target zones across the planet [*note 2024 see: Lahaina '23] leaves only one possible conclusion - which is that they are being 'geoengineered'. How exactly it is being done is the only question. Invisible-laser DEW-caused may be the leading theory. Who can prove it though. There is still another way that should be considered though, which can be seen firsthand in this recent post [*note 11-'24: this is the original first 'flamethrower' post from 2018] dealing with the question: i.e. flamethrowers and "sticky fuel", and thermite' --- They always tell..." [FT 2018]:

Rev. 18:4


Trump 2020: Fake Corona A 'Genius.. Brilliant Outsmarts Scientists' [Vid] -- And Will He Now Save America? No Chance Tikkun Olam The Only Plan

Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/8IBpZpCOkCy9/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


Trump a primary facilitator of the world changing imaginary make-believe vax-card creating dictatorial-control lockdown-implementing years-long delusion-illusion Covid PSYOP hoax - and will he now 'save America'? Short answer: 'save America' is not the plan at all. There is no plan except the Zionist-plan to subdue the planet and make themselves it's overlords. This is fact which actually gets into bible prophecy [link]. Not the topic now though. No politician or other make believe character e.g. a Elon-Musky superman-does-anything/everything huckster ever does anything on their own they only act-out assigned roles to advance the plan. That plan they call Tikkun Olam - to bring about Jewish-Zionist Antichrist rule of the earth [link]. Next phase of this plan Trump II.


'Election' Does Not Teach Limited Atonement 'Free Will' Does - From Old Gospel Vs. New Gospel; Rolfe Barnard 1960? [Audio]

Audio reposted.. as don't suppose this could be reposted too many times it is worth hearing over and over again.. Election vs. Free Will:
Free will or election. Only one can be true. And which one of these 'gospels' actually limits atonement? This is the subject of this short but very much classic sermon "The Old Gospel versus a New Gospel" from widely regarded evangelist of days past, Rolfe Barnard (1904-1969). The audio-only clip below is about 24 minutes long. Well worth 24 minutes of close attention...if not 48 minutes or even 72 minutes. The audio is an original recording from a radio broadcast date unknown but that had to have been pre-1969 so is somewhat raspy - have to listen closely. A portion is transcribed below:

Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/OC4xKEt2NCic/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


[13:15] "...we have to go on and explain that after all, nothing that God and Christ have done can save us...unless we add something to it. Now my friends if I'm not telling the truth about what's called the gospel today I want you to write me and straighten me out. We thus preach that the 'decisive factor' which [acting?]...what we really say is the Christ saves us with our help...and if you think that out what that really means is we save ourselves...with Christ's help. But my friends, if we start, as is done now, by affirming that God has a saving love for everybody, and that Christ died a saving death for everybody...and yet we do not preach that everybody will be saved, we just show how foolish we are. The man who preaches that Christ died in a saving way for everybody...has got to preach that everybody must be saved. The man who preaches that God has a saving love for everybody...has got to preach...that everybody must be saved. But we say brother Barnard we don't believe that. I know but that's what you preach.

You get in an awful stew...ohhhh...how I will [...?] about it...these folks running around here limiting the purpose and love of God:

[who say] "Wait just a minute we are simply saying that the old gospel limited the work and love of Christ simply this way...that the love of God accomplished all it was sent to do. And that the love of Christ dying for our sins means that those whom it was meant for are to be saved"

Now we need to be clear here. In this kind of preaching is the popular preaching of the day, instead of exalting the grace of God and magnifying the cross of Christ...we cheapen them. And people who preach that way limit the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ. People say to me brother Barnard...you believe in the limited atonement? And I say no but most of all the preachers in this country do...for they preach that Christ didn't actually accomplish what he set out to do...he just made possible something he hoped might accidentally take place. My friends the old gospel says of Christ...that Christ's death saves...aaall whom it was meant to save. The new gospel says that Christ's death, as such, actually saves nobody - what's good news about that?

What's good news about that? No wonder my friends you can go into most any church in this section today, and in three or four nights you enter the line, 95% of the people in the congregation will be saying that that fellow is preaching the truth.

Then I'm not saved. No wonder my friends that Baptists who've always said we believe in the eternal security of the believer...it's hard to find the Baptist now who feels any security - WHY? Well they've believed a gospel about a God who's made salvation possible...not a gospel about a God who actually saves. Dear old brother Spurgeon whom the preachers quote today but hate his gospel...they accused him of preaching the limited atonement and he answered in this way and I quote him. Brother Spurgeon said we are often told that we limit the atonement of Christ because we say that Christ has not made a satisfaction for all men...or all men would be saved.

Now our reply to this is, brother Spurgeon says, that on the other hand, our opponents limit the work of Christ...we do not. Our opponents say Christ died for all men. Ask them what they mean by him dying for all men. Ask them did Christ die so as to secure the salvation of all men..and they say noooo...certainly not. We ask them the next question...did Christ die so as to secure the salvation of any man in particular...they answer no. They are obliged to admit this if they are consistent...they say no...Christ has died in order that any man may be saved...if...and then follow certain conditions of salvation. Now, says Mr. Spurgeon, who is it that limits the death of Christ? Why it's you...you say that Christ did not die so as infallibly to secure the salvation of anybody. We beg your pardon...when you say we limit Christ's death we say nooo my dear sir...it is you that limits it. We say Christ so died that he infallibly secured the salvation of a multitude that no man can number, who through Christ's death not only may be saved...but are saved. Must be saved and cannot by any possibility run the hazard of being anything but saved. You are welcome to your atonement, says Mr. Spurgeon, you may keep it...we will never renounce ours for the sake of it. - [20:00]

Romans 9:22-23 'What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory'


Trump II 2025 Same Plan As Before Only Accelerated: 2017 Flashback - Communitarian Privatization Fake Revival Hunger Games USA NAU

Below just a few quotes from original post 1-9-17; Everything being set up now for 2025 going forward just a continuation of first Trump stage-show 2017-2020 - only now to be accelerated [*NAU = North American Union]:
Privatizing The World: Trump Son-In-Law Kushner To Join 'Team-Billionaire' White House; And Coming Fake 'Revival' [1-9-17]

"Much talk about Trump bringing about the demise of globalism, etc.. Nothing could be further from the truth. Ultimately, globalism, in the final practical outworking, will come down to two things. Those two things are communitarianism, and privatization... Communitarianism: community-based global management. Herd all sheep-cattle into managed communities worldwide... [and] Privatization... [meaning] ...they, the would-be masters of the 'sheep-cattle' - Trump now the icon [link] - own everything, the 'sheeple' minions cattle goyim...own nothing.

Inauguration Day 2017 Trump Comes Out Showing Hunger Games..
'Trumpeting' Sorcery i.e. Harry Potter; see 2017 post Inauguration 1-20-17

Side note: Privatizing the globe is a process. While many countries, like the USA, are now being 'processed', the job cannot be completed without running the hoax 'Gog-Magog WWIII' [link], necessary in order to collapse the entire world system -

One other important thing that also must be done before all can be finalized is that the orderly assimilation of world religions must be facilitated - so the new-order can run smoothly. The plan calls for them all to be brought under 'rabbi dominion' in the Zionist planned-opolis*. This is not a wild speculation, it is plain fact. It is also a non-negotiable to the Zio-agenda. It comes straight out of their playbook. That 'playbook' being that book of incomparable-blasphemies known as the Talmud.. see Jonathan Cahn-job

Disobeying the rabbis is not to be permitted in the 'planned-opolis'. Getting the world to that point is now one of the next things on the agenda. In the USA people, and other countries as well, this is to take the form a fake "revival". Watch for it. The staging has already begun. It is coming. It will look something like what is to be displayed on Inauguration day [2017] - ecumenical with apostate Christendom, Catholic, Mormon, and Jewish...restoring 'religion' to America [link]. Can you say 'Rabbi assimilation'? It's going to be called 'Revival' though. Maybe even a great revival or "awakening" perhaps. Watch for it. Note: There will be no "revival" true Christian believer. A fake out yes. Watch for it..  see: 2024 Trump calls for 'revival'

full post >>

Rev. 18:4
Isaiah 3:14 'The LORD will enter into judgment with the ancients of his people, and the princes thereof: for ye have eaten up the vineyard; the spoil of the poor is in your houses'


Agenda CA Burn 'Em Out It's On Again Umpteenth Time: 11-'24 Ventura, Surrounding Areas.. Maybe Still Spreading - Go To Hunger Games Cities All You

Below reposted once again [11-'24] .. because the Earth-Rewild Plan called for by Agenda21 being acomplished in part by 'burn-ups' - out of the hills and off the coasts hunger games peasants-to-be - will not stop; this week it is Ventura CA - but the episode is not yet as of today 11-8-24 completed - so no nearby areas should be at all considered safe for probably the next couple of days at least since these very-'smart' fires burning down select-areas of the world the past 7-10 yrs or so are known to do very strange 'illogical' things in the overnight hours when nobody can see anything:

[2019 Vid repost umpteenth time because 'burn-ups' cannot be accepted as in.. "gotten used to it".. ever]

What it's all about: August 2021 [2024] Burning Down CA (And World) - Flamethrowers Not DEW For 'New Amerika' 8-5-21  "Same again.. the agenda continues... New 'Amerika' global Region - not 'USA' ... That would be after all the outlying zones are geo-engineer flooded, burned, quaked, tsunami-ed, etc., [*and 'warred' - see 2022 Ukraine]; as now fully underway across the country (and world), clearing them out, which are then zoned off-limits to 'human habitation'. All to be herded* to the mega-regions and IOT controlled..." [see post]

Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/SoTzvLcZdrk1/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


see also: Pt. 2: Burned Up Melted Cars And Metals
Pt. 3:  Geo-Fires: Burned Houses Not Trees Selective Fires - ROTM

see all: A21 burn down

Rev. 18:4
Nahum 1:3 'The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked..'


Election 2024 Ushering In The Novus-Ordo-Seclorum - ZWO Replays Trump-Card: Flashback Inauguration Day 2017 'Don' Of The New Order 777

Flashback Trump first Inauguration Day 2017 - reposted 2024 as it is worth a relook memory refresh as 777-Trump returns to pick up where he left off - i.e. things mentioned that are still very relevant: Trump-card, Dawn of the New Order, rise of the Dark Knight, and more; all of which then sent a clear message; now next inauguration day 2025 no other conclusion possible as the Trump-card being replayed than that message is now All Systems Go - i.e. the Final Push for the Novus Ordo Seclorum aka would-be Zio-Kindom-Kome to now also be known as, quoting Trump 2024 election-win speech, the "Golden Age" [when man becomes 'god' - link] has absolutely now begun - starring Dawn Trump as emcee of the proceedings -- so stay tuned it's showtime (more only to be known as the maga-drama unfolds); But before that 2017 Inauguration Day lookback:
[1-20-17]  The 'Dawn' Trump-Card Has Been Played: Inauguration Day 1-20-17 Kabbalah Numerology Obama 666 Months Old, Trump 70 Yrs. 7 Months 7 Days (777) - The Bewitching Hour - 'Don' Of The New Order - Novus Ordo Seclorum

re re-reposted as the unprecedented x-rated ordo-ab-chao script of 'Election 2016' finally comes to a close - after at least 18 months now of purposed pathetic-plot-twisting torment directed at the sensibilities of John Q. Public. And do not expect for a minute that because all that is over things may now settle down to some degree of normalcy. Not a chance. Reality says it can only get worse. Hand-picked from way-back 777 Trump is only there to preside over the next 'bewitching' phase of the would-be novus-ordo-seclorum Antichrist Zio-kingdom-come 'trans'-formation of the earth and it's people. In their mind this is actually the 'dawn' [as in playing the 'Don' trump-card] of it. Trump-card a declaration of game over done deal. And also fitting as Trump being the king deal-maker. Do not forget the reality for a second from here forward. Numerology is witchcraft and sorcery.  Rev. 18:4
Election 2016 Hoax - Hidden In Plain Sight

[This is an excerpt - original full post "'Don' (dawn) of the New Order" dated 11-11-16 linked below. No question about it - the Kabala Kountry-Kapture Kaper here now today it's on...hitting the ground running]

[11-11-16] Election 2016 an absolute marathon of abuse poured out upon John Q. Public. Twist after sordid twist the production only got progressively worse right up to the big day of the actual vote [11-8-16], and as now being seen, continuing beyond [now two months later - January 2017 - still endless twisting daily ordo-ab-chao nonsense - the newest thing now the electoral college/popular vote psyop]. So then was it and is it all real or a massive hoax-production? The answer is, as always, hidden in plain sight. If the odds against a thing happening naturally are impossible, than that thing did not happen naturally. That is the reality. If two or three things that are impossible happen at the same time, in conjunction with each other, they did not happen except by being made to happen. Impossible numerology does not happen by chance. Numerology is the religion of the Kabalist. Things happening precisely according to impossible numerology are clear proof that those things were purposed and produced. Election 2016 falls undeniably in this category with regard in particular to the coming January 20, 2017 inauguration day, and the claimed birth dates of Donald Trump and Obama. Whether the birth dates of either Trump or Obama as claimed are in fact true or not is not knowable. Seeing the impossible numerology surrounding the particular date of 1-20-17 those given dates are spurious. The claimed birth date for the invented persona known as Obama is hardly even worth considering since nothing can be known anyway. As for Trump's, if the thing is not possible...well then...have to just note it and then leave it there and wonder. Regardless, true or assigned, the given birth dates are being used by the would-be workers of Kabbalah-wizardry in the attempt to witchcraft their dark schemes into reality. And all hidden in plain sight.

The impossible numerology referred to is the exact ages of both Trump and Obama on inauguration day 2017. On this day when Obama goes out, and Trump goes in - Trump's birth date to his inauguration day as president of the USA gives an exact '777', while on that same day as Obama exits his birth date to that day gives an exact '666':

Trump's claimed birth date is June 14, 1946. As seen below, 6-14-46 to 1-20-17 inclusive comes out to exactly 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days - for a perfect Kabbalist '777':

Now for invented persona Obama. Claimed birth date is August 4, 1961. 8-4-61 to 1-20-17 inclusive, Obama's said age will be 55 years, 5 months, 17 days. This time though it is not the years months and days but the total months that tell the tale. 55 years and 5 months equal 665 months. Adding 17 days to that, on January 20, 2017, Obama will be smack-dab right in the middle of his 666th month:

read full >>


Doubters, Trump-Believers [go here] - back in July of this year 2024 at the RNC on opening night they told all the world on the biggest stage possible that finalizing the Novus Ordo Seclorum - when man becomes 'god' - is their Only plan:

2024 Republican National Convention Back Of Dollar Bill Backdrop - Novus Ordo Seclorum 7-16-24

2024 Republican National Convention - Pay No Attention To Anything We
Say People - We Are About One Thing Only - Realizing The Novus Ordo Seclorum
And We Are All In On It Together [Both Sides] - Consider Yourselves Notified


Ezekiel 8:16 'And he brought me into the inner court of the LORD’s house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the LORD, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east; and they worshiped the sun toward the east.'