When did the New Testament church really begin? Any familiar with the topic are well aware of the never-ending disagreements on the topic. It is a very important topic because when exactly the NT church began is foundational to everything that follows. Acts 2 is of course the most common view but others put it at Acts 9, 13, or even later. Only one answer can be correct of course and the fact is 'none of the above' are correct. Surprise to most all, the NT church did not begin Acts 2, or anytime after that, but at an earlier time. The account of the actual beginning of the NT church is found in 20th chapter of John. Here is found the only correct answer - which is that the NT church actually began on the day of the resurrection - in the evening - when this happened:
John 20:19 'Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you'
The day of the resurrection this was the evening. All the disciples were there.. (except Thomas v. 24); Peter James John etc. would have all been there -- and then the risen Lord Jesus Christ..
John 20:22 '..breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost'
Highly significant moment in the history of mankind. This was only the second time ever that God 'breathed' on man - the first was the original creation Genesis 2:7, and now here.