The High Chamber sanctioned last week a new Vaccine Law that guarantees its gratuity and availability
[12-14-18; excerpted] Last week, in a session without debate, the senators approved on tables and unanimously, a new norm to guarantee the gratuitousness and obligatory nature of the vaccines . What are the main points?
The new Vaccine Law , a project authored by the Tucuman deputy Pablo Yedlin, obtained 60 positive votes, replacing Law 22,909, which dates from the time of the military dictatorship, and updates the regulation to ensure new controls and give the State the responsibility to keep the vaccination calendar updated and promote its effective compliance:
The "vaccination calendar" - The 'State' to provide it and "promote it's effective compliance" |
Thus, free access to vaccination services "with social equity for all stages of life " is established; the obligatory nature of applying vaccines for all inhabitants; and the prevalence of public health over private interest, among other principles.
"This is great news for public health, a project that became a law in less than a year, a federal law, with technical consensus, and supported by all the blocks of the National Congress," he explained...
He added: "The new standard provides a vaccination program, a vision and components of the most evolved vaccination programs at the current times , since it allows to update the legal framework, modernize it and consider the immense advances in vaccination in general and the program of immunizations in Argentina in particular. "
"It also declares vaccination for all stages of life and all components of the Immunization Program of national interest, it also defines vaccination as a social good and establishes the prevalence of public health over private interest", emphasized Vizzotti.
Until now, the requirement to have vaccines up to date was only for children and their certificate was required to enroll in schools. However, with the modification, now adults, according to their age, will also need the document to carry out these procedures. It was also established that the document to be presented is the so-called Single Vaccination Card (CUV), in which the required vaccination records must be kept...
The card will be issued by the agencies authorized to apply vaccines, such as hospitals (public and private) and pharmacies. It will also be required to process family allowances and examinations. The law clarifies, among several things, that "the lack of compliance with the established presentation will not be an obstacle in the prosecution of the proceedings."
From the National Registry of Persons, an agency that reports to the Ministry of the Interior, they told Infobae that they will not be prevented from processing because they do not have the vaccine certificate. Article 13 of the law clarifies it when it says: "in such a way as to favor the population's access to vaccination at all stages of life without preventing the completion of these procedures."
At the same time, the creation of a National Registry of the Digital Vaccinated Population is established, which will have the data of the vaccination status of all the inhabitants of the country; and also a National Registry of Eventual Vaccination.
Juan MartÃn Meli, General Manager of Sanofi Pasteur for the Southern Cone, explained to Infobae the importance of the new regulation that must be regulated so that it becomes effective.
"As partners in public health in Argentina for 40 years, we are very pleased with this initiative, it is a confirmation of what we have been doing: defending vaccination as a great instrument to save lives. State and makes it clear that it is a social good and a priority for Argentina, "said Meli. [original source]
The "most evolved" vaccination program on the planet. This according to the Argentine government and clearly this is factual. This new law has been reported as 'mandatory vaccinations' but technically that is not quite accurate. The details must be read closely. For health-workers and such yes they are now mandatory. For the general population it goes something like this:
Vaccination for all ages (free), in "all stages of life", now mandatory ... oh wait ...not mandatory exactly ... but "obligatory". But wait, you must have your vaccination card (CUV) to do anything ... or ...well not really ... not yet at least ... but of course the law is crafted in such a way that the "legal framework" can be easily updated and modernized ... and you do understand that you being vaccinated is "in the national interest" and the "social good" and of the importance of "public health over private interest"... And then there is the new "National Registry of the Digital Vaccinated Population" [see above] and if your name doesn't show up there ... and you don't have your card (you don't have a card?) ... oh well you are in for it now aren't you ... which must mean that your name goes into the "National Registry of Eventual Vaccination" [see above] ... whatever that is, but what else can it be other than exactly what it says.
...all of which makes very plain that all will be subjected to heavy pressure to comply with their "obligation" - if they have not been a 'good citizen' concerned for the national interest and social good of the collective - anytime they need to conduct some sort of 'official' business.
The most evolved in the world. Manage the population like a herd of cattle.
Goyim they call 'em. Here it is. Argentina today the earth the plan. [see: Harbinger Cahn]
Rev. 18:4
Psalms 37:14-15 'The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow, to cast down the poor and needy, and to slay such as be of upright conversation. Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken'
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