ADL to Build Silicon Valley Center to Monitor & Fight “Cyberhate”
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has announced that it will build a “a state-of-the-art command center in Silicon Valley” to monitor and fight anything online that it determines is “hate.”
A former Israeli minister stated that Israel and its partisans often use the charge of anti-Semitism against those who speak discuss Israel’s oppression of Palestinians: “It’s a trick, we always use it" [see youtube below]
The ADL was the initiator of hate crimes legislation in the United States, launching this campaign in 1981.
ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt announced the new center on March 12 at a music festival in Austin, Texas...According to the ADL’s press release on the project, the new center “will write reports, compile data, and “provide insights to government and policy makers.” The center will use the “best-in-class technology...”
According to the ADL release, “The new center will leverage ADL’s long-standing relationships with law enforcement.“*
“Over the next several months, Heller, Greenblatt, and the ADL team will engage with a wide range of stakeholders in Silicon Valley and beyond as they work to stand up this new center.”
<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/Ie4Ce7bRp85l/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>
*Above related to: Obvious Psyop: "Threats On Jewish Centers" Results In Zionist Creation Of National 'Advisory Council' [Noahide] 3-5-17 "As obvious of a Pure Psyop as could ever be. Out-of-nowhere "five waves of bomb threats" against "100 Jewish Community Centers" - and just like that - a Zionist-Jewish-run "Security Advisory Council" is birthed to "provide strategic guidance"... to federal, state, and local law enforcement and community leaders across the country..." -- Strategic guidance? - what can that mean other than control? Over all the various agencies...and individuals as well i.e. 'community leaders'. Across the country. Every agency, every community ... The Zionist plan for their planet-wide Noahide Law kingdom-come won't build itself..." [see post]
also: Google Announces Plan To Bury 'Offensive' Content, Analyze Search Terms For Intent - Censorship Is Here 3-16-17 "10,000 raters scouring the internet and flagging "offensive' content", and actual search query's being analyzed for a person's perceived reason for searching for that particular content..." [see post]
Forget 'Sharia law', the real and only plan is to 'Noahide law' the world. Not just the USA, the whole world.
They are hard at it. Noah-bout it.
see: Trump-Noahide Jewish Plan For World Rule 1-27-17 [Bible prophecy related]
Rev. 18:4
Isaiah 1:2 'Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me' [Christ-rejecting would-be builders of 'Zion' - link]
Thank you for standing fast and continuing to educate people about Jesus cleansing us from evil within and guarding us from evil without.
I am weary with all the psyops and don't watch TV and rarely have kept up with what is called conspiracy theory for several years. Once you know how it works - read quite a bit on the Virginia Tech psyop - no need to keep learning the details can take up your whole life but it is good to be prepared by reminding yourself how evil evil is and to try not to sin and draw close to God. It seems some sort of spiritual warfare needs to be talked of too. Many so-called deliverance ministries don't seen right. God wrote to sing to him in the Old Testament esp. the psalms and the hymns online the older ones esp are very good.
I would like to cut and paste some of your writings and the links to standing against evil from some of the great preachers of the past have a print feature which I use to cut and paste articles. It takes up so much space to save the whole blog page so a print feature for your article without the photos or youtube which is what makes it difficult to cut and paste the writings would be appreciated.
Thank you for your efforts to educate the Body of Christ during these last days. Don't forget to pray for the persecuted Christians esp in China the Middle East, Africa and the deception in the USA and pushing out the non-charismatics in the US military.
part of the whole armor of God is to pray with all prayer and supplication for the saints so that in the evil day you may stand.
And the Great Commission is still in force.
re: print feature
If you click on the title of a post it will open a page with that single post. Once that is done on the bottom right of the post will be two buttons - one for print, one save as pdf. Youtubes will not be included, any pics or unwanted text can be edited, removed, by simply hovering the mouse on them and then clicking the 'x' that will appear, and then either copy-paste or save.
...and help yourself to what ever you like - that's what it's for
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