[London] Brighton & Hove City Council will equip staff with badges declaring their “preferred pronouns” as part of a project seeking to educate the public that making assumptions about a person’s sex “can be hurtful and distressing”.
Council and voluntary sector staff in the city will be “encouraged” to wear the badges, which include messages such as “My pronouns are she/her/hers” and “My pronouns are they/their/theirs” when they are distributed in the week leading up to ‘Trans Day of Visibility’ on March 31.
The badges will also be made available at libraries, colleges, and council buildings as part of a month-long drive to “raise awareness of Trans and Non-Binary people and that everyone has their own gender identity”, according to a press release.
“Although most people even among the trans and nonbinary communities use ‘he’, ‘she’, or ‘they’, some who eschew traditional gender identities – who are, for example, agender, genderqueer, or gender-fluid – prefer to use other gender-neutral pronouns such as ‘xe’, ‘ze’, or ‘sie’,” explained Patrick Strudwick, the ‘LGBT Editor’ of BuzzFeed UK.
Put together in partnership with local NHS trusts, Sussex Police, LGBT activists and the University of Brighton, the city-wide initiative will also feature postcards, posters and other material with information on different “gender identities” and how to be supportive of people who identify as transgender.
re: xe, ze, sie [it rhymes]
Can it get any worse? .. it just did. Badges, posters, trans-compliance police keeping watch on John Q. Public - novus ordo seclorum they call it: Land of the xe's and ze's and sie's.
It's official - we are now living in a Star Trek movie.
Rev. 18:4
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