Sanhedrin Calls on President Trump to Uphold Seven Noahide Laws
[excerpted] In an ancient and honored Jewish custom, the nascent Sanhedrin sent a letter to the new leader of the U.S., President Donald Trump, blessing him and calling on him to take the lead in restoring America and the world. The Sanhedrin also called on the new president to acknowledge and uphold the Seven Noahide laws.
“He has already made moves in the proper direction, and we bless him that he will continue to bring back the values that made America great,” praised Rabbi Shwartz. “We hope he will advance the Noahide laws that are incumbent upon all men.”
The Sanhedrin’s letter begins, “We thank God that a suitable man was chosen to lead America, whose values in the past symbolized a belief in God, and educated its people in morals and family values.”
The Sanhedrin then calls on President Trump to follow the Seven Noahide Laws, given by God as a binding set of laws for all of humanity. The Sanhedrin described the laws as a framework that will benefit all mankind.
This post directly related to: VP-Elect Pence Preaching Jonathan Cahn Man Harbinger-Message 2Chron. 7:14 "If My People" - Team Noahide 11-13-16 "'All of this leads to the issue of what is known as the judaizing of Christianity...But it is not only Christians, ultimately all religions, and in fact, all of society - is to be brought under Jewish control with rabbis as authorities...' - there is Only One agenda. This was the topic of the original 2-1-13 post on this topic: "The Harbinger" Is A Cahn Job ... 'described in the following quote from a well known and well established Jewish organization called the "Temple Mount Faithful":
"The real "United Nations Organization" will be the Kingdom of G-d which will soon be established in Jerusalem, based on the holy laws of G-d. The Temple will again be the heart, soul and focus of Israel and the nations. Mashiach ben David will come and will be the king of Israel and the world. He will come to Jerusalem and rule from there and establish the Kingdom of G-d over all the world. Jerusalem instead of New York will be the center of the this godly "United Nations Organization"..."
"This "Messiah" the Talmud speaks of, and the "Mashiach ben David" - Messiah son of David - the Temple Mount Faithful speak of, will not though, be the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ - the true Son of David [Matt. 1:1]. He will be another, and will not come in the name of the Father as did the Lord Jesus, but will come "in his own name" - John 5:43. Which is to say, not the real Christ, but the 'Anti-christ'."
"What "from Zion shall go forth Torah, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem" means is a Jewish rule of all nations by what they call the Noahide law. Based on the covenant God made with "Noah the gentile" after the flood (Gen. 9), it is a system of seven laws for the lesser species of all non-Jews, which they not so affectionately refer to as 'goyim'. Jews ruling, everybody else under Noahide law. Do research it..." [excerpted; see full post]
Zionist Jews ruling the planet, all others under Noahide law. Wonder why during the campaign Trump billed himself as the "law and order" candidate? Wonder no more..."
Compare: Zio-Globalist Trump Sounds Zio-Trumpet For U.S. Gestapo - Wants Nationwide 'Stop And Frisk' 9-21-16 "Ending the freedom of every country in the world is the sole agenda of the Zionist-globalists. They cannot rule the earth as self-proclaimed demigod overlords until that goal is accomplished [link1, link2] -- Anybody think that Trump does not dance to the sound of their trumpet...Trump would not be where he is otherwise..."
On the one particular quote from the above article calling on Trump to "take the lead in restoring America and the world" see especially:
Tikkun Olam "Is there a Jewish conspiracy to rule the world? ...it is the "value of tikkun olam" that is guiding this work. Not surprisingly, as it turns out, the phrase "tikkun olam" comes from the Jewish kabbalah. Research will show that this phrase has a wide variety of applications but at it's core the meaning is very profound. It basically embodies the concept of the Jew as the savior of the world, with the power to "control spiritual forces" through their deeds and will, and that it is up to them to "perfect the world". This will be accomplished "when all of humanity recognizes this fact", and comes into unity with them and their 'god' Hashem, in what is to be a "model Jewish society"..." [see post]
Rev. 18:4
I wonder how many people are aware of the fact that under George Bush Sr., the Noahide Laws were passed by congress in 1991. This was planned long ago. Apparently, this was quietly slipped in with education bills to be passed by congress. Yes, there should be concern. This actually fits bible prophecy regarding the saints who will be beheaded for professing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior during the coming Tribulation (7 years). Everyone thinks ISIS is the problem, i.e., the enemy of the United States (and the world). Better think again!
Be advised and Be aware.
You wouldn't be antisemitic would you? This is the same type of drivel Hitler espoused.
anti what? don't know much about that but i'm not crazy about the synagogue of Satan... Rev. 2:9; 3:9
I think the Noahide things are true. Cannot find Carol Valentine's Public Auction site but read more about the depth of this particularular
But it is hard to separate even in my own mind the huge difference between the synagogue of satan and the true Jews, the True Israel being Jesus and those who trust in him.
Michael Hoffman wrote if you hate the Judaics you drive them back into the arms of the rabbis.
re: 'difference between the synagogue of satan and the true Jews'
The LORD will take care of this himself - that is what the time of Jacob's trouble aka the tribulation is for (as regards Israel). Even for what you are referring to as "true Jews", the fact is that from 'bible days' up to this present time their house is left to them desolate - and will remain so until they say "Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord" - Matt. 23:37-39. Which means receiving Jesus Christ as Lord. This will not happen until during, and at the end, of the trib. - Zech. 12:10. The LORD will sort it all out.
re: 'True Israel being Jesus and those who trust in him'
This type of statement comes from either the Hebrew Roots movement or what is known as Replacement-Theology. Bottom line though is that there is not a single verse of scripture in the entire bible to support it. The true church is the body of Christ "Where there is neither Greek nor Jew" - Col. 3:11. The 'church' is not any 'true Israel' but something entirely different - the NT church, the body of Christ - he being the Head [Eph. 4:14-15], i.e. bride of Christ - is "new wine" in "new bottles" - Mark 2:22
re: 'Hoffman - hate the Judaics you drive them back into the arms of the rabbis'
Hoffman's statement is nonsense because...a statement based on false premise can only come to a false conclusion. The false premise in the statement is the word "hate". And when did the Jews 'leave' the rabbis? Answer: they never have. Modern Judaism is talmudism (not scripture) - the talmud is writings of rabbis.
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