Hawaii lawmakers approved legislation Thursday that would make it the latest liberal-leaning state to legalize medically assisted suicide.
The all-Democratic state Senate voted 23-2 [322] to pass the measure that has already cleared the House. It allows doctors to fulfill requests from terminally ill patients for prescription medication that will allow them to die.
The governor has said he will sign the bill, which would make Hawaii the sixth state to legalize the practice, plus Washington, D.C.
The legislation includes safeguards intended to prevent abuse, but opponents said it puts the poor, elderly, sick and disabled at risk.
Doctor-assisted deaths are legal in California, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, Washington state and the District of Columbia.
Critics say they are concerned that the option will lead to hasty decisions, misdiagnoses and waning support for palliative care, in which dying people can be sedated to relieve suffering.
Hawaii 6th state to deputize the medical profession to now legally 'cull the herd'. Doctor-assisted suicide they call it. On to the governor's desk where he has promised to sign off on it. Of course. Can one rise to any prominent government position if not 'one of them'. Answer: clearly no. The state senate vote 23-2 for passage, a '322' hidden in plain sight that is, making that reality all the more apparent. Skull and bones, doctors legalized to kill, goes right together. Oregon was the first, California the fifth - which began as-above-so-below on 6-9-16.
Below is excerpted from a post marking that dark infamous day:
6-9-16 It Hath Begun: CA Doctors Now Killers By 'Assisted' Suicide - New Movie "Me Before You" Glorifies 'Choosing Death' 6-9-16
Skull and Bones? - literally with '322' HI 6th state to 'doctor'-kill |
"So-called doctors prescribing death-potions to facilitate "suicide" can in reality only have one true purpose. Cloaking it in compassion-speak until "zio-kingdom comes" can never hide that true purpose either. Killing off the excess sheeple when they become "useless eaters" aka culling the herd is the only possible, and very transparent, reality of the now burgeoning global kill-agenda. And if any believe that the plan is to leave the program as it is here at the outset, with doctors only 'prescribing' for 'willing' patients to self-administer, that really would be quite naive. Once that line of 'power of life and death' is crossed, as it definitely has now been, there are no stops after that. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and with the taste of blood fresh on their tongues, the path they've gone down can lead only to an ultimate freefall into corruption virtually unimaginable. Men making themselves god, deciding life and death - what could be more 'Antichrist' than this? That freefall will be stopped one day though - that's what the Battle of Armageddon is going to be for [Rev. 16:16; 19:19]."
"6-11-12 TIME magazine publishing this cover and the article which goes along with it that "encourages readers to literally pull the feeding tubes", clearly signals the mainstreaming of the idea of so-called euthanasia...We do well to strip away that nice-sounding word "euthanasia" though, and while we're at it the phrase "end of life care" also because these hide what it is that is actually being done. These terms are an attempt to sanitize the blood letting. 'Culling' is the correct word. It is killing off the old, and killing off the weak and tired, or the sick or 'depressed' - those with various issues who wrongly see "assisted suicide" as an answer. This 6-11-12 TIME magazine "How To Die" piece is promulgating the very thing...That it has come to this point is no surprise when the driving force behind the madness is understood. The vast masses of people are viewed by the cabalist-globalists as little more than resources to be managed for their own benefit as they construct the new-order-of-the-ages wherein all of humanity shall be subdued under their totalitarian feet [see: Zionists]...or so they intend. Ridding themselves of those who are no longer 'useful' is purely a business decision in this demonic mindset [see: Drucker/Agenda 21] - no return on the investment after a certain point so might as well put them to sleep..." [see post]"
One thing more about this, very important to note. Part and parcel of this agenda is so-called 'end-of-life counseling' for all. For those 'getting on-up-there' in years, so to speak, a visit to the so-called doctor will most certainly turn into a 'counseling session' on how would you like to be 'put down'. "Useless eaters" not wanted in the would-be zio-kingdom-kome novus-ordo-seclorum. 2018 the would-be zio-kingdom-kome novus-ordo-seclorumites are hard at it. Know about it.
Rev. 18:4
Exodus 20:13 'Thou shalt not kill '
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