If you thought the rise of the machines was going to take years – think again.
Boston Dynamics, the company known for its terrifying-looking robots, has released a new video of its humanoid robot. Ordinarily, this would be cause for attention, but the new video shows the robot jumping from block to block and it eventually does a backflip, further casting a light on our robot-pocalypse future.
Boston Dynamics has acknolwedged that its robots can cause fear, with its CEO, Marc Raibert, once making a joke about it in a presentation.
In February, Raibert showed off the wheeled version of one of its robots and described it as "nightmare-inducing."
Well...the most famous line from 'The Terminator' movies was Ah-nold saying "I'll be back". Zio-unholy-wood always tells what they do before they do it. Stay tuned...
Rev. 18:4
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