'I beheld...and was grieved...'
Ver. 158. — Grieved. The word that is here translated "grieved" is from "katat", that signifies to loathe, abhor, and contend. I beheld the transgressors, and I loathed them; I beheld the transgressors, and I abhorred them; I beheld the transgressors, and I contended with them; but not so much because they were mine enemies, as because they were thine. — Thomas Brooks (1608-1680)
All the world today has no choice but to look upon "the transgressors" and their transgressing ways - those haters of "the LORD and his anointed" [Ps. 2:2-3] - for they do now show themselves openly... Ah, yes, all are being made to see, but they who actually 'behold' - that is - comprehend the enormity of the affront against the LORD God and his Christ, and understand this to be the principle thing over and above all affairs of this earth...and grieve on this point - this it seems is very rare. Recommend be counted among these. Rev. 18:4
Compare: 'If Any Man Love Not The Lord Jesus Christ, Let Him Be Anathema Maranatha' - 1Cor. 16:22
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