[0:20] "The bill paves the way for all Jamaicans to have a national identification card...and to get it you have to give the state personal and biometric data including...retina scan, vein pattern, blood type"
House Passes NIDS Bill
The House of Representatives on Tuesday (November 21) approved the 168 amendments made by the Senate to the National Identification and Registration Bill, which seeks to establish a reliable identification system for Jamaica.
A National Identification System (NIDS) is intended to provide a comprehensive and secure structure to enable the capture and storage of identity information for all Jamaicans.
He noted that there is a maximum fine of $100,000, “but the judge can use their discretion, and I am expecting that the judge would. We have removed the option of imprisonment, totally removed it,” he said.
The layered roll-out and management of the NIDS will be handled by a new agency, the National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA), which will replace the Registrar General’s Department (RGD) and provide more enhanced services.
Roll-out of NIDS is slated to begin with a pilot project in January 2019, focusing on civil servants.
One number for everything, biometrics databased, the population digitally tethered to the control-grid i.e. the 'State'. It's the planned-opolis; see: "Planned-opolis" - Globalism Is Communitarianism And Privitization 7-5-17 "'Ultimately, globalism, in the final practical outworking, will come down to two things. Those two things are communitarianism, and privatization -- Communitarianism: community-based global management. Herd all sheep-cattle into managed communities worldwide... [and] Privatization... [meaning] ...they, the would-be masters of the 'sheep-cattle' - Trump now the icon [link] - own everything, the 'sheeple' minions cattle goyim...own nothing' -- Communitarianism and privatization...Privatization of everything does not exclude persons. By no means. Persons are also viewed as property. Human resources, they may refer to them as, to be managed as any other 'resource', for their own use..." [see post]
The 'planned-opolis' is all planned out. Now it is just a matter of converting the entire globe over to it. And they just made a big precedent-setting move in Jamaica toward that goal. Be informed.
[One thing in particular to note about this regarding the requiring of blood type. How many people have any sort of verifiable document showing their blood type. Answer has to be very few - which then can only mean that blood samples would have to be taken. Which then very likely means actually DNA-ing every person.]
Rev. 18:4
2Thes. 2:7-8 'For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming'
There is no pre tribulation rapture - but there is a literal , actual , great escape into the wilderness . There will be places of safety provided from God"s judgement upon the world . Watch and pray to be found worthy for the given sign , found in the kjv HOLY BIBLE , and then move out . It will happen with miracles . Michael , angels , the earth and eagles will enable . Otherwise , be left behind as an anguished martyr or lost soul in the great temptation / tribulation . THE LORD'S PRAYER : Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil - Put us not to the trial / test but give us mercy and deliverance . Granted by faith, hope , and obedience . Will virgins find sanctuary ? Even a fool will not error in taking THE LORD'S high road and not the highway down to hell . The only way is JESUS . All credit only to Him . Find many more details and instructions in the Scriptures .
No pre-trib? Of course there will be a pre-tribulation rapture. For the true regenerate believers - the unregenerate apostate Laodicean church of today though will not be raptured - but spued out [Rev. 3:16]
Of all the different interpretations of biblical eschatology only one can be right. Pre-trib rapture is absolutely the only possible correct interpretation.
Those who cannot see it simply do not understand the Word of God aright. Something is wrong if a professing christian can not 'see' [Rev. 3:18] the things taught by the Holy Ghost [1Cor. 2:14]
[what you have written above is a complete mish-mosh of eschatology - be careful before you go about to preach things you know not]
Have you heard about the " abomination of desolation " that starts the " great tribulation " of 3 !/2 years duration ? How
does the kjv HOLY BIBLE tell us to respond to that event ( sign ) ? We will need to make decisions and take actions and not passively set idle awaiting our own transfiguration . Read MATTHEW 24 and ISAIAH 35 . At the finale of the " great temptation " / judgement upon the world , the chosen by JESUS will be caught up into the sky to meet HIM , and then come down to earth with HIM . Search the Scriptures : make word , combination and phrase investigations . Let no man deceive you . Go to the primary source , the fountain of wisdom , and learn by the HOLY GHOST . JESUS CHRIST IS HOLY GOD REDEEMER AND SAVIOUR .
The abomination of desolation [Matt. 24:15] will not happen until after the first seal of the Revelation is opened - which is the appearing of the Antichrist [sixth chapter - Rev. 6:1-2]. By the time this happens the true blood-bought church is already in heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ [fifth chapter - Rev. 5:9-10 (note reference to the seals not yet opened v. 9)]. For them to be there at that time could only be by way of the rapture
- pre-trib, not "at the finale".
Sticking to 'it is written' is the only safe ground.
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