"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not
partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."
Shop at Lowe's? You may soon be expected to to interact with a mobile robot. As robots are in fact now taking on customer service duties at a large chain like Lowe's, where might they next show up...and what 'duties' might they perform. Might get interesting. Below is a screenshot from the linked article which gives the overall sense of the issue quite effectively. Below that is another screenshot borrowed from the comment thread from the article, following that very "where next" line of thought apparently. Credit to Greg B. for that one:
article-screenshot source: govtslaves.info; click to enlarge
Greg B. screenshot source: govtslaves.info; click to enlarge
Two thousand words worth. Be fully robo-aware.
Rev. 18:4
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daniel 3:18 '...be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up'
[excerpted] The Array of Things [AoT] project could be life changing. By using cameras, sound level monitors and air quality sensors, the network digitizes city living. But privacy experts fear potential problems with the program.
The Array of Things made its live debut Monday in the Pilsen neighborhood in Chicago, where the city installed two 10-pound nodes on traffic posts last week. The nodes contain low resolution cameras, microphones and various air quality sensors, along with sensors that detect use of WiFi and Bluetooth devices within a 100-foot range.
The resolution on cameras is thought to be low, and the sound sensors are meant to only monitor sound levels – not record noises, as there will be audio and image files that will be used to calibrate the sensors. A written response from project managers explained, “These images will contain no sensitive PII [personally identifiable information], but some may show faces or license plate numbers.”
All information gathered by AoT will be available to the public – except for ones containing PII...PII data will not be made public but will be stored in a separate, safe facility, where access to this data is “restricted to operator employees, contractors and approved scientific partners who need to process the data for instrument design and calibration purposes, and who are subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations and will be subject to discipline and/or termination if they fail to meet these obligations.”
But who are these people, and will the public know who may have their picture or license plate stored? -- They went on to explain, “The privacy and governance policies nevertheless limit who will have access to data, under what circumstances, and for the limited purpose of research and development.”
So, no, there will be no way to learn who is looking at what behind the scenes of The Array of Things.
When it comes to warrants, the project managers were even vaguer, saying, “The University of Chicago, as copyright holder of the data, would be responsible for responding to law enforcement requests.”
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NoteMonday 8-29-16 was only the "live debut" with just two 'nodes'. When these start going up on lampposts on every block...you then have got Orwell's Brave New World in full operation. Monitored every step.
Coming soon to where you live too no doubt. Be informed.
Rev. 18:4
------------------------------------------------------------- 1John 5:5 'Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?'
1Cor. 16:13 'Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong'
As a Christian you have to live in the midst of an ungodly world, and it is of little use for you to cry "Woe is me." Jesus did not pray that you should be taken out of the world [John 17:11,15], and what He did not pray for you need not desire. Better far in the Lord's strength to meet the difficulty, and glorify Him in it [1Cor. 16:13]. The enemy is ever on the watch to detect inconsistency in your conduct; be therefore very holy [1Peter. 1:15-16]
Remember that the eyes of all are upon you, and that more is expected from you than from other men. Strive to give no occasion for blame. Let your goodness be the only fault they can discover in you. Like Daniel, compel them to say of you, "We shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of his God [Dan. 6:4-5]." Spurgeon
*** Till he come - ACG
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lev. 11:44 'For I am the LORD your God: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy; for I am holy: neither shall ye defile yourselves with any manner of creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth'
Microsoft is taking further steps toward combating online hate speech by rolling out resources to counter sexist, racist or otherwise abusive content on its services...Microsoft has now introduced a new web form [screenshot below] on Aug. 26, offering tools and resources for people to report content instigating violence or promoting hatred based on race, gender, sexual identity or other factors....Beyond these tools that facilitate reporting, Microsoft is also working with governments, other technology companies, safety advocates and the online community to counter online content that may be hateful or offensive.
*** Screen shot from new MS 'hate-speech' webpage[titled]: Report Hate Speech Content Posted to a Microsoft Hosted Consumer Service:
Screenshot from 'report' page - this is the actual form portion to be filled out; click to enlarge
Below are some excerpts from the official MS announcement [link] describing this new 'resource' for the reporting of "hate speech" on what actually is quite a wide range of topics. Plain and simple, the only truthful description for this is censorship:
"Microsoft is committed to creating safe online communities where our customers can learn, play, grow and interact without the threatof violence or hatred...While neither our principles nor our policies are changing, we are refining some of our processes to make it easier for customers to report hate speech.
...beyond streamlining the means for reporting, we're working with the broader internet community to combat offensive content online. We work with governments, online safety advocates and other technology companies to ensure there is no place on our hosted consumer services for conduct that incites violence and hate.
Some of the categorizes on which it will be focusing below.
National or ethnic origin
Sexual orientation/gender identity
If you see speech that should be removed, you can alert Microsoft here [link above screenshot] ...Microsoft doesn't have to remove it. Ultimately, it will be at the Windows-maker's discretion...While some will call this an attack on the first amendment, it actually isn't. Since this only applies to Microsoft's own hosted services -- which it owns -- it can do what it likes. You are free to create your own website and be as hateful as you want."
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Brother approved speech only on Microsoft. It should be noted that MS is also providing a new web-source for those who have had content removed so that they may contest 'Microsoft's decision' - if they feel like tangling with Big Brother on any of the forbidden-topics that is.
What does it mean when having an opinion becomes "hate speech"? It means it looks like that is just about where things are now August 2016.
One other thing - for Windows 10 users: Seeing as how W10 is tracking/collecting virtually everything that happens on your Big Brother home-portal aka computer and sending it back to MS...should it not be supposed that all that data eventually gets sent through some forbidden-topics screening too? Cortana may already be talking...[link]
France will deploy about 3,000 reserve troops, train school authorities and ramp up school anti-terror drills in case of attacks, its education and security ministers announced on Wednesday, a week before the start of a new academic year.
The French government has heightened security across the country following a series of Islamist militant attacks since January last year that has left people on the edge, with schools a feared target.
Around 500 school administrators will be trained every year at the national gendarme training center to manage crisis centers and act as liaisons with security officials, while some 1.2 million students in the fourth year of secondary school are expected to be trained in ['terror'] first aid .
Cazeneuve said security forces will be focusing on school surroundings and that 3,000 gendarme reservists will be deployed to reinforce other forces including the police.
"Throughout the year, particular attention will be put around schools. Active surveillance around schools, high-schools and universities will be reinforced by roving patrols," Cazeneuve said.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ This post is a follow up on:Martial Law France: "National Guard" Created To "Protect Citizens" - After #3 Ordo-Ab-Chao Psyop 'Nice' 7-28-16 "'PARIS (AFP) - French President Francois Hollande on Thursday (July 28) confirmed that a National Guard would be formed from existing reserve forces to better protect citizens facing terror attacks...France has not had a national guard since 1872' ... A formerly free-people now under under military rule. How did this happen? Triple-play psyop-hoax hat trick was all it took to get the job done: 1-7-15, 11-13-15, 7-14-16, with the military roll-out increasing after each, today's announcement unquestionably the most extreme. France martial-law trance-formation timeline: [see post]
Multiple hoax ordo ab chao events already used to transform the nation of France sector by sector into a land literally under a totalitarian military rule now to expand to include the French school system, including 'training' school authorities? Exactly what is here seen. Training school authorities? Obviously this can only mean bringing them, and the entire education system along with them, under the 'supervision' of the newly existing military rule. And training ('terrorist' first-aid is the report) students - which can only mean brainwashing them in the ways of 'happy' submission to totalitarianism - this is now the 'martial law' of the land.
And all accomplished by sleight of hand [see link above]. Do not be sorcerer-ed by believing fiction. It's all fiction now 2016. France is setting precedents, zio-military rule of the entire planet is the goal [link], orchestrating absolutely everything to accomplish it is the modus operandi. The orchestration no doubt will continue, believing it is optional. Do not be sorcerer-ed by believing fiction.
Rev. 18:4
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1John 5:5 'Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?'
Microsoft is looking for students and researchers to help test a new app called 'Sourcerer', created under the Office Insider Program as part of the company's experimental Garage development projects.
Sourcerer is designed to "make the research process easier for students", and Microsoft says that its ultimate aim is to help students save time, by establishing a "quick and intuitive" flow for research.
The Office Insider team is looking for "20-50 curious minds" to help test the app in its earliest stages of development. They want to hear specifically from students (including undergrads, graduates, and PhD candidates) as well as full-time researchers who will be actively working through August and September on an academic research project "on any topic, from any department".
Well well look at what they are up to now. Microsoft is looking for "curious minds" to test out it's shiny brand-new little research app to - sounds very 'personal assistant' Cortana-ish actually - "make the research process easier for students". Isn't that interesting. "Helping" students with their research. And what should one suppose might happen if all students everywhere, including "undergrads, graduates, and PhD candidates - and full-time researchers", suddenly started using the exact same "source" to do their research, or, more accurately, have their research done for them...by Microsoft's nifty new 'sorcery' app?
Exactly. Talk about controlling the narrative, rewriting history, etc.. The history of the world and everything that we decide you need to believe about it, by the ZNWO. No question about it, a plan like that is downright sorcery.
[Side note: Just last month MS rolled out an update for Word that included a couple of new features called "Researcher" and "Editor". Talk about controlling the narrative, here is a description of the two products: "[Editor] Rather than correcting just spelling mistakes and typos, the service will go one step further. It will help reduce redundancies, improve clarity and, most importantly, tell you why the changes are needed. Microsoft has emphasized that as time goes on Editor’s capabilities will only expand. Initially, it will only give basic suggestions, but come fall, they will implement the more advanced features...The other update adds a service called “Researcher.” The tool provides relevant suggestions for sources when writing a paper, ensuring they are credible and reliable." link]
The Kabalist would-be overlords of humanity are by definition sorcerers. Sourcing from sorcerers? - Nothing good can come from that. Students do your own research...in the KJV - 2Tim. 2:15.
*** Compare: Windows 10 "The Service" 1st-Anniversary Update 8-2-16: Cortana Gets Tentacles, No Off Switch -- Spirit Guides For All "As a service control over the computer has been removed from the owner. Rather than the user controlling the computer, the computer is to now control the user. Without question this is the Windows 10 game plan...Talking, touching, being 'Cortana-assisted' - the whole thing sounds very much like a "spirit-guide" experience actually. That of course is not a good thing..." [see post]
Rev. 18:4
---------------------------------------------------------------- Rev. 18:2,23 'Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird...for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived '
[excerpted] The acclaimed Ivy League university is readjusting its accepted campus terms to do away [with] words that could cause sensitive students, faculty members or school administration any bit of discomfort due to their gender preference.
“The first word on the chopping block is ‘man’...
Not stopping there, university officials are offering a new set of directives for those employed by the academic institution so that they employ proper terminology that should be used when communicating on campus at all times.
“Instead of using ‘man,’ employees are told to use words such as human beings, individuals or people,” The College Fix explained.
Also...“Instead of ‘man and wife,’ use ‘spouses’ or ‘partners,’” the website’s report continued. “Switch out ‘man made’ with ‘artificial,’ ‘handmade’ or ‘manufactured.’”
Prohibited terms were also included in the LGBT-friendly lexicon — which is mandatory for designated school personnel to follow:
“Don’t use the verb ‘to man,’ as in to work something … instead use ‘to operate’ or ‘to staff,’” the instructions read. “Throw out ‘workmanlike’ and replace it with ‘skillful.’” ... Use ‘firefighter’ instead of ‘fireman' ... Use ‘business person’ instead of ‘businessman’ ... Use ‘ancestors’ instead of ‘forefathers’
The memo makes it clear that campus employees in Human Resources are expected to abide by the newly prescribed gender-neutral terminology in all verbal and written communications.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Should of course not be thought of as being restricted to one elitist Ivy League university. As most are well aware, this very thing is spreading through every sector of society like Agenda 21 population-relocating wildfires...
Caster Semenya? Never heard of this person? This is the person that looks like a man but the world is supposed to believe is a woman because the psycho mind-programmers of the would-be Antichrist zio-kingdom-come say it is so. And this male-appearing person just took the Olympic gold medal in the Women's 800 meter run Saturday night 8-20-16 in Rio de Janeiro. It's in the history books now. And the fact that this person looks nothing at all like a woman - don't let that even bother you for a moment, say they to all, because this fact is not even disputed. The 'official story' on this person going by the name Caster Semenya is that this person is not actually a 'transgender' but an "intersex". Born that way, in other words - they would have all the world to believe. Is this 'official story' supposed to be believable - especially as it fits perfectly the planned new-androgynous-world-order agenda now being forced upon the global populations. Answer? Not even for a nano-second. Nothing remotely female about Caster Semenya. Regardless, after today's 'big win' this person is now the possessor of the Women's 800 Meter Gold Medal from the 2016 Rio Olympic games. Just the way the new-trans-world-order "game-changing" script reads - way too obviously. No doubt intended to soon become the new norm. As for 'Semenya', the official game-changing* story goes something like this:
*** This Olympic Star Could Signal Big Change in Women’s Sports
[excerpted] A star athlete poised to win gold in the women’s 800-meter race at the Rio Olympics has sparked an ethics debate over gender and sex in competitive sports...
Media reports say Semenya, 25, is believed to have what is called an intersex condition, meaning she has ambiguous reproductive and sexual anatomy and displays some male physical characteristics...
Semenya’s testosterone levels are three times the normal amount found in women, the Daily Mail reported, among other media accounts.
She stands at 5 feet 10 inches and weighs in at 161 pounds, with a muscular build and strong jawline that have stirred debate.
The Court of Arbitration for Sport last year suspended the International Association of Athletics Federations regulation capping testosterone levels for women:
“Since then Semenya has been nearly unbeatable, prompting speculation that she had been suppressing her testosterone with medication but is no longer doing so,” Sports Illustrated’s Layden wrote.
This year, the IOC also released new guidelines for transgender athletes.
NWO-version 'female' Semenya on the left (on another occasion) wearing what else...the number '33'
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The name is the [very crude] obvious hidden-in-plain-sight give-away. A pathetic 100% psyop in other words. "Signaling a big change in woman's sports" - as the title of the above article suggests? No doubt that signal was just sent to the entire world...The absolute destruction of gender. Full speed ahead.
To be accomplished by altering perception of male and female. Blurring the lines. Sponsored by Gang '33'.
*** *Game-changing? This post related to: Serena Williams Is A Man Irrefutable Video - Or You Can't Fake The 'Indent'; And Gymnast Simone Biles...Transgender? 8-6-16 "Changing the world's 'perception' of the difference between women and men is the globalist-agenda now underway. Creating super-'woman' athletes would go a long way in "changing the game"...Speaking of super-'woman' athletes to "change the game", there is a young athlete that has been dominating women's gymnastics for the past few years by the name of Simone Biles..."
The fact is that not only has the 'game been changed', it has been utterly destroyed. Destroying women's sports to accomplish global gendercide...sad pathetic evil satanic.Be not deceived.Rev. 18:4
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark 10:6 '...God made them male and female'
[excerpted] The Department of Commerce is set to hand off the final vestiges of American control over the Internet to international authorities in less than two months, officials have confirmed.
The department will finalize the transition effective Oct. 1, Assistant Secretary Lawrence Strickling wrote on Tuesday, barring what he called "any significant impediment."
The move means the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, which is responsible for interpreting numerical addresses on the Web to a readable language, will move from U.S. control to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, a multistakeholder body based in Los Angeles that includes countries such as China and Russia.
"The proposal will significantly increase the power of foreign governments over the Internet, expand ICANN's historical core mission by creating a gateway to content regulation, and embolden [its] leadership to act without any real accountability, Cruz wrote in a letter sent to Commerce...
Opponents similarly made the case...that the feds are constitutionally prohibited from transferring federal property without approval from Congress. A coalition of 25 advocacy groups...sent a letter to Congress making those points last week. A fourth, Americans for Limited Government, joined that letter and issued a separate statement calling for Congress to sue in the event the transfer moves forward.
While those issues could, in theory, lead to a legal challenge being filed in the days following the transfer, the administration has expressed a desire to finish it before the president leaves office, a position that Strickling reiterated.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One and a half months away...the "U.S. government" intends to transfer internet control to an unknown unaccountable global body...and without any congressional action. Before O-bama heads out...is the plan. Another name for unknown unaccountable global body, much more accurate actually, is 'privatized'. Privatized things benefit only the privatee's.
This obviously is a huge deal, also obviously not in a good way for all-things free-speech and open-information-channel related. Heavily censored controlled information only...looks to be the clear winner here. As reported in the above article a number of groups are looking for a way to mount a legal challenge...
stay tuned...only six weeks away - October 1 2016 the target date. fyi
[excerpted] Microsoft yesterday announced that beginning in October it will offer only cumulative security updates for Windows 7 and 8.1, ending the decades-old practice of letting customers choose which patches they apply.
"Historically, we have released individual patches ... which allowed you to be selective with the updates you deployed..." -- Instead, only cumulative security and performance updates will be offered. "Individual patches will no longer be available," Mercer said.
Customers who receive patches and bug fixes via Windows Update -- the consumer-grade maintenance service -- will automatically get the security/non-security cumulative update; they will not have a choice. However, businesses deploying updates using Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) or the Update Catalog download site, may pick between the security-only or the combined security/non-security updates.
Windows 7's and 8.1's first cumulative updates should appear Oct. 11, that month's Patch Tuesday.
Original Microsoft W8 promo video Nov. 2012 [see link at bottom]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note carefully - for W7 and W8.1 home users, security and "non-security" updates now to be bundled with no option to pick and choose. It's all or nothing in other words, scheduled begin date October 11, 2016. No telling what might be wrapped up in those little packages that MS intends to now install on the non-W10 systems. All sorts of telemetry and tracking goodies almost certainly, and no doubt lots of nifty W10-conversion system-prep stuff...because without question MS's clearly stated intent to "push" people to Windows 10 [see 'follow up' linked at top] has not changed, will not change...and this can only be viewed as the next step of the strategy to do exactly that.
Time to turn off updates altogether? Have to watch very closely. Also have to consider what those 'updates' might start looking like in a year or two or three. Almost a guarantee something resembling W10 'on the inside' at the very least. The goal is after all not a mystery. Namely, to "connect" the entire world with a single 'universal' software system [see link below].
And if not outright converting them, then wiring W7 and W8.1 machines into 'The System' as much as possible, however it can be done, likely is where this goes. Where else can it go? Open source like Linux is always an option too but it's hard to not think they must have a plan for that also.
Anyway here is where it stands today August 2016 in the quest to build the 666 Big Brother global control system - coming for the W10 holdouts. Be very much aware.
*** Related: Windows 10 'The Service' Is Big Brother Computer Takeover: "All I Wanna Be Is Everything" Says He; "World Is Ready"8-7-15 "Taking control of software out of the hands of users has been a stated goal of the would-be global-population managers for a number of years now [see post] ... Windows 8 released at the end of 2012 was actually the first major step toward this end. In retrospect it is clear the W8 was never intended to be anything more than just that - just the first step in the overall transition. "The World is Ready" was the motto at that point (see post) ... That was then, this is now. Windows 10 is now to be the fruition of the plan...With W10 redefining the operating system as a service, updates are now mandatory. Not only security updates, but also the very system features. Like it or not, whatever new thing comes out is getting downloaded and installed automatically on W10 systems. No 'off' button on this one. And this for "the life of the device" says Microsoft ...The reality is that [the plan is for] a virtually 'universal' software-system. Everything everywhere will be easily connected into it ... This is exactly what Microsoft [said] in the above quote from the Microsoft [original] Windows 8 website [see post]: "Your life, connected through the cloud". Connected to what? Connected to the Brave New World global grid of course - your life, digitalized, in the hands of the software-controllers of the nether-world. [see post]
Rev. 18:4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exodus 32:26 'Who is on the LORD'S side?'
At a conference held just days ago [8-9-16] - this is bad news sports fans - every major professorial sports league pledged absolute allegiance to not only the radical LGBT agenda in general, but to their "responsibility and role" in furthering it...essentially meaning incorporating it into their business models. Pro sports just officially became nothing more than a tool of social change, and change of the worst possible kind. It's absolutely over sports fans. Nothing to do with true competition ever again. Even though many would argue and could probably make a very strong case that it has not been about true competition for a long time. Regardless, the role of Pro Sports now is to permeate the minds of the masses of sports fan with homosexuality and gender confusion - and put a positive spin on it. All the leagues are in on it, and they all are 'all in' on it:
*** Beyond Sport United 2016
On 9 August, the highly-anticipated Beyond Sport United - backed by US major leagues MLB, MLS, NBA, NFL, NHL & WNBA - welcomed a compelling line-up of speakers to explore sport’s unique power, responsibility and role in addressing key issues associated with Diversity & Inclusion, at a time in society when it has never been so crucial to do so.
Hosted at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York, Beyond Sport United was a day of insight, idea exchange, and education, that drove the agenda for creating a level playing field across all sports, for everyone to participate and enjoy, regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or socio-economic background.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Reality 2016: It's over, done, gone. See the picture above. See who exactly are the "founding supporters"? Got to let it go. To hang on is to accept the "agenda". The agenda essentially is to mentally "sodomize" the multitudes of diehard sports fans across the globe. That is the harsh reality of what is about to get underway. This will be done by weaving 'the theme' in various ways into everything surrounding each particular sport. Knowing that the massive fan-base of the pro sports leagues will not soon give up their favorite pastime, they know that most will just go with it, which means get used to it, which means accept it. Don't be a victim of the plan. Do not be mentally 'victimized' by hanging on to something intended to defile the user. And that is exactly what "Pro Sports" is now intended to accomplish. For real. Be warned.
This post is a follow up on: Pro Sports Are Over: NBA Goes All-In On Gay - Selling 'Rainbow' NBA-Logo Shirts for Ultra-Radical GLSEN 6-13-16 "[5-6-13] Well...it was a good run but it's over now. Buh-bye pro sports...all they want you for now is as an instrument of social change -- In an interview on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday, Domonique Foxworth, president of the National Football League Players Association...said..."we are redefining masculinity and showing a new dimension of masculinity that I'm so proud to be a part of" -- homosexual perversion is now called "redefining and showing a new dimension of masculinity" - and this from the President of the NFL players association. How the mighty have fallen..." [see post]
Rev. 18:4
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deut. 32:32 'For their vine is of the vine of Sodom, and of the fields of Gomorrah: their grapes are grapes of gall, their clusters are bitter'
“Gender Unicorns” that kids can color in to express their “gender identity” are now being distributed in schools across the country.
A transgender advocacy group is providing schools with the cartoon of a purple unicorn who appears to be thinking about the LGBT rainbow, causing outrage from parents. One district in North Carolina was met with protests after it used the “Gender Unicorn” in its faculty training.
The group, Trans Student Educational Resources, says the Gender Unicorn is an upgrade from the “Genderbread Person,” another cartoon graphic about gender identity targeting children...The graphic is available in coloring book form so kids can draw out their “gender expression” and show who they are sexually attracted to.
The group also argues against using the term “sex,” or biological status, because it is transphobic...The Gender Unicorn is available in 11 languages, including Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Deutsch, German, French, Turkish, Hungarian, and Danish.
Aside from the unicorn, the group also offers a guide to pronouns that includes “she, he, they, and ze, zir, hir, hirs, zirs, hirself, and zirself.”
“Please note that these are not the only pronouns,” the group says. “There are an infinite number of pronouns as new ones emerge in our language.”
The school district, which serves 141,000 kids aged prekindergarten through 12th grade, said the cartoon is “used nationally.”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No matter how aware of the wretched reality of the gendercide-agenda, and even seeing clearly how it has been methodically developed over the years, that something like this, specifically directed at young children, would actually exist - somehow it still just does not quite register. But there it is...
As mentioned in the above article this newest tool of child-defilement is the successor to the previous, the 'genderbread', which was the subject of this December 2014 post:
NWO 'Genderless Agenda' Debuts "Genderbread Person" At CA High School - Coming For Your Sons And Daughters 12-12-14 "The brainwashing "genderbread person" reveals everything needed to know to understand what is being done. Be certain of one thing though: The gender-robbers of the world's youth have no plan 'b' - they have declared war against "male" and "female", and the strategy to be employed is guerrilla warfare..." [see post]
Literally, only those entities that make up the unseen world of "principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places" [Eph. 6:12] - directing their human counterparts of course* - could devise such an utterly corruptive scheme.
And they sure did, and there it is big as day. Proactively protect your boys and your girls people. The Eph. 6:12 gang is definitely after them fully intending to rob them of their true "gender identity" any way they can.
Rev. 18:4
------------------------------------------------------------------------ *John 3:19 'And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil'
The nation’s oldest Roman Catholic university announced this week that it has appointed its first “director for Hindu life,” who they are noting to be the first Hindu priest chaplain in the nation.
Georgetown University’s newspaper The Hoya explained on Tuesday that Interim Vice President for Mission and Ministry Howard Gray, S.J. sent out a campus-wide email advising that Brahmachari Vrajvihari Sharan had been selected for the appointment.
“Br. Sharan was drawn to Georgetown by its commitment to interreligious student formation, and by the vibrancy of the university’s Hindu community,” Gray wrote.
Rajan Zed, the president of the Universal Society of Hinduism, released a statement on Wednesday applauding the appointment and urging Georgetown to make additional accommodations for Hindu students.
“GU should make efforts to provide specific designated space for worship, congregation and cooking to Hindu students, like some other religions on the campus,” he said. “It should preferably include a shrine containing murtis (statues) of popular Hindu deities like Shiva, Vishnu, Rama, Krishna, Durga, Venkateshwara, Ganesha, Murugan, Saraswati, Hanuman, Lakshmi, Kali, etc.”
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This post is a follow up on:New "Pope Video" - Bergoglio-Francis Calls For World Religions To Unite, Flashes 'Horus'1-7-16 "...all the world religions together under 'one god'. Which is exactly what Bergoglio-Francis is calling for in this January 2016 video release, published by the Vatican itself...One world religion under the one-world god - Horus i.e the biblical Antichrist..." [see post]
'Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from
the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils' - 1Tim. 4:1
[image from Vatican "Pope Video" at above link]
Georgetown, some may say, is "Catholic" in name only. Think so? Should the same then be said about Bergoglio-Francis the top man, the very 'pope' of the Catholic religion? - see above image
Catholicism is done people of the world - step by step it's assimilation into the now materializing, open, global-spirituality of Antichrist is coming along right according to schedule. It will not be stopped, it will not be averted, it will not be prevented. Clearly, undeniably, from the top down, the line has already been crossed. This 'new way', this spirit of inclusive global interspirituality is already on it's way to every Catholic church worldwide, and every Catholic religion adherent will absolutely have to either separate, or, by staying in, knowingly or unknowingly, be submitted to the 'spirit of anti-christ' [2John 7]. There are no other options. This was the same topic of another recent post, also documenting the 'done-ness' of the Catholic church:
It's in or out Catholics.Rev. 18:4
----------------------------------------------------------- 2Cor. 6:16a,17 'And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? ...Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you'[see: Rom 10:9-10]
Related to: New FBI School Guidelines To "Prevent Violent Extremism" Turns Schools Into Totalitarian Centers 3-4-16 "'Under new guidelines, the FBI is instructing high schools across the country to report students who criticize government policies and “western corruption” as potential future terrorists...' -- Very clearly what this entails is a radical system for comprehensive oversight of all students, as well as to "educate school personnel" to be the 'identifiers' of any potential 'non-conformers' to the desired 'norm'... "Preventing" and "intervening" and "educating" what to think and how to think, and Re-Educating, are the things of totalitarianism. This is that..." [see post]
*** Illinois Gov. signs bill that requires teaching teens how to handle being stopped by police
Students enrolled in driver's education courses will be requiredto learn how to respond if they're pulled over by police under a measure Gov. Bruce Rauner signed into law Friday.
The change is aimed at preventing teens from panicking or doing anything that may be interpreted as a red flag by police, which could lead to a standard traffic stop escalating into a more serious situation.
"I think it's really timely, so that teenagers and young drivers don't look at a police officer as a threat or a problem," said sponsoring Sen. Julie Morrison, D-Deerfield. "It's just a part of driving, and if they respond in a responsible, correct way, it should never escalate."
The new curriculum will be put in place for the 2017-18 school year at private and public schools that offer driver's education classes, or after June 30, 2017, for driver training schools providing instruction to teens younger than 18. It'll be up to the secretary of state's office to develop the specific guidelines.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Training youth to "respond in a...correct way" to "police"? This is not about North Korea, this just became law in the State of Illinois. Training absolute submission to 'authority' in order to keep one's self safe is exactly what this new Illinois law amounts to.
Training 'citizens' how to 'respond correctly' to their masters so as to avoid "escalation" - which they should then view as likely meaning potential harm to themselves - there is a definite name for this sort of governance. It is called authoritarianism.
Illinois just went open-authoritarian.
Why the exponential increase of police-shooting citizen and citizen-shooting police psyop-hoaxes of late? - it's very obvious now is it not.
The plan is global. Brick by brick is how the rebuilding of Nimrod's Tower of Babel is being attempted [Gen. 11:3-4].
Illinois just placed another brick. Definitely take note.Rev. 18:4
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ezekiel 13:11 'Say unto them which daub it with untempered morter, that it shall fall: there shall be an overflowing shower; and ye, O great hailstones, shall fall; and a stormy wind shall rend it'
[updated 8-17]Below video is a few years old. Seemed like a good time to take another look at it as the 2016 Rio Olympics are underway and Serena Williams will be looking to defend the gold medal won at the 2012 London games. Additionally considering how the global-attack to destroy gender has exponentially increased since that time. Dramatically to say the least. The video is about a half hour long and is worth viewing in it's entirety. As with other videos posted it also is posted 'as is'. This one is titled "IRREFUTABLE PROOF that Serena Williams IS A MAN". Let the viewer carefully consider. Examining a thing as best as can be done with what is available - how else can it be done? The only alternative is a mind-numbed acceptance of everything that gets put out. Below the video are some thoughts provoked by the video - thinking out loud as it were - in comment form. And then also a look at a certain American gymnast by the name of Simone Biles apparently about to become a 'game changing' global superstar - who seems to have some of the same 'transgender' characteristics as Serena:
click image to enlarge - male hip-point waist indent very evident
Gender deception upon the world. Blurring the concept of male and female. At this point in the game, August 2016, that this very thing is in fact an actual high-priority agenda item of the would be novus ordo seclorum gang is not even in question anymore. This in fact now being an open and known global-goal raises the question of exactly what lengths might the would-be new-world architects go to achieve their goals. Is it conceivable that some mysterious behind-the-scenes power-brokers would carefully select some young males for 'transgender' alterations in order to use them to dominate women's sports. This would certainly help in the perception-changing game. If so, would it seem too far fetched if they took them even from infancy, or perhaps toddlers.
Pure surmising here, but what if a pool of very young toddlers were 'altered', and then from that group the most promising were later selected for the 'purpose'. So young that perhaps the child would never have known the difference. If from before the time that a child had any awareness he was 'transgendered', and then raised as a female, the child would then never know any difference. Raised as a girl from day one, never knowing anything different, this would be a difficult psychological barrier to ever overcome. How many kids might it take to find the one who could go on to become an athletic champion? Would just one or two be enough or would many be needed to be assured of getting one that could be a 'champ'. That's just another thought while pondering on these things. Would it be thought completely out-of-the-question to consider the possibility of actually breeding for the desired traits? Obviously nothing can be known, but just exploring different possibilities...for, well, you know, if someone really wanted to 'change the world' they might do anything.
The above video is what actually brings these things to mind. Take Serena and Venus for instance. For siblings, they really look nothing alike. In fact they could not be any more different, facially and body-type wise. One is tall and lean, the other is ultra-compact and relatively short. Nothing really in the way of family resemblance regarding appearance either. Just noting the fact - seems unusual.
The video producer points to the man who is said to be their father as the mastermind behind a scheme to take his two adoptive sons and turn them into female tennis champions for financial gain. This is really not plausible. There would have to be some much bigger players involved to pull off something like this. Now placing a number of chosen 'subjects' into settings to grow them up and then selecting the top prospects for the global-agenda purpose - that is far more believable actually. Interesting also in that respect would be the two different body types of the Williams. What if - and this is just a 'what if' - but suppose that out of a pool of prospects two top candidates were eventually selected, purposely with opposite body types, in order to see which would fare better. Just a thought.
Changing the world's 'perception' of the difference between women and men is the globalist-agenda now underway. Creating super-'woman' athletes would go a long way in "changing the game".
Speaking of super-'woman' athletes to "change the game", there is a young athlete that has been dominating women's gymnastics for the past few years by the name of Simone Biles. Few probably have ever heard of this champion gymnast but the whole world is about to be introduced now that the Rio Olympics are underway (August 5-21). An interesting thing to note here about Simone Biles background, as the story goes, is that Simone Biles was removed from an "unfit" drug-addicted mother as a toddler and placed in foster care, and then after a time adopted by 'grandparents' who then raised Biles. At any rate, fast forward the story now to 2016 and reportedly the consensus by those who would know claim Simone Biles is the best-ever, the most dominant ever, etc. in the sport of women's gymnastics. A real "game changer" according to the cover of this very recent August 8, 2016 TIME magazine:
Who is Simone Biles? That is Simone Biles featured on this TIME cover dated August 8, 2016. What is immediately noticeable is how powerful a build Simone has for a woman. Similar to Serena actually in the overall musculature. Seems to have rather large hands too. Stands four-foot-nine reportedly. Here's another image clipped from a Youtube showing Simone's very powerful torso:
"Dinosaurs never existed" is the title of the video. It is posted 'as is' - meaning at the very least it will make-you-think. It is 29:00 min. and well put together and is worth the investment of that much time. Dinosaurs just another massive masonic hoax on the world? Start here:
[0:1] "The class dinosauria was originally defined by a Sir Richard Owen of the Royal Society and superintendent of the British Museum Natural History Department in 1842. Or in other words, the existence of dinosaurs was first speculatively hypothesized by a knighted museum head, coincidentally, in the mid-19th century, during the hey day of evolutionism, before a single dinosaur fossil had ever been found. The masonic media and mainstream press worldwide got to work hyping stories of these supposed long lost animals, and then lo and behold twelve years later, in 1854 Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden during his exploration of the upper Missouri River found 'proof' of Owen's theory...a few unidentified teeth he mailed to leading paleontologist Joseph Leedy, who several years later declared them to be from an ancient extinct "trachodon" dinosaur..."
[1:20] "..it is dubious that a myriad of ancient reptile-bird and reptile-mammal transitional forms necessary for the blossoming theory of evolution would be hypothesized and then conveniently discovered by teams of evolutionists-archaeologists purposely out looking to find such fossils. And it is even more dubious that such fossils have supposedly existed for millions of years but were never found by or known to any civilization in the history of humanity until evolutionism's masonic renaissance in the mid-19th century..."
[2:10] "...Why were there no discoveries prior to the 19th century in any part of the world. According to the World Book encyclopedia before the 1800's no one ever knew that dinosaurs existed. During the late 1800's and early 1900's large deposits of dinosaur remains were discovered. Why has man suddenly made all these discoveries? No tribes, cultures, or countries in the world ever discovered a dinosaur bone before the mid-1800's...and then they were suddenly found all over the world...in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Argentina, Belgium, Mongolia, Tanzania, West Germany, and many other places apparently had large deposits of dinosaur fossils never before seen. All these places were inhabited and well explored for thousands of years before this time - why had no one ever discovered a dinosaur fossil before?"
Zio-masonic, baby...everything's a lie [link] ...shhhhh
Rev. 18:4
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2Tim. 3:1,13 'This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come...evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived'
Charting the rising one world government, the emerging global spirituality, and the apostasy of the Christian church worldwide. Bringing the picture into focus.[Hover on linked scripture verses for pop-up window]
Horatius Bonar [1808-1889]; 6 mins. Mt. 25:2-3;
also read: 'Foolish Virgins' by CHM
A. W. Tozer [1960?]; 24 mins.
'Enoch would go' [original recording]
It is of the utmost importance for the Christian reader to bear in mind that, whatever be the condition of the professing Church, it is his privilege to enjoy as high communion and to tread as high a path of individual devotedness as ever was known in the very brightest days of the Church's history. We must never draw a plea from the condition of things around us for lowering the standard of individual holiness and devotedness. There is no excuse for continuing a single hour in connection with anything that will not stand the test of Holy Scripture.