MILWAUKEE (AP) — A white Milwaukee police officer who was fired after he fatally shot a mentally ill black man in a downtown park in April won’t face criminal charges, the county’s top prosecutor said Monday.
Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm said in an emailed press release that Christopher Manney won’t be charged because he shot Dontre Hamilton in self-defense.
“This was a tragic incident for the Hamilton family and for the community,” Chisholm said in a statement. “But, based on all the evidence and analysis presented in this report, I come to the conclusion that Officer Manney’s use of force in this incident was justified self-defense and that defense cannot be reasonably overcome to establish a basis to charge Officer Manney with a crime.”
Manney is at least the third white police officer to not be charged in the past month after a confrontation that led to a black man’s death.
Governor Walker says the National Guard had been “activated and deployed” and will be used at the discretion of the Milwaukee Police Department to manage expected protests against the decision.
This post is a follow up, related to: Ferguson Ordo Ab Chao And Pentagon 5-'13 'Rule Change' On "Civil Disturbances" - It's A Match; And The NAU 9-5-14 "Cui bono? Either citizens are getting gunned down all over the place in the US of A these days, or, it is just being made to appear to be so...via endless staged order to create an gain an objective...the objective being the training of the populace to submit to an authoritarian governing of themselves...and equally as crucial to the secret-society globalists aspirations...and the other side of that coin begin the full and final implementation of a global military rule, which definitely includes the nation of America. Making these things happen is absolutely imperative for the would-be 'apotheosists' (god-men) before they can realize their delusional dreams of installing themselves as the ruling authoritarians of all the earth...Anybody can believe what they want about the endless incidents the USA is being subjected to, whether or not they are authentic or Hollywood type stage-managed productions. It must be noted though that without a pretext, which it is undeniable that 'perfect-pretexts' just keep coming one after another - something like dial-a-chaos, it might be a real long time before there would be enough 'crisis-situations' with at least an appearance of legitimacy to 'explain' the necessity for all the heavy-handed 'solutions' now being rolled out in real-time. And of course the most telling thing about these 'solutions' are that they invariably facilitate the implementation of the exact plans to subdue and control the 'peasants'..."[see post]
Compare also: Marines To 'Train' (Public For Martial Law) In Downtown Los Angeles December 5-16, 2014; Ferguson, NY, "Phoenix" 12-5-14 "Military games in the downtown streets of LA California? There is only one name for that - martial law desensitization. Same thing currently underway in Ferguson, and NY, and of course wouldn't you know, now Phoenix. Only difference is that the drills in those cities are live as a result of the 'chaos' factor - namely the string of concurrent supposed white-cop-on-black-citizen killings..." [see post]
"Third white police officer to not be charged in the past month"...and the result is...once again...military in the streets. Who woulda thunk it. And the latest development, seemingly fitting into the overall scenario just a little too perfectly, not only is it cops (allegedly) shooting citizens, but, we are now being told, it is also now citizens (allegedly) shooting cops (2 [alleged] incidents in just the past week). As far as creating a chaotic scenario conducive to enabling the implementing of the ZNWO totalitarian agenda, the way this is unfolding, couldn't have been scripted any better if they tried.
Real or an illusion? The rolling out of a full scale police state takeover of Amerika as a 'solution' to all these 'current events' is no illusion, that is ridiculously evident. Fact is it is now a full court press. Presto change-o...trance-formation accomplished.
Military rule of the entire globe is the zionist-kingdom-come agenda [see: 'tikkun olam']. And one thing that anybody can be certain about regarding that would-be kingdom-come is this: it is not building itself. Be informed. Rev. 18:4
Jeremiah 51:53 'Though Babylon should mount up to heaven, and though she should fortify the height of her strength, yet from me shall spoilers come unto her, saith the LORD' '
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