Comet Ison destroyed in Sun passage
Telescopes saw the giant ball of ice and dust disappear behind the star, but only a dull streamer emerge. Astronomers continued to search for the object, but it eventually became clear that the much vaunted "Comet of the Century" had gone out with a whimper. Despite its great size, Ison was probably torn apart in the immense heat and tidal forces so close to the Sun.
The European Space Agency's experts on the Soho Sun-watching satellite called the death of the comet at about 21:30 GMT.
"Our Soho scientists have confirmed, Comet Ison is gone," Esa's twitter feed announced.
Ison had captivated skywatchers with its promise ever since it was discovery by Vitali Nevski and Artyom Novichonok in 2012.
Comets will stay in the news, however. Next year, in October, Comet Siding Spring will breeze past Mars at a distance of little more than 100,000km. And then in November, the European Space Agency's Rosetta mission will attempt to place a probe on the nucleus of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Real event or GLOBAL occult ritual
Since the supposed discovery of 'Ison" last year September 21, 2012, right at the bewitching time of the autumnal equinox, until today November 28th, the joint Thanksgiving holiday and first day of Hanukkah 2013, millions of people worldwide have been taken on a wild 'comet' ride. Never mind that the official storyline changed constantly and that the supposed photos of 'Ison' were all questionable, every one of them from the first to the last, those millions of people worldwide hung, "captivated", on every last detail of the reported comet that could be found - believing fully in icy Ison's existence. But just like that...before anything can be proved definitely, it's gone.
Imagine that.
Can millions worldwide be duped that easily? If so, where might the reality-twisters of the NWO go with the story lines of the next "comets" that they are already now reporting, as reported in the above article.
Meteorites, comets, comet fragments, asteroids, space rocks...the earth is at risk, say they [link], and the world just got a hugely elaborate, even ritualistic conditioning exercise in "Ison" (Sion/Zion - see 'follow up' above) to make the story convincing.
See through everything. Rev. 18:4
11-29-13 update: (quoted from the 'follow up' post [11-16-13] linked at top) "One very important consideration is the much speculation on the possibility of the earth being impacted by 'debris' if ISON were in fact to "break up" as a result of it's being overheated during it's "skimming" u-turn around the sun. Although many 'scientists' deny that there is any danger to the earth if this were the case, would this not create a possible scenario where sometime before Christmas and on into the new year strange objects falling out of the sky could be said to be 'comet fragments'? [link] This possibility has been discussed."
According to the latest 'plot-twist' 11-29-13 coming from NWO central, the ever-changing story now is that a 'small fragment' may have 'survived' (nothing visible no doubt), with the NY Times even calling it a "death and apparent resurrection" - link (think occult ritual - Sion/antichrist; see 'follow up' post linked at top), which of course then makes the "debris" scenario mentioned directly above playable...or perhaps even just used for a little 'earth scare'...No telling what direction this 'ritual' might get taken over the next month or so...stay tuned
12-2-13 update: Imaginary (?) Ison Debris May Hit Earth Around New Year, Say Russian Scientists
2Timothy 3:1 'This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come'