But recently — without warning or explanation — Moreno was locked out of her Facebook account. Her profile was still there, but she couldn’t log in...“It asked me to submit a government issued photo ID, so I automatically assumed it was scam,” she said.
When Moreno contacted Facebook, she was told it’s no scam. If she ever wanted to access her account again, she’d have to provide a copy of her ID...And Moreno is not the only user this has happened to. A quick look online, and CBS 2 found countless numbers of Facebook, as well as Instagram users, complaining of the same temporary shutdown.
“There’s a lot of people faking profiles and using them maliciously,” said Chris Morran of The Consumerist online magazine...Morran said it is all part of a new round of checks by some social media sites to verify users and prevent scams like catfishing — made famous by the Manti Te’o scandal.
“As long as they’re within the law, they have the right to do what they want,” Morran said. “And you, as a consumer, have the right to not use Facebook.”
Eventually, the company did restore her login and apologized, saying her account was suspended by mistake. But she said the whole experience has left her wanting to “defriend” the social media site...“I’m against Facebook right now completely,” she said...Before providing a copy of your ID, experts suggest contacting Facebook first to find out why you’re being locked out.
"A new round of checks [because of ] ...catfishing - made famous by Manti Te'o"
see: Why Manti Te'o 24/7? NWO...Going After Online Anonymity 1-29-13 "There is no real news anymore. Probably never has been, but the reality of that statement being true is at this point more evident than it has ever been. It is simply a 24/7 endless-loop of manufactured propaganda for the sole purpose of creating an alternate reality to achieve an agenda. What is being put out as the 'latest news' is in fact nothing more than a bizarre soap-opera with endless plot twists constantly merging into convoluted sub-plots, numbing the minds of the many still unsuspecting public as the Brave New World agenda is forced upon them...This was a ready made episode, ready to roll out at the exact moment. In that, it would had to have been orchestrated some time back. If so, there would likely be an even greater end goal...There are two actually. The first is "online anonymity". It is clear that the beast-kingdom builders want to eliminate it completely. They want total control, and they want everybody plugged in and identified to achieve it. And it is the next thing on their to-do list. And look at that, the Manti Te'o story plays into it perfectly.
Manti Te'o story real? As always, cui bono? Here it is less than two months after the Te'o soap opera dominated the msm for a week or so, and it is now conveniently providing social media sites the needed excuse to take the NWO Big Brother agenda to another new level. And if you don't like it don't use it says BB. Step by step... Rev. 18:4
Romans 13:12 'The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light' [link]
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