A major part of the Obama Israel trip was a scheduled keynote speech to at least one thousand 'invite-only' Israeli citizens [see link above]. The speech was delivered on March 21, 2013 to reportedly over one-thousand students at Jerusalem's main conference centre. Below is the closing paragraph. Extremely noteworthy is the invocation of the Jewish phrase, from the Jewish Kabbalah - "tikkun olam":
The phrase "tikkun olam" is extremely significant, and telling, and when clearly understood, brings much needed clarity to the purposes, and discovery of the driving force, of everything transpiring in the world today. The meaning of the phrase is absolutely nothing less than a declaration of the singular intent to achieve the Jewish goal of global domination, which by definition of the term involves controlling "spiritual forces" (and world events) to bring it about. This they refer to as "repairing the world", which according to the Jewish kabbalah, will not happen until all the world recognizes the Jews as the saviors of the world and essentially yield to them as the master race. This was explained in a previous post on the subject, with regard to a previous use of the phrase by Obama:
From "Obama Quotes Kabbalah - Tikkun Olam" 12-26-11:
Is there a Jewish conspiracy to rule the world? If so, can it be summed up in a single phrase? Would that phrase be found in the Jewish kabbalah?
The video below is from the 2011 Hanukkah ceremony held December 8th at the White House. During the ceremony, Obama makes this very interesting statement [3:00 - 3:09]: "...let's extend a hand to those who are in need...and allow the value of..uh.."tikkun olam" to guide our work this holiday season"
re: "the value of tikkun olam to guide our work"?
This statement made by Obama at the White House Hanukkah ceremony on 12-8-11, when understood, is astounding. It literally opens up a panorama of revelation as to how the world is now being "guided" into the so called new world order. According to Obama, it is the "value of tikkun olam" that is guiding this work. Not surprisingly, as it turns out, the phrase "tikkun olam" comes from the Jewish kabbalah. Research will show that this phrase has a wide variety of applications but at it's core the meaning is very profound. It basically embodies the concept of the Jew as the savior of the world, with the power to "control spiritual forces" through their deeds and will, and that it is up to them to "perfect the world". This will be accomplished "when all of humanity recognizes this fact", and comes into unity with them and their 'god' Hashem, in what is to be a "model Jewish society":
becomingjewish: Tikkun olam is a Hebrew phrase that means, "repairing the world" or "perfecting the world." In Judaism, the concept of tikkun olam originated in the early rabbinic period. The concept was given new meanings in the kabbalah of the medieval period and further connotations in modern Judaism.
The phrase tikkun olam is used in the longer expression l'takken olam b'malkhut Shaddai, "to perfect the world under God's sovereignty." In other words, when all people of the world abandon false gods and recognize God, the world will have been perfected.
According to the philosopher Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, the physical world is connected to the spiritual worlds above and these spiritual worlds in turn influence the physical world*. Accordingly, Jews have the ability through physical deeds and free will to direct and control spiritual forces. Included in the forces is tikkun. Hashem‟s** desire in creation is that His creations will ultimately recognize Hashem‟s unity and overcome evil. This, according to Luzzatto, will constitute the perfection (tikkun) of creation. Jews have the Torah and are aware of Hashem‟s unity and when all of humanity recognizes this fact, the rectification will be complete.
[*The physical and spiritual worlds being connected, with the spiritual worlds influencing the physical, and the Jews controlling all - here is now found the source of the concept of "as above so below". Important to understand that everything that they do to accomplish the "work" of tikkun olam is done according to this principal. example: here and here - ed.]
[**"Hashem" is the god of the kabbalah, not the God of the Bible. 16th century kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Cordovero wrote: "Hashem is found in all things. All things are found in Hashem. There is nothing devoid of Hashem's divinity. Everything is in Hashem. Hashem is in everything, beyond everything." (From Seeing God - Ten Lessons Of The Kabbalah; by David Aaron). This is panentheism, and is an occultic-mystical Jewish redefinition of, and denial of, the triune God of the bible (1John 2:22-23). When the Jew speaks of perfecting the world under the sovereignty of god, it is "Hashem"; in essence it is himself. - ed.]
For many Jews, the phrase tikkun olam means that Jews are not only responsible for creating a model Jewish society for themselves, they are also responsible for the welfare for the society at large. This responsibility may be understood in religious, social, or political terms and there are many differing opinions about how religion, society, and politics interplay."
newkabbalah "Tikkun ha-Olam: The Restoration of the World. The symbol of Tikkun ha-Olam embodies the most distinctively Jewish, as well as the single most important ethical injunction of the Kabbalah: the command that humanity must restore and redeem a broken and fallen world (see Shevirat ha-Kelim). As articulated by Isaac Luria in 16th century Safed, Tikkun is a symbol with both metaphysical and theological implications. Luria and his disciples understood every event in the created universe, indeed the very act of creation itself to be an introduction and prelude to Tikkun ha-Olam. For them it is only as a result of the world's restoration that both cosmos and God can be said to be complete."
Understanding all these things then, "the value of tikkun olam", to quote Obama, by definition constitutes a Jewish conspiracy to rule the world. It is very clear. And truly the entire concept is contained in that single phrase, which does in fact come from the Jewish kabbalah.
Christian believer, it may be difficult to understand, but absolutely every apostate movement in the church today comes from this same source. Absolutely every one. Christianity has no place in the kabbalist "model Jewish society" of tikkun olam. Many different methods of deception are being employed to destroy it, but in the end they have all been devised by the self-proclaimed saviors of humanity to achieve the one goal of Jewish global domination, i.e. tikkun olam. And this definitely includes subjugating all of Christianity and then doing away with it completely by any means necessary:
Shabbath 116a (p. 569): [subterfuge wording translated] Jews must destroy the books of the Christians, i.e. the New Testament.
Zohar 1,160a: "Jews must always try to deceive Christians."
Schabouth Hag. 6b: "Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording.
Very few understand this.
About the Jewish kabbalah
The kabbalah, in a nutshell, it is an elaborately concocted system of Jewish mysticism - believed by them to be the secret knowledge of the ages. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the bible. It actually completely redefines the bible and the very nature of God. It is in it's essence the definition of the occult, and all occultic practices find their source in the kabbalah. Jewish freemasonry and other secret societies are all founded on the kabbalah and it's 'magical mysteries'. Ultimately, it is a methodology to bypass the God of the bible and tap directly into the spiritual realm in a quest to acquire divine power.
Legends as to it's beginning vary widely, but very simply, it can be traced back all the way to the beginning of time. It was in the garden of Eden where the serpent first beguiled Eve and tempted Adam to partake of the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" - by which they could acquire for themselves the 'secret knowledge of the ages'. If they only had this knowledge, he told them..."then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods" [Gen. 3:4-5].
To be as gods. That is where it started. Nothing has changed. The serpent, i.e. Lucifer, was the source then, and he is still the source today. And deluded men are still trying to get that fruit of the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil", and falling for the same lie - that they can be as gods.
They call that fruit of supposed 'secret knowledge' the kabbalah.
original post >>
On a related subject, that being the new pope, much is being made of his being a "Jesuit". This means nothing in reality. Jesuits, it will be understood if these things are grasped, are simply employees of the 'tikkun olam' power-brokers. What will happen after a "Jesuit" pope [link] works some dark ecumenical cabalistic 'magic' and brings about world interfaith, with the Catholic church merged in as well? There is only one possibility, the whole thing is to then be delivered up to 'Hashem', the mystical god-force of 'tikkun olam'. And even as the above photo indicates, and as it is not the first time he has used the phrase while speaking to Jewish audiences, Obama, obviously, is where he is to do the same - solely to usher in the Jewish goal of 'tikkun olam' upon the world - that it be transformed into a "model Jewish society".
There is more to it of course, but it really is that plain and simple. And it all ties directly into bible prophecy; see (if interested): Zionist Antichrist world order and here (for starters)
[follow links connect dots]
John 3:36 'He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him'
I've been reading some about the Israeli war of Independence of 1948 and their war with Hezbollah in 2006 and about the UN and US involvement, particularly in the war of 1948, and I was wondering your thoughts on the purpose of these two wars in the global scheme of things to take over the world? And, what gain did the US and the UN get from these wars?
Ultimately the Jews have only one goal. That is to build a temple in Jerusalem, and place a king on "the throne of David", by which, they believe, they are to then exercise their 'divine' right to rule the world. The problem is that the Jews are to this day in unbelief (1John 2:22), which is to say - God is not in it. Nevertheless, all their actions are toward this end, which includes manipulating world events to try to make it happen.
The facts are that the U.S. and the U.N. are both controlled by the Zionist movement, have been from their beginnings, and essentially are just vehicles to gain the objective. Thorough study will show that to be true. The Jews lost Jerusalem in 70ad, it took them until 1948 to regain it. And here is the key thing to understand about that - the Jews returning to the land of Israel in 1948 was accomplished by political maneuvering - in the ongoing attempt to accomplish exactly what is stated above. In other words, they did it themselves. It was in no way the biblically promised restoration of Israel as is commonly taught. That teaching is absolutely untrue. The US from the start has been a base of operations from which to realize the goal. God of course is sovereign, and ultimately it is he who has drawn them back into the land, but it is for judgment [Ezk. 22:17-18,19,20,21-22]. Few understand this. After that, and only after that, God will in fact restore Israel, but they must first recognize the Lord Jesus as both Lord and Christ (Acts 2:36).
That is very brief, but here are some posts/articles dealing with the bible prophecy on the subject:
A.C. Gaebelein: Final Conflict, Victory
also: Zion - false foundation
and: Zionism and 'the kingdom'
Thank you Tom for taking the time to answer my question. I appreciate your insights.
Since the goal is to rebuild the Temple, I have often wondered why Israel gave away the Temple Mount in 1967. Any ideas?
The answer to that question may be that it is simply a matter of timing - which is to say that in 1967 the time was not right to take the Temple Mount away from the Muslims. To have done so would have began a major war with the entire Islamic world that would have no end. The regaining of Jerusalem was the immediate goal, but there was still much work to be done before the 'throne of David' and the temple could be set up. Here now, 2013, and the reality is that much of that work has been done, meaning the needed global-control system is to a great degree in place. This involved, and is ongoing, getting control of the so-called non-integrating gap countries - Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, for instance, all of Africa being conquested now, etc. etc.
When the time is determined to be right, Iran turning into WWIII looks to be the final stage (some think that there may be a regional Syrian conflict first, before the full-blown WWIII agenda). This would be the time when full control of the entire Middle East would be taken, as well being designed to completely collapse the entire old-world-order. After this is accomplished...and "all enemies have been defeated"...then the 'kingdom of Zion' will be established on the earth...is how it is supposed to go.
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