BEND, Ore., Feb. 6, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- The attorney for Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and his publisher, Charisma Media, has threatened to sue a Christian missionary and his publisher, whose research questions the historic and biblical veracity of Cahn's New York Times bestseller, "The Harbinger."
In a letter addressed to David James, author of "The Harbinger: Fact or Fiction?" and his publisher, the attorney for Cahn and Charisma Media (formerly Strang Communications) have alleged that the biblical critique authored by James not only infringes upon copyright but has damaged sales of Cahn's book, which in spite of controversy has recently surpassed one million copies.
Many Christian leaders have praised Cahn's work as a prophetic message from God, even to the extent of declaring that Jonathan Cahn is a true prophet for our time, and that "The Harbinger" is "the word of God. "
James's publisher, The Berean Call (TBC), revealed details of the threatened litigation in the ministry's February newsletter. TBC Executive Director, T.A. McMahon, announced:
"The complaint is that [David James] used too many quotes from the New York Times best-selling book, 'The Harbinger,' without permission from author "rabbi" Jonathan Cahn and publisher Charisma Media Publications (Charisma). The complaint further states that our use of the quotes has inhibited the sales of 'The Harbinger' and has thus financially damaged Cahn and Charisma in an amount yet to be determined."
"This is the first time in my 35 years of [ministry] addressing nearly every major religion, religious cult, aberrational Christian sect, unbiblical trend, religious publication, book, media production, etc., that any organization or individual has even hinted at suing us." [Full article/ press release at link]
This post is a follow up on: "The Harbinger" Is A Cahn Job 2-1-13 "...this leads to the issue of what is known as the judaizing of Christianity. This has to do with bringing Christians and Christianity under subjection to Judaism. This book is looking like it could possibly be a vehicle to work toward that end... Christian, did you ever notice that so-called Messianic Jews and/or Hebrew Roots adherents never really want to become 'more Christian', but they always want you to become 'more Jewish'? Why do you suppose that is? And if they really are true Christians, why do they ignore this scripture: "But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ" (Matthew 23:8; cf. 1Cor. 11:3-4)...But it is not only Christians, ultimately all religions, and in fact, all of society - is to be brought under Jewish control with rabbis as authorities. A Jewish global empire, in other words, is the goal. This very thing is described in the following quote from a well known and well established Jewish organization called the "Temple Mount Faithful": [see post] - The 'Cahn' job in the form of this book titled "The Harbinger" on the secret meaning of 9/11 and the "Secret of America's Future" is not going away anytime soon. The reality is that 'the movement' may be just getting started...
Sued for questioning the rabbi? That is where it stands presently.
Global empires do not play nice with detractors. Is the "empire striking back"? Is this to be an object lesson for all 'concerned parties' the 'Harbinger movement' apparently has big not get in the way? Understanding that Judaism is actually Talmudism, as mentioned in the post at the 'follow up' link directly above, this action brings to mind a particular Talmudic teaching:
Erubin 21b. Whosoever disobeys the rabbis deserves death and will be punished by being boiled in hot excrement in hell.
Note: It is not pleasant to post such a thing, but the reality is, that this is the reality of Talmudic Judaism - and so much more, and so much worse even. Do the research if not aware. Be informed. Again, what is happening so far with 'The Harbinger' may just be the tip of the iceberg - after all, some "Christian leaders" are on record stating, quoting from the above press release, that it is "the word of God".
Rev. 18:4
1John 4:1 'Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world'
Thank you so much for this. I have never heard of these two people. But did find the videos I posted on my Blog interesting, mainly about America.
You're welcome. Cahn was the keynote speaker at the Obama inauguration prayer breakfast. He did his 'prophecy' thing - same as what's in the book. The take away from that is that it shows the 'Harbinger movement' is connected at the highest levels.
Massive deception underway.
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