The executive order, expected to be released after Obama’s Feb. 12 State of the Union address, sets up a voluntary program of cybersecurity standards for companies operating vital U.S. infrastructure, according to the former officials, who asked to not be named because the order hasn’t been issued yet.
The order directs federal agencies to consider incorporating the cybersecurity standards into existing regulations, according to the officials. It directs the government to share more information about computer threats with the private sector and issue more security clearances allowing industry representatives to receive classified information, the officials said.
The European Union announced its own cybersecurity plan yesterday, which could affect a wide swath of multinational companies that operate there...According to the draft European Commission directive, banks, stock exchanges, hospitals and transportation companies would have to adopt more stringent network security standards in coordination with an appointed regulator in each member country.
Stewart Baker, a former assistant secretary at the Department of Homeland Security, said in an e- mail. “If and when adopted, it will be a game changer,” Baker said.
“It covers banks, aviation, and Internet companies, including cloud and e-commerce providers,” said Baker, who is now a partner at Steptoe & Johnson LLP in Washington. “If companies are required to report breaches in Europe, they won’t be able to avoid reporting breaches in the U.S. as well.”
Follow up on: French Government Gives Twitter 15 Days To Hand Over Identities Of 'Hate Tweeters' 1-28-13 "The court also ordered Twitter to set up a system in France that helps people draw attention to illegal content. Under French law, people found guilty of inciting racial hatred can be jailed for a year and fined..."
Twitter promises Promoted Tweets and Trends to combat hate speech in France
At the end of last week, representatives from Twitter sat down with the French Government and some of the anti-hate speech associations in France to discuss how Twitter could enable these associations to have priority access to alerting Twitter of any hate speech, which is illegal in France.
The results of the talk, which were initially published by the DGMIC but have since been redirected to a 404 page, seem quite well summed up by the phrase “All Talk, No Action.” ..As for Twitter – so far, it seems that they are playing the “pacification and appeasement” card, though they haven’t given in too much just yet...Twitter’s 15 day warning before its 1000€/day fine is up, so let’s see if any news trickles in about them ponying over the money.
Global system of internet control advancing: A "cybersecurity" EO from the White House, concurrent with a new EU "cybersecurity plan", which is said to be a "game changer" because the new EU regulations would force American compliance as well; and the French government's precedent-setting demand for Twitter self-censorship seemingly in a holding pattern, but not gone away.
Under the guise of cybersecurity, all the individual systems throughout the U.S. and Europe - "banks, stock exchanges, hospitals and transportation companies" [and] "aviation, and Internet companies, including cloud and e-commerce providers" - like a giant switchboard, will soon be plugged into what effectively will become a single, centrally-controlled, global system. Censorship and mandatory online identification, across the board, will surely follow. Got your 'Obamacare' number...
compare: "CYBERCOM" - Earth-Controlling Beast About to Be Launched; And Bible Prophecy 10-9-10
Rev. 18:4
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