High court leaves open if it will take up gay marriage case
(Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court's nine justices met in private on Friday to consider whether to enter the legal fray over same-sex marriage but made no announcement about any decision they may have reached.
An announcement about whether the court will review the gay marriage cases could come as early as Monday morning.
Friday's court conference was one of the Supreme Court's regular weekly sessions at which it considers what new cases to add to the calendar.
If the court does not issue an order on the gay marriage cases on Monday, it could relist the cases for further consideration at its weekly conference next Friday. The justices will sometimes hold particularly complex cases for a future conference if they need more time to figure out what course of action to take.
As far as so-called gay marriage goes, that goose is cooked - overcooked actually. The homosexual lobby has the White House, Hollywood, politicians everywhere, activist judges, and vast monetary resources, and because of all that they can't be stopped at this point. The only real suspense is how exactly are they going to finish the game. At stake also is a huge foundational issue with regard to the sovereignty of individual states. If SCOTUS were to overturn DOMA, which effects federal concerns, it is certain that the very next day every state in the country that does not recognize homosexual pseudo-marriage would be flooded with lawsuits based on the SCOTUS ruling. If the right of states to self-determine goes, the USA is no longer the USA.
Which, as we already know, is exactly what the globalist agenda calls for - no more USA, or Canada, or Greece, or France, or Spain, or any sovereign nations at all. All of it has to go so they can get their now being [re]constructed Tower of Babel up and running and set themselves as kings of the world, and rule it any way they want to, and do anything they feel like doing, not answering to any 'higher authority'....just like it says in Psalms 2:
"The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed [Christ Jesus], saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us"
Yes, the men of this world would free themselves from any and all restraints as in their minds they are themselves gods. But...
"He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure"
There is going to be a showdown. stay tuned
'And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues'