A new Executive Order [was] issued on March 15, 2012, establishing a White House Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities
The Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities will operate within the Department of Housing and Urban Development, chaired by the Secretary of HUD and the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy.
Members include Secretaries of Treasury, Defense, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, Health and Human Services, Transportation, Energy, Education, Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, the Attorney General, and various chairs, administrators, directors, and assistants—Council of Economic Advisors, EPA, Office of Management and Budget, Small Business Administration, General Services, Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation for National and Community Service, National Endowment for the Arts, Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement, Assistant to the President and Cabinet Secretary, Assistant to the President for Economy Policy, Council on Environmental Quality, Office of Science and Technology Policy, and all the heads of other agencies and offices as the President may, from time to time, designate.
Sub-groups will be appointed to coordinate and implement the efforts and decisions of the Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2).
The mission and function of the Council will be to develop and implement various components of Strong Cities, Strong Communities, or in bureaucratic code, SC2, as determined by Co-Chairs: economic vision, strategies, and technical assistance to local governments.
The federal government will assist communities in “building local capacity to address economic issues, comprehensive planning, and advancing regional collaboration.”
The Council shall conduct “outreach to representatives of nonprofit organizations, businesses, labor organizations, State and local government agencies, school districts, elected officials, faith and other community based organizations, philanthropies, other institutions of local importance, and other interested persons with relevant expertise in the expansion and improvement of efforts to build local capacity to address economic issues in cities and communities.”
re: "appointed to...implement the...decisions of the council"
What this is not: American representative government. What this is: Agenda 21 one world government.
It is: the Secretaries of Treasury, Defense, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, Health and Human Services, Transportation, Energy, Education, Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, the Attorney General, and various chairs, administrators, directors, and assistants—Council of Economic Advisors, EPA, Office of Management and Budget, Small Business Administration, General Services, Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation for National and Community Service, National Endowment for the Arts, Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement, Assistant to the President and Cabinet Secretary, Assistant to the President for Economy Policy, Council on Environmental Quality, Office of Science and Technology Policy, and all the heads of other agencies and offices as the President may, from time to time, designate...
...replacing the American Constitutional form of government with what amounts to a private council of independent powerbrokers - accountable to none except of course their global masters, now officially assuming unto themselves the power to micromanage every single facet of life in the United States.
To do this they will delegate some of that assumed power to appointed "sub-groups", whose responsibility will be to "coordinate and implement the decisions of the council". From these, the power will then flow down to co-chairs, whose responsibility will be to "assist local governments" in visioning and strategizing, and from there, the power will flow down even lower to representatives of non-profits, businesses, labor agencies, state and local government agencies, elected officials, faith based groups, etc.
...and then, through these lower level stakeholders, as they are called, use all that power to wield total control over cities and communities. That is exactly how the system is to work.
Again, what this is not: American representative government. What this is: Open implementation of the Agenda 21 global system of networked control over the entirety of American society...for the purpose of weaving it into the one world government.
Very important to understand. The United States has already been given over to the One World Government. It is not coming, the USA is absolutely in it now. Also very important to understand, whether it is palatable or not, no elections or politicians will change anything. Every politician is a facilitator, whether they understand or not. No politician can ever operate outside of this system. It matters not what level. From city councils to mayors to governors to representatives to senators, all they will ever be able to do is implement "the decisions of the Council".
The move to A21 is not new, it has been going on for a long time but has always been downplayed, but as of now it's out of the closet and proud. It is now official policy of every agency of the federal government [see list above], executive ordered by the White House itself.
see all: communitarianism; Agenda 21; sustainable 'deception'
Rev. 18:4 'Come out of her, my people'
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We've been "Drucker-ised "..
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