Egyptian journalists and rights advocates are warning of "dark days" ahead for the country after President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi approved new counter-terrorism laws on 16 August. Others, however, have praised the laws, saying they will deter terrorism.
The legislation is aimed at cracking down on jihadist insurgency in the country, and includes fines of up to $64,000 (£41,000) for journalists who contradict official reports on terrorist attacks.
The laws also offer additional protection for police and military officers who use force.
Jamal Eid, a human rights activist and the director of the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information, said the laws had ushered in a "republic of darkness" in Egypt. The legislation equates terrorism and "any criticism or dissenting voices, or acts that are not to the state's liking," he tweeted.
"You will get whacked the moment you open your mouth," commentator Mahmoud Higazi tweeted.
Government supporters, however, said the new laws were a necessary step to fight terrorism.
re: 'necessary to fight terrorism'
The bogus 'Global War On Terror' (GWOT), so many long years in the outworking, now entering into it's end game - the actual implementation of draconian dictatorial controls country by country. In this latest example, Egypt enacting new measures regarding police and military immunity, which obviously allows for unaccountable heavy handedness, and huge penalties for any that contradict official versions of the latest false flags. That, people, clear and simple, in any language, is totalitarianism. All made possible by illusion. Compliments of ABCCBSNBCFoxMSNBCCNN and their local affiliates in YourTownAnywhereOnPlanetEarth. Manufactured fresh daily.
Egypt is just the latest. The UK and Spain very recently began their own transition into full-fledged totalitarianism also...because uh um...oh yeah, same reason as Egypt...terrorists terrorists and more yeah yeah...that's it:
UK: UK Going Full Big Brother: Social Media, Blogs To Be Monitored In 'Real Time' For "References To...Government" 6-6-15 "The aim is to catch not just those who spread or incite hatred on the grounds of gender, race or religion but also those who undertake harmful activities for the “purpose of overthrowing democracy' -- While the Government has at times monitored digital news for a number of years, this is the first time that the Government has awarded a contract specifically for that purpose, and the first time that its surveillance specifically includes social media" [see post]
Spain: '4th-Beast' Alert: Spain Crossing Over Into Totalitarianism With Three New Laws Set To Begin July 1, 2015 "The three new texts challenge freedom of expression in the streets and on the Internet. All three laws are scheduled to go into effect July 1, 2015...Under the new Citizen Safety Law or Ley Mordaza (Gag Law) as human rights defenders have renamed it, public protests, freedoms of speech and the press and documenting police abuses will become crimes punishable by heavy fines and/or jail." -- Country by country, piece by piece, staged boogie-man 'terrorist' incident by staged boogie-man 'terrorist' incident, the global population control mechanism is being installed. So this is how Daniel's 4th-beast is devouring the whole earth, treading it down, and breaking it into pieces [Dan. 7:23]...exactly as bible-prophesied*. Amazing to see. Especially in light of the fact of how absolutely everything is being so utterly manufactured - as it obviously is. [see post]
It's a make believe world. Every make-believe is just another slimed brick...and brick by slime-packed brick [Gen. 11:3-4], the would-be Babel Tower II is being slapped together. Note: it will fare no better than the first. Rev. 18:4
*The fourth beast...shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces...and ten kings shall arise - Dan. 7:23-24
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