Ebola outbreak could have 'catastrophic' consequences
(CNN) -- Fear over Ebola is growing as international leaders and health organizations struggle to try to stop the deadly epidemic in West Africa.
The Ebola outbreak "is moving faster than our efforts to control it," Margaret Chan, director-general of the World Health Organization, said in a statement Friday. "This is an unprecedented outbreak accompanied by unprecedented challenges. And these challenges are extraordinary."
This is the first Ebola outbreak in West Africa and involves the most deadly strain in the Ebola virus family, Chan said.
"If the situation continues to deteriorate, the consequences can be catastrophic in terms of lost lives but also severe socioeconomic disruption and a high risk of spread to other countries." One of those countries could be the United States, health officials have said. In fact, the U.S. Department of State announced Friday that it is working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to bring home two U.S. citizens who have been infected by Ebola in Liberia.
"Faster than our efforts to control ...unprecedented challenges ...most deadly strain ...catastrophic consequences possible ...extraordinary ...socioeconomic disruption ...high risk of spread to other countries...including the U.S.", so on and so forth. Everything as dire as possible - worst ever, biggest scariest most threatening...danger danger danger for planet earth. This is the official spin on "Ebola '14" at this point. Could not be much more dramatic. Amazing thing about it is that 'Ebola '14' seems to be virtually the same script that the NWO Bureau of Propaganda (BoP) used just over five years ago to run the 'Swine '09' "global pandemic", essentially only the "names and places" being changed.
Swine '09 began in March-April '09 and ran strong for a good eight months. Along the way were endless plot twists [link], effectively functioning to involve almost the entire world in the 'exercise', described below as a global fire drill. After it had made the rounds, so to speak, successfully interconnecting all sorts of national agencies of the various nations with global-government entities, being the direct cause for a slew of new 'crisis-management' type laws having been put in place in all those countries, and mass vaccination programs carried out worldwide, all as planned, the whole thing just sort of quietly went away. Just like that, it was over. Swine...what swine [link]?
Ebola '14 is just starting of course. How the re-hashed ZWO BoP pandemic-scare script finishes up this time though, and when, we will have to wait to see, but from how things are looking odds are that before this one is over John Q. Public worldwide is going to be subjected to an endless barrage of ridiculously twisting ordo ab chao story lines.
For comparison, or perhaps even a preview of coming hype/attractions (reportedly already happening in Africa), this repost from a little over 5-years ago, right about the point at which Swine '09 was just starting to really get going:
Originally posted 5-3-09
Swine Flu Being Used to Condition Masses To Draconian Controls
Follow up on: Global Government Taking Giant Step Because Of Possible Scamdem...um...'Pandemic' (see post)
Bureau of Propaganda banters on Americans giving up rights and jailing resistors, etc.
The latest in the ongoing NWO conditioning exercise codename 'swineflu' (5-4-09) :
Psalms111:10 'The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom...'
See all: Swine '09
Rev. 18:4
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