Anybody can believe what they want about the endless incidents the USA is being subjected to, whether or not they are authentic or Hollywood type stage-managed productions. It must be noted though that without a pretext, which it is undeniable that 'perfect-pretexts' just keep coming one after another - something like dial-a-chaos, it might be a real long time before there would be enough 'crisis-situations' with at least an appearance of legitimacy to 'explain' the necessity for all the heavy-handed 'solutions' now being rolled out in real-time. And of course the most telling thing about these 'solutions' are that they invariably facilitate the implementation of the exact plans to subdue and control the 'peasants'. Obviously, creating your own 'crisis-situations' would be much quicker way to achieve that end. And wouldn't you know, before John Q. can even get his footing back after trying to sort out the Ferguson facts from fiction - another cops-kill-citizen story comes out today (8-19-14), supposedly having happened just down the road a bit from chaos-central in Ferguson:
St. Louis Cops Shoot and Kill Man Near Ferguson, Crowd Gathers 8-19-14 "Two St. Louis city police officers shot and killed a black man who came within several feet of them brandishing a knife on Tuesday a few miles from the turbulent suburb of Ferguson, authorities said"
The whole thing is very simple. It's Agenda 21, in particular in this case the late stage development of the so-called North American Union. This involves two immediate goals at this point. Those two goals are the erasing of the continent's borders, and the installation of a continental military control, i.e. Northcom. As for the borders, the Northern border shared with Canada has already been essentially merged; see US-Canada 'Beyond the Border' Deal - 2/22/12. The southern borders with Mexico - via 'amnesty' - are on the way to being eventually 'disappeared'. Has to happen before the NAU can happen. The second immediate goal, the implementation of a continental military rule - is exactly what you are seeing now - rolling it out in the USA. Made possible, again, by the 'perfect pretext'. Just like always.
Directly below is a repost from 15 months ago. The topic is directly related to what is going on in Ferguson (and who knows what city will be next). Making a new rule raises a question, which is is this: what good is a new rule if you do not get to use it?
[Pentagon 'Rule Change' Grants Military Total Domestic Authority In "Emergency Circumstances" - Originally posted 5-14-13]:
Boston Pretext: Pentagon Unilaterally Grants Itself Authority Over ‘Civil Disturbances’
[Excerpted; full article at link] By making a few subtle changes to a regulation in the U.S. Code titled “Defense Support of Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies” the military has quietly granted itself the ability to police the streets without obtaining prior local or state consent, upending a precedent that has been in place for more than two centuries.
The most objectionable aspect of the regulatory change is the inclusion of vague language that permits military intervention in the event of “civil disturbances.” According to the rule:
"Federal military commanders have the authority, in extraordinary emergency circumstances where prior authorization by the President is impossible and duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation, to engage temporarily in activities that are necessary to quell large-scale, unexpected civil disturbances."
One of the more disturbing aspects of the new procedures that govern military command on the ground in the event of a civil disturbance relates to authority. Not only does it fail to define what circumstances would be so severe that the president’s authorization is “impossible,” it grants full presidential authority to “Federal military commanders.”
The stated purpose of the updated rule is “support in Accordance With the Posse Comitatus Act,” but in reality it undermines the Insurrection Act and PCA in significant and alarming ways. The most substantial change is the notion of “civil disturbance” as one of the few “domestic emergencies” that would allow for the deployment of military assets on American soil.
For activists such as O’Brien, the new DoD regulatory change is frightening because it creates, “an environment of fear when people cannot associate with one another.” Like Afran and Freedman, she too calls the move, “another grab for power under the rubric of the war on terror, to the detriment of citizens.”
“This is a complete erosion of the rule of law,” says O’Brien. Knowing these sweeping powers were granted under a rule change and not by Congress is even more harrowing to activists.
As we witnessed during the Boston bombing manhunt, it’s already difficult to discern between military and police. In the future it might be impossible, because there may be no difference.
Establishing military rule over the USA. It was just less than a year ago that this very thing was first openly "proposed" [see 'follow up' below]. It has now become a reality, and that by nothing more than, as the title of the above article points out, a unilateral decree. The 'Dorner show' [link] a few months back opened the door, the 'Boston production' [link] walked through the door and immediately began to set up shop permanently. These two events are just later-stage development of the ongoing long term plan though. Amerika is only one region of the global military rule necessary for the Zionist kingdom-come [link] to function as such (and bow 'never' to the six-pointed star of Remphan - Acts 7:43). The plan is global, Amerika is to be fully assimilated, and as all are now witnessing, this aspect of the global-plan is absolutely on full speed ahead. All will be impacted.
Be fully understanding, it is very late in the game. As mentioned [1st link below], this is bible prophecy. After the nations of the earth are 'coagulated', the Word of God [Dan. 7:24] says the next thing that will happen is that "ten kings shall arise". Dost thou believe the Word of God?
This post is a follow up on: CFR, U.S. Army Chief Of Staff Propose Using Military For "Domestic Police Missions" - aka Martial Law 6-8-12 "The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) proposes that the U.S. Army be used to plan, command, and carry out (with the help of civilian law enforcement) domestic police missions. So says a story appearing in the May/June issue of the influential organization’s official journal, Foreign Affairs. The article lacks a single reference to the Posse Comitatus Act, which prohibits such actions"...That acquiring and maintaining totalitarian global control would require military force and rule is simple deduction. One world government is bible prophecy [here]. It has to happen - and it is. As for the USA, the transition to full-fledged military control has been advancing steadily for years, to this point, with the U.S. Army and CFR now openly advocating for full implementation - for the "U.S. Army to plan, command, and carry out....domestic police missions". That, very simply, by definition, is "martial law". Amerika 2012 is on the brink. Know about it."
Compare also: Global Martial Law Has Begun: U.S. Marines Launch First Ever Global "Law Enforcement" Squads 7-23-12 "The Marine Corps has created its first law enforcement battalions - a lean, specialized force of military police officers that it hopes can quickly deploy worldwide"...another 'first-ever': military "law enforcement battalions" with global jurisdiction...This development, very simply, fits the description of martial law on a global scale. No other way to view it. Although not mentioned specifically in any news release at this time whether or not the ability to "quickly deploy worldwide" includes the USA, it should be noted that the CFR and the U.S. Army proposed this very thing only six weeks ago...[see 6-8-12 'follow up' above]
Erasing the borders, setting up a monolithic military rule of the North American continent - both have to happen - and they are. It is just that simple. And expect to see many more 'scenarios' resulting in the military showing up to 'assist' now militarized police - until military presence becomes the "new norm", per the NAU development plan. Rev. 18:4
Job 20:4-5 'Knowest thou not this of old, since man was placed upon earth, That the triumphing of the wicked is short...'
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