SANA'A // Thousands of anti-government protesters gathered yesterday in front of the Sana'a University gate for 11th consecutive day, demanding that President Ali Abdullah Saleh step down. The protesters, mostly students and civic activists, ...
Tens of thousands of protesters have gathered in Manama's Pearl Square, defying government bans on demonstrations to stage rallies across the Middle East like those held in Egypt, Libya and Iran.
There are reports this morning that protests have broken out in the Libyan capital Tripoli for the first time, amid signs leader Moamar Gaddafi's four-decade grip on power could be weakening. The BBC is reporting at least four separate demonstrations ...
In the afternoon near Valiasr Square there were chants of "Down with dictator in Cairo, in Tehran" and "Seyed Ali will be overthrown", referring to Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.
BEIJING-Chinese officials on Sunday cracked down against protests, or rumors of them, sending police to detain dissidents and breakup public gatherings in the capital and Shanghai.
The wave of protest sweeping the Middle East and North Africa has reached the Moroccan capital, Rabat, where thousands have gathered to demand political reform. Shouting "The people want change", they called on King Mohammed to give up some of his powers.
The battle in Madison has become the epicenter of a national fight between newly empowered small-government conservatives and Democrats backed by government worker unions.
These events are an update on this post from three weeks ago: Destabilization: Full-Scale Collapse Of Old-World-Order Has Begun; 'Shiva' Dances 1-30-11 [(Obama) Shiva - Hindu god of destruction - TIME magazine 11-22-10] "Destabilizing the globe through induced 'civil unrest'. Unstable things are easily toppled. Therein is the method to the madness. Europe has been ongoing for a few months, the program has now been jump-started in North Africa and the Middle East. America slated for the same...There can never be a new-world-order until the old-world-order has been destroyed. It is just that simple. Collapsing governments and taking them over, one by one..." [see post]
*What comes next? see: 10 kings shall arise
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I posted on this matter too, looks like they are bringing the usual "order out of chaos", where globalist solutions will be presented to fix "global unrest".
exactly's antichrist global dictatorship or bust...
good thing we can believe the Word of God and understand that the absolutely ungodly globalist agenda is in fact going to be an absolute 'bust' (as shown throughout scripture)
in the meantime Phil 3:20
"...our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ"
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