
Flashback London 2012 'Zion' Olympics: Aurora-Batman To Opening-Closing Ceremonies - Announcement, Birth, Rise, Manifestation On Earth Of Biblical Antichrist; Enacted In 4 Pts.

Ezekiel 8:9 'Then said he unto me, Son of man, dig now in the wall: and when I had digged in the wall, behold a door. And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do here'

Olympics Flashback London 2012 Closing Ceremony: Phoenix Rises - Antichrist Comes Out Of The Bottomless Pit [Pt. 3 of 4]

Part III Phoenix From The Ashes - Rise Of The Antichrist

8-13-12 Third scene: 2012 London Zion Olympics Close On A Dark Note: The Phoenix Rises, The Star Descends, Bottomless Pit Opened "Part three, the destruction of the existing world system, the rise of the new order, and the symbolic opening of the pit to release the "spirit" of the flame [Antichrist] - who is then to rise as the "Dark Knight":

This enactment seems very clearly to be a depiction of a scene directly from the ninth chapter of the Book of Revelation in which a description is given of a star (angelic being) falling from heaven with a key to open the bottomless pit, and the loosing of the king of the bottomless pit, Abaddon, or Apollyon - who, being a spiritual being, could very well fit the description of the "spirit" of the flame (note vs. 2 below, the bottomless pit is described as a great furnace). The dance to the 'spirit of the flame' then would be celebratory of the opening of the pit and the release of this spirit:  [see post]


The first scene 7-21-12: Colorado Incident Symbology? - Aurora 'Goddess Of The Dawn' And the Rise Of 'The Dark Knight' Announced "Aurora" symbolizes the dawning of a 'new day', the very "harbinger" of that 'new day' actually - the novus ordo seclorum, i.e. the 'new order of the ages', which is to be realized by her birthing of "Titan", or, the 'sun god', aka Lucifer"..it seems intended to indicate that the 'aurora' of the 'novus ordo seclorum' is upon us, the dawning, and that the next thing to come is that the christ-impersonator, the 'knight of darkness' himself [Dan. 8:23], like the rising of the sun after the dawn, is soon to rise on the earth.

Second scene 7-29-12 London Olympics 2012 opening ceremony: Aurora CO And The Olympic Opening Connection: Giant Baby As The Birth Of 'Titan'; And Zion "As unlikely as it should be, the Aurora, CO incident of July 20, 2012, and the 2012 London Zion Olympics opening ceremony one week later, with the very strange appearance of a 'giant' (titan) baby, when taken together, seem to present a completed picture that goes beyond the realm of chance...Aurora, the mythical Roman goddess of the dawn, is said to be the "harbinger of Titan", and as has now been seen by all the world, the Olympic opening ceremony has turned out to be the very fulfillment of that omen - the symbolic birthing of the "Titan". Titan, of course, is one of the occult names used for Lucifer [sun god].

Fourth part 9-9-12 - the final scene London 2012 Paralympics Closing Ceremony: Manifestation of the "Sun King" Lucifer - and 'Worship of the Beast'

"The London 2012 Paralympics were held August 29-September 9. The closing ceremony, as the video below reveals [original no longer exists/ short replacement vid on page], turned out to be the fourth part of a very dark melodrama enacted on the world stage over about a six-week period. It started in Aurora, which signified the coming of the "sun god" - it ended at the 2012 Paralympics with the enacting of the manifestation and worship of the "sun god' on the earth:"

"And as is now evident there was still one more scene needed to complete the Satanic ritual of the "Dark Knight Rising", the final act coming from the London Paralympics closing ceremony: (1) Aurora, the harbinger of the birth of the 'sun god', (2) the London 2012 opening the fulfillment of the Aurora 'omen' with the portrayal of the birth of the 'sun god', (3) the London 2012 closing ceremony gave the release of the Antichrist spirit from the bottomless pit to empower the 'sun god', (4) and in this very last scene from London 2012, the closing ceremony of the Paralympics, is portrayed the manifestation of the "sun god" on the earth, and the worship received - "And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? ...And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." Rev. 13:4,8..  [follow links pts. 1-4, connect dots]

[*Enactments are always 'as-above-so-below' rituals -- per zionist kabbalist-sorcery belief - that to make their 'heavenly' aspirations pertaining to the spiritual realm 'above', materialize real-world real-time, they must first be enacted on the earth 'below' - thus 'joining heaven and earth' - which then brings their devilish spiritual schemes into real physical existence, i.e. as above so below; so they believe in their would-be-god mentality -- as seen 2025 the world now witnessing the reckless abandon [link] employed to bring to full fruition exactly what was enacted at Zion-London 2012 - to literally enthrone their god Lucifer to rule the planet [Dan. 9:27]; see: Pt. 5: 666 Days After 2012 London Opening 5-23-14 ]

Rev. 18:4