[10-23-24] The U.S., Canada and Mexico launched a joint pandemic preparedness initiative they said will unite the countries’ public health agencies around a “One Health” approach to addressing future pandemics.*
A critic of the new initiative warned the plan may empower the World Health Organization (WHO) — the architect of the original One Health Initiative — to impose global control measures like vaccine passports and new policies targeting the “infodemic.”
“Because this is an initiative from the WHO, I am deeply concerned,” said Nicholas Hulscher, an epidemiologist and fellow at the McCullough Foundation. “They appear to be seeking domain over plants, animals, and humans — globalized, central control over public health policies in all participating countries.”
Public Health Canada says One Health “considers the relationships between the health of humans, animals, and the environment” — suggesting [the fake narrative - ed.] future pandemics or public health threats may cross from animals to humans.
[HHS Report 10-23-24 / click image to enlarge; source: link] |
In announcing the Oct. 23 launch of the North American Preparedness for Animal and Human Pandemics Initiative [NAPAAPI], the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) cited the COVID-19 pandemic as the impetus for the new initiative.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that there are myriad political, legal, regulatory, policy, preparedness, and response challenges that can be best addressed through a stronger, coordinated regional approach [Canamerexico - ed.] across multiple sectors when facing large-scale events,” the HHS said in a statement.
The HHS report also suggests that “border health measures” — including vaccine passports — could be implemented during a future pandemic or public health emergency.
“Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, the necessary constructs have been created to facilitate vaccine passports. They will be able to quickly enact these measures for the ‘next pandemic’ using the same systems,” Hulscher said.
The HHS report also suggests the new initiative should adopt “a more systematic approach” to tackle the “infodemic” — referring to purported “misinformation” and “disinformation” on health-related topics. [see full article @ link]
Related: Vaccine mandates, border measures.. North American flu pandemic plan -- "Under the guise of lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic .. The agreement details powers “to request the participation of sectors such as defence, commerce, transportation, emergency management, wildlife, environment, etc., as appropriate.” -- NAPAHPI’s senior coordinating body can “can and should call on private sector stakeholders particularly those associated with supply chains, medical countermeasures, research and development, critical infrastructure, and transportation, among others” to implement pandemic measures, the agreement says.." [SOURCE]
USA Canada Mexico aka North America aka Canamerexico - joined in a "regional government" approach - is the description given to explain this 10-'24 NAPAAPI agreement.
To take over an entire planet - which is the plan the only plan - you will need a comprehensive management plan for the whole world - and will need to put it in place before the full and final takeover so as to ease right into it when that time comes. And just like that here it is - 'regional government of North America' for "pandemic preparedness". As devious as it gets.
Regional-government, as some are aware, is exactly what the designed 'management plan' for the would-be future 'One World Government' - aka Zionist 'global-kingdom' [link] - calls for. This will mean the dissolving of all national sovereignties and the regrouping of the various countries into 'global regions'. All 'regions' are to then be under a single global control and managed at the 'regional' level. The management of each global region extending to the local levels is then to be communitarian i.e. community-based. That is very brief - in a nutshell as it were - how the planned-coming 'one-world' global government is designed to function [see: 10-kings Dan. 7].
What is seen above now 2024 is the much-advanced creation of this global-government system [Rev. 13:1]. It has been under development for a lomg time.† It is now being taken to an advanced level with this newest 'regional' integration of virtually every level of government and industry. Do note it though it took a fake pandemic and the ongoing threat of a future fake pandemic to bring it to this point for the now-goal of the total control of the individual. The COVID fakery brought in vaccine-cards which was nothing more than the beginning of an international-global ID system, as well opening the door for health-control of individuals i.e. medical authoritarianism. And, no question that the international 'vaccine' ID system continually being put in place will ultimately be linked to the financial control of the individual as well.
Quoting top article it states the new NAPAAPI agreement [to manage all as 'One Health'] seeks "domain over plants, animals, and humans". Domain. There is no doubt that that is absolutely true. Fact is the global government agenda in the full outworking goes even further than that - it intends nothing less than absolute micromanagement of the entire planet - every person place and thing on it.
Be aware Canamerexico now ready next 'plandemic' to instantly implement continental dictatorial control - and all they will need to do is blame it on a chicken-bird dog cow or whatever 'flu' and what happens after that will be like nothing ever seen..
Rev. 18:4
*Vid March 2020 'Kovid' plandemic just getting going:
<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/rB2ei3nmBT7z/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>
† Many posts on these topics (years back):
see all Canamerexico
also: regional governments
and: communitarianism
Psalms 115:11 "Ye that fear the LORD, trust in the LORD"
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