3-26-24 day-of-event post - source |
*Francis Scott Key birthdate August 1st [128 days]; bridge collapse - gematria 128; event time 1:28
Name, date, time. 128 the 'key' number very apparently in this Baal ritual of 3-26-24, as seen above, as well this (see below) impossible-to-be-coincidence appearance of it via some Netflix wizardry [Lev. 20:27]:
"LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND" - likely all have heard of the movie..it received lots of media and internet attention due to the subject and producers: supposedly produced by the Obama's the basic plot is the collapse of modern society initiated by a prolonged blackout with everything shutting down. Just happened to be a scene in the movie of a massive ship crashing on a beach due to 'cyberattack'. Noteworthy thing the scene was the early part of the movie and was the first indication of the massive chaos about to unfold. LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND was released on Netflix on 12/8:
Another: 3/26/2024 is the 86th day of the year. Key Bridge = 86 (English Ordinal [gematria])
*They 86'd the gematria-86 Key Bridge on the 86th day.
[note: all above sourced from random internet finds]
Baal-timore the location of the ritual: more Baal, perhaps, or, Baal it more - either way not difficult to interpret that from it.
Lots more no doubt there always is. Why bother though the case is proved. Leave the world behind is the Zionist goal aka the 'great reset' aka Tikkun Olam - serving Baal and making themselves out as gods. Nothing done is real - that is known - it's just that much later. See through it all. They do it all in plain sight - barely even hidden anymore. And they are all in on it together [see: Trump-Putin 777]. Numerology is sorcery and witchcraft.
Rev. 18:4
Compare (4 days before): 3-22-24 Moscow Concert Hall 'Mass-Shooting' A Fake-Staged Kabbalah 322 Fertility Ritual - Conceiving A Global Monster
see also: J6 a Baal Ritual (2-Pt) - vid
4-15-24 update - related: Israel Exactly 911 Months Old Day Of Fake Iran Attack 4-13-24 - Message 911 When It All Changes Whole World This Time WW3 Sorcery
Judges 2:13 'And they forsook the LORD, and served Baal and Ashtaroth'
While I don't disagree that this was a Kabbalistic ritual, God is in control of all things and I do believe that there was a message here.
I believe that the Baltimore bridge collapse is a sign pointing at the October 2nd eclipse that will go over Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean.
Francis Scott Key was inspired to write the poem that eventually became the Star Spangled Banner from a War of 1812 battle in Baltimore harbor that happened on September 13 and 14, 1814. September 14 was the day before Rosh Hashanah. The October 2nd eclipse this year will also happen on the day before Rosh Hashanah.
Fort McHenry, where the battle occurred, is located on Locust Point in Baltimore. We are being warned of God's coming wrath.
on just the one point re: 'day before Rosh Hashanah'
I would argue this:
Problem with associating any event with the Jewish calendar is that it is heavily manipulated from year to year. It's lunar which means it has only 354 days per year (in the jewish counting sometimes they give it one more or one less, and leap years are figured in). That means 10 or 11 days per year difference from the regular calendar. To make up the difference they add an extra month every three years (or may be less, whenever they decide to do it actually). This is why from year to year the dates for jewish 'holydays' change and move around all over the place. And the changes are not random. In making up the differences of all those missing days there is a lot of leeway, and the fact is, the date changes are highly arbitrary. Manipulated is actually the correct word. Manipulated to align whatever jewish event to whatever day they want it to occur on the regular calendar, in any given year.. is exactly what is done. For this reason bible prophecy should never be linked to the 'jewish calendar' (don't need it anyway)
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