Follow up on: Inauguration Day Kabalist-Numerology: Trump '777' From Birth Date, Obama '666' - 'Don' Of The New Order 11-11-16 "...as very evidently all things have been carefully planned, Obama will leave the White House as a '666', while Trump comes in as a '777' [Trump 6-14-46 to inauguration day 1-20-17...exactly 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days]. Note also that '777' is a hidden-Hebrew '666' [see post] ... Worth noting also, while on the subject, is how these same schemers showed off their numerology-handiwork to apparently mark the occasion of '777' Trump's very first 'presidential' visit to the White House. This was for the widely reported first meeting with Obama November 10, 2016. The closing numbers of the Dow Jones for that day (11-10-16) were an unmistakable little sorcery spell-casting double '88'. [see post]
Trump and Putin's first meeting
The much-anticipated meeting between Trump and Putin is now being dissected on both sides of the Atlantic. On July 7 [7-7-17], Trump and Putin met in person for the first time at the G-20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany... For once, Russian and American media seemed to agree one thing: more talks were needed before one could really judge the next steps in the US-Russia relationship.
Putin 777 months old exactly first ever meeting with 777-Trump on 7-7-17. Once again impossible numerology - naturally occurring that is, which reveals all to be a long in planning, very carefully constructed production. Inauguration Day 2017 Trump was exactly 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old from his given birth date. Obama on the same day was in his 666th month from his given birth date [see link at top], and now we have Russia's Putin, on the 'historic' 7-7-17 first meeting between himself and 777-Trump, being exactly 777 months old from his given birth date of 10-7-52:
"Vladimir Putin (born 7 October 1952) is the current President of Russia, holding the office since 7 May 2012" - wiki
64 years and nine months. 64 multiplied by 12 is 768. 768 plus 9 is 777. As will be noted in the above image the day of the meeting 7-7-17 added one additional day to the total. This would be only a partial day though. Interesting thing about this is that it makes Putin to have completed exactly 777 months, not a day less, not a day more. A complete and full, finished, 777.
777-Putin, 777-Trump, 666-Obama. Are the given birth dates for these 'world leaders' true? This numerology could never happen by chance, that much is beyond all dispute. Raises an interesting thought though. Numerology is sorcery, this is also plain. Would the master-strategists behind these things use falsified numbers to work their witchcraft? - that would seemingly be problematic. How could their magic-spells work if they were cooking-the-books. Just running through the logic on that. Which then leaves the only real alternative - the idea that somehow the birth dates of these 'world leaders' would had to have been controlled. Have they been literally bred for their roles. Does it really go that deep and that dark. It's one or the other. How else could it be.
Still more kabbalist numerological-wackiness surrounding this 'historic' first Trump-Putin meeting. Not surprisingly actually, it connects to Trump's first ever 'presidential' visit to the White House [11-10-16] where he, as president-elect, met with Obama. That day was strongly marked with the kabbalist favorite number '88' [see link @ top]. So too, now, the first meeting of Putin and Trump, as seen below. Referencing the wiki link above the first image, Putin's first day in office as Russian president was 5-7-12. Exact total days from that day to this first meeting with Trump - 1888:
Putin like Trump now a fully anointed 777, holding a 888 to meet 777-Trump who held a double-88 meeting soon-to-be-666 Obama. As for the number '88' below is an excerpt from the same post linked at the top. It is just an excerpt. Much more in the full post:
[excerpted from 777-Trump linked at top] "The significance of the '88' to the Kabala-krowd is well known. It is said for one to be a 'Heil Hitler' symbol as the letter 'h' is the eighth letter in the alphabet, so that '88' would be a secret 'HH'. Interesting that the Hitler-theme has been often used with the Trump marketing campaign. The '8' is also said to be, to the K-krowd, a sign of eternity with it's closed twisting loop. For whatever that's worth. Especially interesting to note that on the periodic table 88 is atomic number for radium, from the Latin 'radius' meaning 'ray'. The symbol for radium is Ra [link]. 'Ra' is also the name of the ancient Egyptian sun god [link].
Along that same line, another source claims that the '88' is a symbol for the 'Cosmic christ'. The "Cosmic christ" so-called being the supreme god-consciousness of the universe that man is to try and tap into. What that really is of course is none other than Satan trying to pass himself off as something wonderful and enlightening and good. He lies though. Being the father of lies [John 8:44], that is what he does. Do not go for the lie. Man cannot, will not, ever achieve god-consciousness or become a god himself. This seems ultimately to be the supposed meaning of the '88' though. Note: You will have to "love the truth" to escape the strong delusion-lie coming on this world [2Thes. 2:8-11].
One more interesting little factoid while on the topic is the 88th verse of the Holy Bible. Chapters 1,2,3, of the first book Genesis have 31, 25, 24 verses respectively, totaling 80. Genesis 4:8, the 88th verse of scripture, is the record of the first murder in human history: "And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him" [Gen. 4:8]. It was a prototype. Just like Cain, they of "that wicked one" seeking to slay the righteous [1John 3:12] would be the very story of the Satanic spiritual warfare throughout human history against the LORD and against his Christ [Ps. 2:2-3; Matthew 26:3-4] in the attempt to prevent [note: they won't] this: Revelation 11:15 'And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever'.
At any rate Trump's first visit to the White House got a double '88' from the zio-manipulated stock market [555, 666. 777, 88 88? - Note the two remaining 11-10-16 closing numbers, 7+1, give a 5th '8' - a full house]. Not only that but the rest of the numbers on the 11-10-16 chart are pretty wild too. Whether it means anything or not who knows, but the change for the day right under the final total shows a '17', '18', and '19'. Can find a '911' in there too. Note also the previous day's close ended in an as-above-so-below '69'. Not to make too much of these other numbers but just noticing since they are obvious, and it was the big day of Trump's first White House visit...And so there it is - the Donald Trump - Batman connection: The 'Don' (dawn) of the '777' new order...is now...say they.
And one more thought. Do they still have some special plans for '666th-month' Obama? Might be interesting [see: Obama as 'devil' - link]. Be observant..."
As for all this sorcery-numerology regarding Trump, Obama, and now Putin, there is lots and lots more - for instance the well known fact that this is the year 5777 on the Hebrew calendar - but it is not really necessary to make the effort to delve deeper. What is here is more than enough to prove conclusively the single most important thing.
That thing that is conclusively proven is this:
They are all in on it together.
And, with Putin now officially numbered-in, this makes the fact that they've still got 666-Obama lurking around out there all the more noteworthy. Do take note.
On Russia see: Zionist Russia Hacked Zionist America's Scripted Election Says Zionist Media - Cui Bono? Gog-Magog WWIII Hoax 12-17-16 "....Is there a looming conflict between Russia and the USA...Problem with this is that both Russia and the USA are Zionist-controlled countries. The fact is, which few actually realize, is that the government and country of Russia was completely taken over by the Jewish-Zionist movement in the Jewish-Bolshevik [Bolshevik (a new 'political party') = Zionist] manufactured Russian Revolution of 1917...This is well documented history, even though disputed by 'Zionist' sources. Easily proven true though with a little research. To think that that control has been somehow relinquished somewhere along the way over the last 100 years is simply not realistic. The infiltration then conquest of the nation of Russia was a major accomplishment for the global-kingdom aspiring Zionist movement [link]. There is not the slightest possibility of any of that control having ever been relinquished... [see post]"
Think North Korea is not also 'in on it' [i.e. fake Gog-Magog WWIII]. Think again. NK was 'invented' at the close of WWII by Zionist Russia and Zionist USA. Did not exist before that. Purpose seems likely to have been to conduct a totalitarian test-lab. Practice for when they (according to plan) Zio-Totalitarian the entire planet. Secondarily to have a 'scary' enemy to help launch the scripted-WWIII - the means to the end - designed to collapse completely the existing world order and then rise the ZKK Zio-Kingdom-Kome [link] phoenix from the ashes. Do the research.
Rev. 18:4
Isaiah 3:14 'The LORD will enter into judgment with the ancients of his people, and the princes thereof: for ye have eaten up the vineyard; the spoil of the poor is in your houses'
Much appreciation for keeping us informed. May God bless you and yours.
Tom, if they (N. Korea, Russia, US per your commentary are all in on it and these are, in fact, "the" end time players, then we must be very, very close to the coming tribulation period.
anon (directly above),
re: "end time players"
The 'end time players' thing is actually something that belongs to the fake 'Gog-Magog' scenario that has been created long ago by the same Zionist factions pushing it today - based on purposely false interpretations - primarily of Ezekiel 38-39. see: Hal Lindsey; China - Russia
The tribulation period is not necessarily 'close' just yet. What is close - and getting closer by the day - is the manufactured WWIII to collapse the existing world system and replace it with the planned new global order.
Before the tribulation can begin, according to the scripture, the world must be reordered under the rule of '10 kings' - and then after that, and only after that - comes the rise of the little horn, or an eleventh king [Dan. 7:24-25], aka the Antichrist. This is the point in time when the tribulation begins. This is the same event described in Revelation 6:1-2 - which is the opening of the '1st seal' - which is the going forth of the white horse rider, who is the Antichrist. The tribulation only begins when the first seal is opened. First seal = tribulation start
Another consideration, the tribulation will not begin until after the body of Christ is raptured - despite the many rapture-disbelievers including the vast, organized opposition.
So briefly the most likely scenario would be the orchestrated WWIII, which the world is now being prepared for, will be the means to collapse the 'old order', and then, fulfilling prophecy per Daniel, the new order to rise in the aftermath, at some point, would take the form of '10 kings'. see 10 kings shall arise - Dan 7:24
And then take it from there.
Anyway these are the things now 'close'
All of which must happen before the tribulation begins. And of course the rapture - that is always imminent. Which translates out to meaning anytime before the '1st seal'. No telling how much of this the church may experience - up to the 1st seal that is. Maranatha
These things have been discussed in numerous posts a few which are linked above. Clicking around on the links on those pages will bring up others. Takes some effort then the dots will connect.
Rev. 18:4
CORONA means CROWN or WE CROWN HIM in Latin and a man named JOSEPH GREGORY HALLETT claims that he is the rightful KING of ENGLAND and that he has the BLOODLINE OF JESUS ... He says the QUEEN is ILLEGITIMATE and that she's German and that the ROTHSCHILDS bought breeding rights into the ROYAL FAMILY and so she is a by-product of them ... He says CORONA is about CROWNING HIM KING ... JOSEPH GREGORY HALLETT says he gave his CLAIM to the QUEEN, POPE, TRUMP, PUTIN and them in APRIL. Since APRIL the QUEEN and bunch HAVE NOT BEEN BACK TO THE PALACE and she is dressing common since APRIL staying at WINDSOR CASTLE ... HARRY and his wife LEFT .. ANDREW'S IN TROUBLE WITH EPSTEIN PEDO ISLAND ... in April the POPE has removed the VICAR OF CHRIST from his TITLE in a SYMBOLIC FASHION .. JOSEPH GREGORY HALLETT is now VICAR OF CHRIST ... JOSEPH GREGORY HALLETT will be known as KING JOHN III and TRUMP JUST STOOD IN FRONT OF ST. JOHNS CHURCH with what many believe was an UPSIDE DOWN BIBLE ... showing King John is the ANTICHRIST ... 777 IS HIS LOGO .. HIS ROYAL SEAL ... 777 IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST .. TRUMP WAS INAUGURATED WHEN HE WAS 70YS 7MS 7DS OLD Obama on the same day was in his 666th month from his given birth date Trump went to ISRAEL the first time when BIBI was in power 7YS 7MS 7DS .... On July 7 [7-7-17], Trump and Putin met in person for the first time ... Putin was 777 months old exactly first ever meeting with 777-Trump on 7-7-17. .. 666 looks like 777 in Hebrew and we have 6 protons 6 neutrons and 6 electrons in every carbon atom .. 666 is the number of man ... 7 SEALS 7 TRUMPETS and 7 BOWLS is 777 and the BEAST has 7 HEADS..... BEWARE!! Trump is the snake from his poem ((MAGA is the 5th and highest degree in the Church of Satan)) JARED KUSHNER OWNS 666 PARK AVE (a building funded by George Soros) where a company named LUCIENT Trust makes RFID chips. ... TRUMP and PENCE ARE THE BIBLICAL TRUMPETS WARNING us of FAKE NEWS so we figure out IT IS ALL FAKE INCLUDING TRUMP ... 2PAC, MJ, PRINCE, PRINCESS DI, ELVIS, JFK JR. AND OTHERS will show up and team up with 777 to do KILLUMINATI together.. ^ALL SEVEN AND WE WATCH THEM FALL^ REFERS TO THEM MAKING IT LOOK LIKE THEY ARE DEFEATING THE SEVEN BEAST or DRAGON HEADS OF THE BIBLE ...TRUST THEM NOT . THEY ARE FALLEN ANGELS WORKING FOR SATAN .. THEY WILL EXPOSE MANY EVILS AND LOOK LIKE THEY ARE HERE TO HELP BUT ARE REALLY HERE TO TRICK US INTO THE MARK OF THE BEAST 777 ... Bill gates among others will get arrested and look like 666 was coming from him .. Gates has a microsoft patent named WO2020060606 and that will get exposed and brought to public attention .. 777 will appear to defeat 666 but 777 is the mark of the beast .... If Pope John Paul II somehow comes back to life remember I said he might ... I believe he is the Biblical False Prophet and the 8th King who was the 6th after the Lateran Treaty .. he will rise as soon as Benidict dies .. .. Donald Trump has been getting PEACE DEALS done in the Middle East .... And all the mass animal deaths, fires , tornados, sinkholes, super storms, earth quakes, pandemics ect .... THIS IS BIBLICAL PEOPLE ... TIME IS SHORT ... PREPARE ACCORDINGLY 😉 September 23 2017 is start of 7 years .... new king will be crowned at mid trib ... march 21-23 2021
to anon (directly above):
re: September 23 2017 is start of 7 years .... new king will be crowned at mid trib ... march 21-23 2021
That's a lot you have there. As we know, everything is a psyop, always done by ritual, always using numerology. Kabbalah sorcery is how this world is run. But to interpret the meanings is not always the obvious thing. Rule number one for fitting these things into bible prophecy is that the "bible prophecy" must be correctly interpreted. If it is not we without fail will veer off into all sorts of wild speculations (even if using ALL CAPS).
Case in point what you've constructed above, based on the notion that the 7-yr tribulation began 9-23-17, which then leads to the time that the 'new king' must appear being March 21-23, 2021. But this is not possible. The 7-yr tribulation has not yet begun, much less the world being 3 1/2 years into it (when were all the seal/trumpet judgments fulfilled? - they have not). In the comment directly above yours from some time ago (3rd from top) this subject was addresed. Here is a copy/paste quote from it on the question of the timing of the trib-begin:
"The tribulation period is not necessarily 'close' just yet... Before the tribulation can begin, according to the scripture, the world must be reordered under the rule of '10 kings' - and then after that, and only after that - comes the rise of the little horn, or an eleventh king [Dan. 7:24-25], aka the Antichrist. This is the point in time when the tribulation begins. This is the same event described in Revelation 6:1-2 - which is the opening of the '1st seal' - which is the going forth of the white horse rider, who is the Antichrist. The tribulation only begins when the first seal is opened. First seal = tribulation start
Another consideration, the tribulation will not begin until after the body of Christ is raptured - despite the many rapture-disbelievers including the vast, organized opposition..."
That is just a portion of the comment. Read full, note also links (any that may be interested). The only safe route is to adhere to scripture.
Challenge: come back here March 24, 2021 ...when there is no 'new king' - when the Antichrist has not risen to power over the earth - and re-read this.
▪︎Donald Trump was exactly 70 years 7 months and 7 days old during his first full day in office while at the same time Obama was living in his 666th month of his life. ***((A baby lives in its first month during the very first month of its life and becomes 1 month old on the day when the first month passes.))
▪︎Donald Trump was 777 months old when he started questioning Obama's birth certificate on TV (3/23/2011 on The View he was 777 months and 9 days and 3/30/2011 on The O'Reilly Factor he was 777 months and 16 days)
▪︎Trump met Putin at a G20 summit on 7/7/17 when Putin was exactly 777 months old.
▪︎Netanyahu was in office for 7 years 7 months and 7 days when Trump was elected.
▪︎Jair Bolsonaro met Trump for the first time on his 77th day in office. (Became President of Brazil on 1/1/19 and met Trump 77 days later on 3/19/19).
▪︎Narendra Modi was 66 years 9 months and 9 days old when he first met Trump on June 26 2017.
It was 37 (777) months from the day he was sworn in as PM on 5/26/2014 until the day he met Trump on 6/26/2017.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi takes oath as the member of Parliament on June 5 2014 which was 1117 days from the day he met Trump. (17 = Q)
▪︎Bin Salman met Trump on March 14 2017 and became Crown prince on June 21 2017, 99 days apart or 3 months and 7 days (3 and 7 .. 777)
▪︎Kim Jung Un became Supream leader of North Korea on December 30 2011 and first met Trump on June 12 2018 .... 77 months and 13 days apart.
▪︎Trump beat Hillary Clinton by 77 votes in the Electoral College because of 7 "faithless" electors.
▪︎Trump was elected and became President and met Putin during the Hebrew year 5777 (Oct 2, 2016 - Sep 20, 2017).
▪︎President Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital during their 70th Anniversary Year.. (This also happened in the Hebrew year of 5777).
▪︎Donald Trump was born precisely 700 days before Israel declared independence (May 14th, 1948).
▪︎777 days after Trump’s birth Israel would have been precisely 77 days old.
▪︎Israel’s 70th anniversary will come exactly 700 days after Donald Trump’s 70th birthday.
▪︎On July 11, 2018, in the 77th week since Donald Trump's inauguration, he was the 777th richest person in the world, according to Forbes.
▪︎Ivana Trump married Donald Trump on the 7th day of April in 77 and passed away 7 days after the 7th day of the 7th month at the age 73. (They divorced on 3/22/1992 - 322 = Skull and Bones)
▪︎The next Presidential election is on November 5, 2024 (77 days before January 21, 2025 which is the first full day for the President to be in office. Donald Trump will be 78 years 7 months and 7 days old on that day.
▪︎MAGA or Magus is the name for the highest rank in the Church of Satan.
▪︎MAGA translates to "WITCH" in Latin
▪︎MAGA in Portuguese means magician,sorceress, wizard.
▪︎MAGA in Japanese means wickedness, evil, calamity, disaster.
▪︎MAGA is a slang word in Nigeria meaning sucker, fraud victim or easily fooled idiot.
▪︎MAGA means "lies" in Zulu.
▪︎MAGA means "DRAGON" in Sundanese.
▪︎MAGA means "Sorceress" and "Female Magician" in Italian. (Mago for "Male Magician")
▪︎MAGA means "Magician" in Spanish, Polish and Ukrainian.
▪︎Witch translates to "Mágissa" in Greek.
▪︎Wizard and Magician translates to "Mágos" in Greek.
▪︎Witchcraft translates to "MageÃa" in Greek.
▪︎Trump is the SNAKE from his poem. "You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in."
▪︎Trump signed into law the 5G rollout.
▪︎Trump and Pence sounds like TRUMPETS.
▪︎Obama's slogan was "YES WE CAN", when chanted and recorded and played backwards it sounds like "THANK YOU SATAN".
▪︎The pick 3 in Chicago was 666 on the day Obama was elected.
▪︎Obama was the Senator of the 13th district of Illinois and the zip code there is 60606.
▪︎Obama made his farewell speech on the 6th day of the 666th month of his life.
▪︎Elon Musk first met Trump on 12/14/2016 when Musk was 16,606 days old.
▪︎The U.S. budget deficit widened to $666 billion for the fiscal year 2017. (Trump's first fiscal year)
▪︎Newspapers reported that lawyers stated 666 children were separated from families under Trump's border policies.
▪︎Donald Trump's grandfather Frederick Trump was born in BAVARIA where the ILLUMINATI originated.
▪︎Frederick became wealthy owning brothels in the Yukon Territory during the gold rush.
▪︎Trump's grandmother Elizabeth Christ Trump died on 6/6/66.
▪︎Donald Trump attended Fordham College (a Jesuit run school)
▪︎Trump constantly makes a 666 hand sign when he speaks.
▪︎Donald Trump = 666 using 'Evil=48 Code' (A=49, B=50, C=51...)
D 52+O 63+N 62+A 49+L 60+D 52 +T 68+R 66+U 69+M 61+P 64 = 666
▪︎In Chaldean Gematria Donald John Trump = 66.
▪︎Even though Trump Tower has only 58 floors, Donald Trump lives on the 66th floor of the Trump Tower.
▪︎Trump Tower has an inverted Pyramid on it with 6 trees on each side.(6x6x6)
▪︎Jared Kushner owns 666 Park Ave where a company named Lucent (Lucifer) Technologies researches RFID chips.
▪︎Donald Trump declared a national emergency over coronavirus pandemic on March Friday the 13th.
▪︎Trump considers himself "the father" of the covid vaccine.
▪︎In English Gematria (A=6, B=12, C=18 ... )"Vaccination" "A Covid Vaccine" and "Mark of Beast" add up to 666.
▪︎In Revelations there are 7 Trumpets 7 Seals 7 Bowls (777) and the Beast has 7 heads which shows that the Beast is 777.
▪︎7 is the only number from 1- 10 that does not divide into 360 evenly.
▪︎Why is 6 afraid of 7? ... Because 7 ate 9.
▪︎ThereqSins, Sloth, Envy, Greed, Lust, Wrath, Gluttony and Pride.
▪︎Nitrogen has 7 protrons 7 neutrons and 7 electrons and is the only part of air that can not sustain life on its own. Nitrogen is known as being lifeless.
▪︎The Bible says 666 is the NUMBER OF MAN and we have 6 protons 6 neutrons and 6 electrons in our carbon atoms.
▪︎666 drawn in Hebrew, Arabic and Aramaic looks like 777. (Monster Energy Can)
▪︎666 is Babylon and a counterfeit Antichrist Illuminati Beast System.
▪︎777 Nesara Gesara is the ACTUAL Antichrist Beast System.
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