
Lord, Are There Few That Be Saved? And He Said.. Strive To Enter In At The Strait Gate: For Many.. Will Seek To Enter In, And Shall Not Be Able - Luke 13:23-24

The "strait" gate. What is meant by that. The King James is the only bible that uses that word in the verse quoted from in the title of this post - Luke 13:24. Every 'modern version' [link] has replaced it with the word 'narrow' - "narrow gate". This greatly blunts the force, to the loss of the reader. Below is an excerpt transcribed from a 1980 audio sermon titled 'Are Few Saved' [31:30-35:25 - link] by a preacher named Charles Alexander of Liverpool, England (? - 1991) expounding upon the force of the word 'strait' - to the profit of the reader/hearer:
(from 'Are Few Saved' - C. Alexander)

Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able - Luke 13:23-24

"Notice the spelling of that word strait ... s-t-r-a-i-t, not s-t-r-a-i-g-h-t. If it is spelled this way it means the shortest distance between two points, a straight line. No no this word strait s-t-r-a-i-t is the same as that narrow neck of water which lies between two areas of land. A strait. The straits of Dover. The straits of Gibraltar. A narrow neck through which the whole ocean is trying to force it's way through. And on that very account always tempestuous, dangerous with it's currents, difficult a passage for the mariners to get through. Or the strait jacket into which you put a violent criminal - put a strait jacket on him s-t-r-a-i-t - which means tight, so that he can't move, to restrain his movements and his actions so he can't do any harm either to himself or somebody else...put him in a strait jacket - that's the word - strive to enter in at the strait gate.

It's not easy to get through it. The passage is very often stormy, there are counter-currents which are inclined to sweep you away at the last minute. It's hard to get through the straits of Gibraltar. It's hard to get through the straits of Dover. Many proud ships have founded there because they couldn't get through. There was something wrong with their chart and compass, or some carelessness on the bridge. And the old sailing ship days where they founded upon the Goodwind Sands or somewhere else because they didn't keep a good account. They knew they were in dangerous waters but they were familiar with danger. A lot of people in dangerous waters now...spiritual dangers. And they are so used to placing themselves in spiritual danger...they've ceased to mean anything at all. 'I'll get by somehow' - is how they speak.

But strait is the gate that leadeth to life, and Christ said strive to enter in at the strait gate. You need to keep your eye on the chart and compass - that is the Word of God [link]. You need to use all the wisdom that is available to you. To listen to the voice of God, to pray to him, to ask him for guidance to bring the old (ship) safely through this stormy way into the everlasting harbour at last. Some mariners may think that they are equal to the task of negotiating this passage, but I don't feel that way. I feel that I need another captain over me, one who has gone this way before. He knows all the shoals, all the rocks, all the whirlpools, all the hidden sandbanks, all the places where many a proud ship has come to ruin [Heb. 2:10]. And I don't want to finish up as a wreck outside the harbour. I want to make the port. I want to come in safely to the shore at last. Strive to enter in. How shall I strive? By making it the business of your life to be saved..."

Strait of Gibraltar
Romans 8:29 'For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son...'


UN Says Global Warming Is Over It Is Now "The Era Of Global Boiling" 7-27-23 - Translated "Era Of Climate Lockdowns Has Begun"  [Must See Vid]

The era of peak lunacy has arrived!


Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src='https://www.bitchute.com/embed/BsQ7Wy2Q00Wy/' width='550' height='309'</iframe>


"Global boilink" is here..
the air is unbreathable..
the heat is unbearable.."
Can you say "climate lockdown" global citizens.. [link]

Little comment needed - but what they did.. they just announced - to put it in simple words - is that the geoengineered destruction of the 'old-world-order', using every method at their disposal [link], will now be greatly accelerated, and 'climate change' will of course be blamed, as always. VERY dramatic development this one - world changing; fyi

[Note on the term "human caused" and so-called climate change: [quoted from comments this post] "..the primary thing about this fake climate change agenda always specifying that it is "human caused" - as opposed to some sort of natural 'changes in the cosmos' - is that it gives them their 'explanation' for why they must take everything away - like "fossil fuels" (and everything else) because it is these 'human caused" things that are causing 'climate change' - and so they all (see: UN 1995 list) have to be done away with --- If it was just 'natural changes in the cosmos' there would be no justifiable excuse to take away anything.. so 'human caused human caused' is the mantra that can never be left out of the narrative"]

Rev. 18:4


How Far Gone Are They? Reporter On 'Tranz' Rugby Player Injuring 'Bio-Females' Gets Crazed Reaction At Game  [Have-To-See-It-To-Believe-It Vid]

YT title: 'Trans' rugby player confronted as unhinged teammates scream: police arrive  [worth watching full vid]

How far gone? Watch that vid - you just saw

Rev. 18:4
Romans 1:28 'And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind..'  [link]


How Far Gone Is it? TX Public Universities Now Offering Courses On Witchcraft, Black Magic, Devil Worship

Texas public universities offering women's studies courses on witchcraft, 'worship of the devil'

Students at publicly funded Texas universities are now able to enroll in courses about witches, black magic and the supernatural — under the guise of women’s studies.

Texas Tech University is offering Women and Gender Studies course 4301 titled “Witches, Bruxas, & Black Magic” in a course listed June 12 on the Lubbock campus’ website.

According to the course description, students will “study beliefs and practices, past and present, associated with magic, witchcraft, spirituality, magical realism, and religion.” The course curriculum will cover topics including “ritual, symbolism, mythology, altered states of consciousness, and healing.”

University of North Texas (UNT), another state university, is offering students an anthropology course on “Magic, Witchcraft and Religion.” -- The course description lists two required textbooks for the course, one of which is Dharma and Ecology of Hindu Communities by Pankaj Jain [see link below: New Age*]..

The University of Texas (UT) is also offering a History of Witchcraft course in which students will examine “witch beliefs and witchcraft prosecutions in western Europe and colonial America, mainly between 1100 and 1700" .. In addition to historical events, the course includes a number of satanic-oriented curricula, including studies on “Worship of the Devil,” “Witchcraft and the Law,” and “Demonic Possession and Witchcraft.”

*On Hinduism's merge with Christendom see video [1984; 95 min]: GODS OF THE NEW AGE (Original Classic) - East And West Merged For One-World-Religion Of Antichrist

One World Religion of Antichrist - can get college educated for it now.  --- 'And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind..' Romans 1:28

Man is absolutely reprobate and so is his world. This reality only now though is being totally exposed, in every aspect, openly and completely, in greater magnitude than ever before known. Man given over to the inherent sinful depravities of his own human mind and will [Rom 1:28] can never produce anything but a compendium of horrendrous atrocities [see list: Gal. 5:19-21] - and lo and behold here now 2023 you can actually go to college and be trained in many of these things. This is how far gone it is 2023. Very. Over the edge. Down into the abyss. Gone.

On a related point note: There will be no 'revival' (of 'biblical' Christianity), despite the current push to claim one is either already started or is on the way. Any that say these things are, at best, without understanding i.e. ignorant. At worst, they are themselves antichrists and deceivers [1 John 2:18], workers for the 'dark side', agents facilitating the merge of the world's religions, to bring all peoples into submission to their coming Antichrist. And note - at some point that will happen*. Be sure it doesn't happen to you... [Rom. 10:13]

Rev. 18:4

*Rev. 13:4,8 'And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?.. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world'


Project BRUCE: Ireland Drafting Anti-Car Scheme Charging Exorbitant Fees To Use Roads - Says 'All The World Going This Way'

Ireland: Shocking cost of road pricing scheme aimed at forcing motorists out of cars

Project Bruce (which stands for ‘better road user charging evaluation’)

A punitive road pricing scheme aimed at forcing people out of their cars could see commuters paying €38 to drive to work.

Project Bruce (which stands for ‘better road user charging evaluation’) was set up under TII to address the climate challenge.

A single journey from Maynooth into Central Dublin would cost €38 while a trip from Cork to Dublin would cost €163 under a ‘Road Usage Charge’ being considered by the State’s transport infrastructure body.

The Exchequer is facing a shortfall of between €1.5billion and €3billion in lost revenue from road tax and fuel duty receipts as drivers switch to electric vehicles. Government-backed Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) has been tasked with finding ways to address the funding gap in tandem with cutting harmful emissions from transport by 50% by 2030. One of the measures under consideration would be to charge motorists for using the national roads network.

Sources said while the work on the project is long-term, ‘fundamental and profound’ changes are on the way.

The thinkers in the Department of Finance and Department of Transport said: “Let’s get research on this.” And road pricing all across Europe and the world is where people are going. That’s what we are looking at.’

Countries and cities around the world are looking at similar models. In Australia, EV cars are charged on a distance-based system, with the Netherlands implementing road pricing in 2030. Hawaii has also had RUC pilots.


Above post closely related to this recent one: Another First In Nation: Manhattan NY To Charge Expensive Toll To Drive Car In City -- 15-Min. Cities No Plan 'B' 6-30-23  "The plan, the first of its kind in the country, is intended to reduce congestion in Manhattan's central business district. It could take effect as early as April [2024]. The plan would charge cars with an E-ZPass up to $24 for driving below 60th Street during peak hours. Those without an E-ZPass could face tolls of up to $34.50. --- Personal automobile is freedom. Can't have that now can we (would-be) zio-slaves [link]. NY first in nation. Guaranteed not the last. Be aware 15-min city [soft] lock them all down no plan 'b'.. [see post]

also: 2030/Agenda 21 What All They Actually Plan To Take Away From The People - The List 1995

Rev. 18:4


The Only Hope For Planet Earth - The Return Of The Saviour Jesus Christ

[Repost from years back - because - it's the big picture]  The ONLY hope for this planet...the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Professing Christian, are you "looking for that blessed hope"?
'For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ' Titus 2:12-13
There are two things which constitute the joy of a Christian, which are his strength on the road, and the object constantly before his heart. First, present communion and fellowship with God the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ. Secondly, the hope of the coming of the Lord. And these two cannot be separated without loss to our souls, for we cannot have all the profit without both of them.
If we are not looking for the coming of the Lord, there is nothing that can separate us in the same way from this present evil world [Gal. 1:4]; neither will Christ Himself be so much the object before the soul, nor yet shall we be able, in the same measure, to apprehend the mind and counsels of God about the world [John 3:19; 7:7], if there be not this waiting for His Son from heaven [Philip. 3:20].
For we cannot be really looking for God's Son from heaven, without at the same time seeing the world's utter rejection of Him, seeing that the world itself is going wrong, its wise men having no wisdom - all is going on to judgment, the principles of evil are loosening all bands [Psalms 2:2-3]....but if, through grace, the Christian is in present communion and fellowship with God, his soul stands steady, and is calm and happy before God, because there is a fund of blessing in Him which no circumstances can ever touch or change. The evil tidings are heard, the sorrow is seen, but the Christian's heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord, and this carries him far above every circumstance.
It is this which gives its character to the joy of the saint; so Christ Himself says, "I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." (John 14:1-3)

John Nelson Darby (1800-1882)
Not Wrath But Rapture For The Regenerate


Biden The Crisis-Actor And The Takedown Of The USA 2023: How Biden Got His Start: Says "I AM A ZIONIST" - Gets An 'Attaboy' [2007]

[Updated 7-13-23] Anybody buying the ridiculous non-stop ever-worsening mumbling bumbling fumbling jumbling stumbling tumbling Joe Biden act? Biden is a order-follower that's all. Another crisis actor - does it for the 'gang'. To further facilitate the deconstruction controlled-demolition of the USA. Because 'they' are done with the 'USA' as well the entire existing order of things. Because everything must be transitioned to the wannabe Zionist-kingdom-kome so the fake messiah antichrist can get his show on the road. At least that's their plan..
How Biden Got His Start: Says "I AM A ZIONIST" - Gets An 'Attaboy' [2007]

Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/4iOT5pnE2ZOz/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>



On Zionism - which is the absolute controlling force of all world events today - all manufactured orchestrated fabricated to accomplish the plan; see:

River To River, Antichrist Spirit - Jewish Flag Reveals Zionist Agenda Hidden-In-Plain-Sight.. 'Greater Israel' 6-Point Star
See also: The so-called 'Great Reset'.. which in reality is:

"Tikkun Olam" The Jewish Conspiracy To Rule The World - From The Kabbalah ..In Their Own Words [The Explanation Of Everything Happening In The World Today]

[Many corresponding links on both posts above - see links connect dots]

Rev. 18:4


John Hus 1415 Burned At The Stake For Exposing Catholic Church Heresy And Corruption [Vid - 1977 b/w -- Worth Watching]

"A 15th-century Bohemian reformer who [more than 100 years before Luther] set the stage for the world-changing reforms of Martin Luther"*

Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/VC7kC3hmyn8c/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


"Jan Hus (c. 1369–1415) took a stand opposing the many abuses he saw in the Roman Catholic Church, such as simony (the act of selling church offices or roles [Acts 8:18-21]), the sale of indulgences (granting remission of sins in 'purgatory' for a price) and pilgrimages to view relics. Hus’ stance created many enemies amid his fellow clergy. Hus was imprisoned. He appeared before the Council at Constance several times. Unwilling to recant, on July 6, 1415, Hus was sentenced to death as a heretic and turned over to the secular authorities to be burned at the stake. Following his death, his ashes were thrown into the Rhine.  -- Most of all, however, both Hus and Luther inspired reform movements that could not be stopped."*

*From: John Hus - brief bio [pdf]
see also: Martin Luther 1953 - [Original Full Length Movie - Worth Watching]

[Note: If vid has BitChute Syndrome - i.e will not play -- here is alternate working link:

Revelation 18:4 'Come out of her, my people'


YOGA UNCOILED (Original Classic) - At One With The Serpent Spirit [Kundalini]; East Invades West  [Vid]

Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/NFWMt3qITHBp/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


'Yoga' - a Trojan horse filled with slithering serpents be informed

The word 'Kundalini' comes from the ancient Sanskrit language [1000-500 B.C.] - the literal definition is 'coiled snake' - becoming empowered by 'the Kundalini' is the very essence of yoga

[One slight disclaimer: Producers of video [2007 vid] cite and/or quote numerous scripture references taken from Westcott-Hort bible versions. The use of these bible versions cannot be endorsed - they only introduce error; see: Authorized Version only]
see also: Gods of the New Age (Original Classic)

[*Watching this vid and the one linked directly above multiple times is recommended. So much in them hard to get it all viewing once;  (alternate working link if this vid has BitChute Syndrome i.e. does not work: Brighteon)]

Matthew 23:15,33 'Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.. Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?'


And Another Global First: New Zealand Bans Single-Use Produce Bags For Grocery Shoppers Nationwide 7-1-23

How's your juggling, useless eaters:
New Zealand becomes first country to ban single-use produce bags at grocery stores

Customers in New Zealand already are expected to bring their own shopping bags to grocery stores. Now they also will be asked to carry their own reusable bags for fruits and vegetables.

New Zealand is considered the first country in the world to ban single-use produce bags at supermarkets. The measure officially went into effect on July 1.

The produce bag ban isn't the only new plastic restriction going into effect in New Zealand. The country also banned the manufacture, sale and distribution of single-use plates, bowls and cutlery, and stores will only be allowed to offer single-use plastic straws to people with disabilities or health needs.

Sorry UE's no bags for your apples, or your oranges, or your wet lettuce, or for anything, because 2030's coming and you will own nothing, and, well, you know the rest.. [see: WEF 2030 video]

Some other very recent national and global 'firsts':

Another World First: Australia Legalizes 'Psychedelics' - Magic Mushrooms And Ecstasy - To 'Treat Mental Health'; Begins 7-1-23

UN Launching World's First 'Global Digital Health Pass' July 1, 2023 - COVID Fakery Endgame Now Seen

Another First In Nation: Manhattan NY To Charge Expensive Toll To Drive Car In City -- 15-Min. Cities No Plan 'B' 6-30-23

link: 2030

Rev. 18:4
Nahum 1:7 'The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him' - Maranatha


Another World First: Australia Legalizes 'Psychedelics' - Magic Mushrooms And Ecstasy - To 'Treat Mental Health'; Begins 7-1-23

Australia legalises psychedelics for mental health

Australia has become the first country in the world to legalise the use of psychedelics to treat some mental health conditions

Approved psychiatrists can now prescribe MDMA to those suffering post-traumatic stress disorder and magic mushrooms for some types of depression. The controversial move has been hailed as a game-changer* by many scientists and mental health experts.

MDMA - also known as the party drug ecstasy - is a synthetic drug that acts as a hallucinogen. It increases the user's energy levels, sensory experiences and distorts their sense of time. Magic mushrooms, which grow naturally, also have hallucinogenic effects due to the active compound psilocybin.

While Australia is the first country in the world to regulate the drugs as medications, clinical trials are also underway in the US, Canada and Israel.

Under the new regulations which became official in Australia on 1 July, approved psychiatrists can prescribe MDMA for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and psilocybin for depression that has resisted other treatments.


*Changing the game [from the old 'unwoke' order to the devilish novus-ordo-seclorum zwo-new] - drug 'em for easy control [especially easy when hallucinating] and enslave 'em.. simple as that. Changing the game - the changes now more drastic and closer together than ever. You are there - do know about it all

This post related to, follow up on: Mexico Legalizes Cocaine -- Drugging The World Like Animals The Plan Is On ZWO 8-21-19 “The changes will be profound, but these will be carried out with strict respect for the established legal framework. We will carry out a peaceful transformation, ordered, but profound and even radical.”

also: Witchcrafting The World: FDA Approves 'Magic Mushroom' Trials For 'Depression'; And '666' Possession 11-1-18 "Legal 'dope' everywhere earth-wide now on the fast track. Magic mushrooms (so called - rightly so [link], cocaine, heroin, etc. [link] all coming in behind on the same track ... Drug 'em and enslave 'em. Plain to see as can be. Be neither. The hour is later and later..." ...Powerful mind-consciousness altering drugs are the stuff of witchcraft aka sorcery. Commonly pushed as a path to supposed 'enlightenment'...the reality is exactly the opposite. Tapping into a realm where dark spiritual entities seek interaction with potential human hosts is what users of hallucinogens and psychedelics are doing - whether they realize it or understand it or not... Do the ZWO masterminds understand this? How could they not? 666 ultimately means devil possession plain and simple [link]. The world is being steered right down the path.  Say the zwo-ites to all: Have some magic mushrooms won't you little human...you will 'see the light'... [Matt. 24:23-26] --- Casting a spell on the entire planet. There is no plan 'b'. Be not bewitched. [see post]

see all: 'drug the world' agenda
Isaiah 10:1-2 'Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed; To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless!'