Australia has become the first country in the world to legalise the use of psychedelics to treat some mental health conditions
Approved psychiatrists can now prescribe MDMA to those suffering post-traumatic stress disorder and magic mushrooms for some types of depression. The controversial move has been hailed as a game-changer* by many scientists and mental health experts.
MDMA - also known as the party drug ecstasy - is a synthetic drug that acts as a hallucinogen. It increases the user's energy levels, sensory experiences and distorts their sense of time. Magic mushrooms, which grow naturally, also have hallucinogenic effects due to the active compound psilocybin.
While Australia is the first country in the world to regulate the drugs as medications, clinical trials are also underway in the US, Canada and Israel.
Under the new regulations which became official in Australia on 1 July, approved psychiatrists can prescribe MDMA for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and psilocybin for depression that has resisted other treatments.
*Changing the game [from the old 'unwoke' order to the devilish novus-ordo-seclorum zwo-new] - drug 'em for easy control [especially easy when hallucinating] and enslave 'em.. simple as that. Changing the game - the changes now more drastic and closer together than ever. You are there - do know about it all
This post related to, follow up on: Mexico Legalizes Cocaine -- Drugging The World Like Animals The Plan Is On ZWO 8-21-19 “The changes will be profound, but these will be carried out with strict respect for the established legal framework. We will carry out a peaceful transformation, ordered, but profound and even radical.”
also: Witchcrafting The World: FDA Approves 'Magic Mushroom' Trials For 'Depression'; And '666' Possession 11-1-18 "Legal 'dope' everywhere earth-wide now on the fast track. Magic mushrooms (so called - rightly so [link], cocaine, heroin, etc. [link] all coming in behind on the same track ... Drug 'em and enslave 'em. Plain to see as can be. Be neither. The hour is later and later..." ...Powerful mind-consciousness altering drugs are the stuff of witchcraft aka sorcery. Commonly pushed as a path to supposed 'enlightenment'...the reality is exactly the opposite. Tapping into a realm where dark spiritual entities seek interaction with potential human hosts is what users of hallucinogens and psychedelics are doing - whether they realize it or understand it or not... Do the ZWO masterminds understand this? How could they not? 666 ultimately means devil possession plain and simple [link]. The world is being steered right down the path. Say the zwo-ites to all: Have some magic mushrooms won't you little will 'see the light'... [Matt. 24:23-26] --- Casting a spell on the entire planet. There is no plan 'b'. Be not bewitched. [see post]
see all: 'drug the world' agenda
Isaiah 10:1-2 'Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed; To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless!'
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