‘Zoe’ Becomes the World’s First Named Heat Wave__________________________________________________
CLIMATEWIRE | The world’s first named heat wave hit Seville, Spain, this week, pushing temperatures past 110 degrees Fahrenheit and earning the most severe tier in the city’s new heat wave ranking system... according to proMETEO Sevilla, Seville’s new heat wave ranking system.
Zoe is the first named heat wave to hit Seville since it officially launched a new pilot program last month for naming and ranking heat waves, similar to hurricanes (Climatewire, June 22). Only the most severe heat waves get names, designated this year in reverse alphabetical order. After Zoe, comes Yago, Xenia, Wenceslao and Vega.
The program is a collaboration between the city of Seville and the Atlantic Council’s Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center (Arsht-Rock), with other partners including the Spanish Office for Climate Change and several Spanish universities and research institutes. It takes a three-tiered approach to categorizing heat waves in Seville, with Category 1 as the lowest ranking and Category 3 as the most severe.
Climate change is causing heat waves to become more frequent, more intense and longer-lasting all over the world, increasing the risks to human health. Seville’s new naming and ranking system is intended to heighten public awareness about the dangers of extreme heat.
It’s currently the only system with a naming component. But other cities are following suit with similar ranking programs. Athens, Greece, recently announced a new system for categorizing heat waves, while several cities across the United States are launching similar pilot programs of their own, including Los Angeles, Miami, Milwaukee and Kansas City, Mo.
Above post a follow up on this post from just one month ago 6-27-22:
That did not take long at all did it? Last week of June 2022 the world's first 'climate lockdown' conducted in France. Outdoor public events shut down, people ordered to stay inside, work from home, etc., because it was "too hot" - according to 'official' temperature numbers - which are without doubt not ever to be believed as factual. Because of "risks to human health" the world now needs this - the given 'official' reason [see both posts above].
And now just one month later last week of July 2022 the world's first 'Heat Wave' ranking and naming system rolled out in Spain. This is a very big deal. Nothing less than another fraudulent means to exert absolute totalitarian control over people worldwide. Lockdown at any time on a whim - anytime it is claimed 'Heat Wave" Suzy or Mabel is making it too dangerous for John Q. Public to function without government permission. Again, this is huge. The 'new normalizing' of named and ranked 'heat waves" is about to go full swing. France and Spain leading the way, cities across the USA set to launch 'pilot programs'.
Coming soon to your Local News at 6pm: Heat Wave XYZ looks like it will be a Cat 3 people - red alert red alert shelter in place shelter in place.
Last thing - when you do hear it - never forget - they are lying.
Rev. 18:4
One more thing - these lying devils will find out what a real heat wave is one day - that day they finally get their beast kingdom [Rev. 16:10-11] fully in place [don't be there]:
Revelation 16:8-9 'And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.'
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