WHO Report Saying Meat Causes Cancer An Agenda 21 Scam To Make The 'Minions' Eat Bugs
Suddenly meat causes cancer says the ZNWO Bureau of Propaganda. Is that so? Strange how that fits perfectly the known Agenda 21 narrative about doing away with, to name just a few things directly related to 'meat production', namely..."farmlands, rangelands, pastures...grazing of livestock, disturbance of the soil surface, large hoofed animals..." [from '95 UN Biodiversity Report; see 'follow up' above]. All of these things have been declared "unsustainable" by the "UN" and therefore must no longer be allowed. Obviously eliminating these things indicates clearly that the 'meat industry' is being targeted for termination.
Saving the earth is the official spiel - 'large hoofed animals disturbing the soil surface' and all that, but the reality is quite otherwise. Which reality is that it has nothing to do with 'saving the earth' but everything to do with the 'Wildlands Map' [link], which has everything to do with herding all human 'cattle' into 'human habitats' (UN language) where they can be properly managed. Properly managed means absolute micromanagement - which definitely includes an economical (i.e. cheap) and "sustainable" source of 'cattle feed'. As seen in this 5-'13 video, the human-cattle feed of choice is very clearly to be...bugs:
Why did the ZNWO-WHO suddenly come up with this 'new report'? Very easy to answer: to begin the psychological-push to now launch their 'old agenda'.
Let them eat bugs - the psycho-blitz is officially on planet-wide, guaranteed to be non-stop from here on out...
[see: full post, many other links]
Psalms 103:2,5 'Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits...Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things'
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