Worst Flood in "102 Years" the official report [see YT vid below]
The South Korean capital was hit with a combined 496.5 millimeters (20 inches) of rain on Monday and Tuesday, and an additional 100-300 millimeters is forecast to fall in the area by Thursday, according to the Korean Meteorological Administration (KMA)
High waters and mudslides damaged or destroyed more than 2,500 residential and commercial buildings and left 840 people needing emergency shelter, Yonhap News reported, citing disaster management officials. Thousands of vehicles were submerged – a long-term problem for motorists in a country where cars are in such short supply that waiting lists as long as 12 to 24 months are common – and many roads and bridges were blocked by debris or washed away.
Above a follow up on this 7-30-22 post: [Updated] Kentucky Devastating Flash-Floods About Agenda 21 'Rewilding' - Worldwide Same Thing July 2022; And Melania Trump 'FLOTUS' Cap Houston 2017 7-30-22 "That is a description of instant destruction out of nowhere. It is the type of thing that would happen if a dam was suddenly opened and all the water released at once. Everything underwater in a matter of moments. The thing about it this was no isolated 'freak' incident - the same thing is happening worldwide on a regular basis. -- River Engineering is what it is called ..[for the purpose of] 'rewilding' the planet - which doing includes relocating the populations out of certain geographic regions into zones they have designated for so-called 'human habitation'... [see full post; vids]
Little further comment - see follow up above -- it is what that says - this is just more proof that the pace has accelerated drastically [Last week was Oman]. Two things to note here though: (1) the "record rainfall" reports - note above they are, in this case, "according to the Korean Meteorological Administration (KMA)". The name of that agency can be substituted with any other agency of any government or media of any country in the world it does not matter - it absolutely cannot be taken as factual. They have an agenda, the agenda is known, the agenda is being carried out. They make up the news (and weather reports) to cover their tracks as the agenda is carried out. (2) Note in particular in the above RT article the report of thousands of cars destroyed -- with an 'existing shortage' of new cars available. Known agenda item: remove cars from the 'common people'. Just a coincidence the never before seen South Korean flooding has advanced the zio-goal on that, right? Not a chance. Do note it.
Rewilding the planet - burn em out, flood em out whatever it takes - move to the hunger games cities -- link; link2 |
see all: geoengineering
Rev. 11:17,18 'We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty which art, and wast, and art to come...[for thou shalt]...destroy them which destroy the earth'
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