7 Midwestern governors announce their states will coordinate on reopening
A bipartisan group of governors of Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky announced Thursday that they will work in close coordination to reopen the Midwest regional economy in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
The governors noted that their decision to work together "doesn't mean our economy will reopen all at once, or that every state will take the same steps at the same time. But close coordination will ensure we get this right."
On Monday, Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said his state, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Rhode Island and Massachusetts each plan to name a public health official, an economic official and each governor's chief of staff to a regional working group that will begin work immediately to design a reopening plan.
Later that day, the West Coast states of California, Washington and Oregon also announced they were joining forces in a plan to begin incremental release of stay-at-home orders. The three states' governors will collaborate on their approach to getting back to business "in a safe, strategic, responsible way," as announced by California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom.
It's all coming out now - plain as day. But no surprise at all. None zero absolutely transparent delusion from the get-go. Coronavirus plandemic, Coronavirus scamdemic, Operation Covid 19, and on and on it could go, but why bother - more names won't make it any more obvious than it already is. People will either see through it or they will not. The reality is though that from day one the suddenly-appearing mystery-killer-virus overtaking the earth official-story was as obvious an ordo-ab-chao production as has ever been seen. Not believable in the slightest way for even a nano-second. And so now - here we go - one of the primary parts of the overall purpose for the massively-lying virus-deception production now coming into clear view: The so-called "Corona Recovery Plan" is just happening to be dividing the USA up into groups of States which are to be now managed not as individual states but as "regions". It's for the recovery you see - with appointed - not elected - 'regional managers' taking power over the new regions to 'oversee' the 'new normal' ...to use the new-speak of the very perpetrators of this worldwide ordo-ab-chao virus-deception.
The new normal - that phrase is getting tons of airtime these days. Here the so-called the-new-normal is including joined political power over states and joined economies... and probably 'joined' everything else ...like for instance centralized police-state control policies being implemented throughout the new 'regions'.
Amazing thing. This looks and sounds exactly like the 2008 'USA 2050' map [image below] that showed the USA being divided into "mega-regions. As much if not even more interesting (see 'follow up' link at top), this also sounds/looks very much like the fictional 'Hunger Games' map [2nd image below] that also had the entire USA - the ex-USA to be precise - divided up into various regional districts:
link |
Hunger Games fictional map - click to enlarge [post] |
Just to note it at this point, April 2020, the first new regions announced. There are three so far:
1. Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky. Seven states - already being called the "Midwest" region.
2. New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts - Seven states from the Eastern USA.
3. California, Washington, and Oregon - three states from the West Coast.
That's three 'regions' with a total of seventeen states (that's fully 1/3 of the USA) now functioning under this brand new system - and do see it clearly - made possible only through the fake-virus fake-crisis. That is the ridiculously obvious reality ...of the 'new-reality' ...brought about by truly incredible falsehood.
Very important to note: Everything seen here is actually Agenda 21 (note on this: Agenda 21 goes by many names but the only difference is the name - they are all 'Agenda 21'). Agenda 21 divides the entire planet into a regionally-managed global system. Agenda 21 is one-world government. This is critical to understand, and especially here to understand the significance of this regional-grouping happening in this country - the USA. This is the USA being openly converted to the one-world government. The USA conversion has been underway for a long time of course - this also needs to be understood - but the difference at this stage is that it IS now being done openly. States grouped and regionally-managed by appointees - that folks - is exactly what OWG looks like at the 'local' level.
On the planet-level - it's the 'kingdom of the beast' - trying to birth itself*. Believe bible prophecy? If not, maybe time to rethink that. Make sure to use a KJV though [link].
Rev. 18:4
compare: "Pandemic...all the time" -- Corona script following Simpsons house cat flu: no symptoms, all the time - Trump says 'germ' is brilliant, genius - video link
see all: corona-fiction
*About the Hunger Games: how the 'world-order' was portrayed, the 12 districts - to get the general idea:
The Hunger Games is a 2012 American dystopian science fiction-adventure film...The story takes place in a dystopian post-apocalyptic future in the nation of Panem [destroyed USA]
Seventy-four years before the start of the story, a civil war was waged against the Capitol. The uprising was led by District 13, which was a center of military–industrial production. The Capitol put down the rebellion and destroyed District 13 and its residents. To further punish the rebellious districts and discourage future rebellion, the government instituted an annual pageant and violent contest known as the Hunger Games, for which each district is compelled to provide two 'tributes': one male and one female, aged between 12 and 18, who are chosen by lottery. The total of twenty-four tributes are sent to an arena and forced to fight to the death until a single victor remains.
The word 'panem' is the Latin word for bread, and as the country's name was derived from the Latin saying "panem et circenses", meaning "bread and circuses", a phrase attributed to the Roman poet Juvenal, referring to the use of entertainment and plentiful food to distract citizens into giving up their freedoms and political power. Panem consists of a capital city, called simply 'the Capitol'...which is surrounded by twelve outlying numbered Districts...
Panem is a totalitarian society, modelled somewhat on ancient Rome, and is a police state in which the Districts are subservient to the Capitol. The Districts provide resources to the Capitol in exchange for protection by – and from – the Capitol's army of "Peacekeepers". As the story opens, Panem has been ruled for more than 25 years by the dictatorial President Coriolanus Snow.
The Capitol
The Capitol is populated by citizens who embody Juvenal's observation, having surrendered their civic responsibility and capacity for self-government in return for "bread and circuses".
Removed from the deprivation and oppression of the districts, the pampered and hedonistic civilians are generally preoccupied with flamboyant, extravagant fashion, parties and mass entertainment like the Hunger Games. Compared to the districts, the Capitol is extremely wealthy and derives most of the benefits of advanced technologies such as computers, hover planes and high-speed trains. Visiting tributes, who have grown up with the constant threat of starvation and poverty, are shocked by what they consider wasteful decadence in the Capitol... In addition, residents of other districts who are considered criminals or traitors may be forced into servitude in the Capitol and converted into Avoxes, a brutal form of punishment in which offenders have their tongues surgically removed.
The fashions of the Capitol [are] depicted as exotic and ostentatious, with citizens dyeing their skin and hair with vivid colors, adopting tattoos and undergoing extensive surgical alteration in the name of style.
District 1 (Luxury)
District 1 specializes in producing luxury items such as jewelry... Along with District 2, District 1 is heavily favored by the Capitol and is fairly wealthy compared to the rest of the districts. It is also noted that people from this district give their children names after expensive material, such as Cashmere, or characteristics of the things they make, such as Glimmer... During the Second Rebellion, it is noted that District 1 was one of the first to rebel against the Capitol.
District 2 (Masonry and defense)
District 2 is in charge of stone cutting, supplying Peacekeepers and weapons manufacturing... District 2 is a large district in the mountains, not far from the Capitol itself. Its citizens have better living conditions than most other districts; support for Capitol control is stronger here than in any other district... District 2 is made up of many small villages, each based around a mine. In the midst of District 2 is a central mountain...which contains the command and control center for the Capitol's defenses... many of the other Districts loathe District 2, referring to them as "the Capitol's lap dogs."
District 3 (Technology)
District 3 specializes in the production of technology and electronics. Most of its inhabitants work in factories and are very adept in skills such as engineering... Although District 3 seems to have technological advantages over other districts, it is actually the poorest of the wealthy districts and typically does not do well in the Games.
District 4 (Fishing)
District 4 is a coastal district that specializes in fishing. It is another wealthy district in which children often train to become Careers... It is said that District 4 has the most "decent-looking" people... The most common tools in District 4 are fishing nets, tridents and fishing rods.
District 5 (Power)
District 5 specializes in electrical power...the district is dotted by dams providing the Capitol with electricity. Even though District 12 mines coal, it is implied throughout the series that the coal is used to heat buildings and homes in the Capitol instead of being burned to generate electricity. It is unknown if there are any other sources of power generation
District 6 (Transportation)
District 6 specializes in transportation, serving as a hub for the transport network.
District 7 (Lumber)
District 7 specializes in lumber and paper
District 8 (Textiles)
District 8 specializes in textiles, including at least one factory in which Peacekeeper uniforms are made.
District 9 (Grain)
District 9 specializes in producing grain and salts. It is the least mentioned district in the series
District 10 (Livestock)
District 10 specializes in livestock. At least one job is mentioned throughout the book: keeping embryos of cattle to keep enough livestock to send to the Capitol.
District 11 (Agriculture)
District 11 specializes in agriculture. It is located somewhere in the South and is very large, possibly occupying nearly all of the Deep South. The people are housed in small shacks and there is a harsh force of Peacekeepers. Common traits are dark skin and brown eyes...Sometimes during the height of the harvest they were given night-vision goggles to allow them to work after dark. The district also contained fields of vegetables. Electric fences are set up 24 hours a day, in contrast to District 12...Overall, the condition of the district is worse than District 12, because, as the food-producing district, security is enforced greatly and harsh measures, including summary execution, are implemented to keep people from stealing anything meant for the Capitol.
District 12 (Coal)
District 12 specializes in coal mining, replaced by medicine after the Second Rebellion, and is the farthest from the Capitol.
[District 13 (Graphite Mining and Nuclear Weaponry)
Before the Dark Days war, District 13 specialized in nuclear technology, mining graphite and the development of emerging technologies for use by Panem's military. It was also the Capitol's primary military–industrial complex and weapons manufacturer until the rebellion.
(District 13 put down by the Capitol for rebellion - gone underground. Returns later - which apparently became the plot-line for third/fourth Hunger Games movie)]
source: wiki - Hunger Games
click to enlarge
Rev. 13:1 'And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy'
Thank you for writing about the 10 kings, and smart-cities, I would not have seen these things on my own - Jesus said to watch and pray but there is so much to watch and there seem to be alot of false trails like 911 and jfk to microananalize the evidence instead of going after the criminals and continuing to focus on most important elements.
the most important article I have ever read on this so-called virus AI being implemented right now to take away private ownership of cars and speeding up smart cities and no more in-store shopping -- like the Patriot Act which was ready to go, think tanks and foundations of merger of military, silicon valley, medicine and AI.
How the National Security State Is Using Coronavirus to Push AI-Driven Mass Surveillance
Last year a government commission called for the US to adopt an AI-driven mass surveillance system far beyond that used in any other country. Now, many of the “obstacles” cited as preventing its implementation are being removed under the guise of combating coronavirus.
by Whitney Webb
April 21st, 2020
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