NASA Simulates 'City-Killer' Meteorite Hit CA 10-25-16 - Says Will Happen - But Undetectable 'Because Of The Sun'
It’s going to happen’: NASA simulates huge asteroid hitting major city
When American government representatives asked NASA head Charles Boden [see 2013 video below 1:05] what the best response to a large asteroid headed for New York City would be, his answer was simple: ‘Pray.’
Describing the scenario as a ‘not if – but when,’ NASA recently simulated what would happen if a 300 to 800ft asteroid* approached Los Angeles with an 100% chance of impact.
‘It’s not a matter of if – but when – we will deal with such a situation,’ said Thomas Zurbuchen, Associate Administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington.
The simulation took place in El Segundo, California on October 25... Emergency planners investigated a scenario where telescopes tracked an object with an impact probability of 65% – but then couldn’t observe the asteroid for four months, due to its position relative to the sun.
When it reappears, it has an impact probability of 100% – leading to a rapid evacuation of Los Angeles*.
[*Meteorite: If a small asteroid or large meteoroid survives its fiery passage through the Earth’s atmosphere and lands on Earth’s surface, it is then called a meteorite - link]
re: 'couldn’t observe the asteroid for four months, due to its position relative to the sun
A major meteorite strike is absolutely going to happen says NASA...only thing is it will be a surprise because, you see, well um...the sun. Yes that's right because the sun will be in our eyes again...just like what happened in Chelyabinsk Russia in February 2013. Which is why we could not explain how it literally came out of nowhere - because the sun was in our eyes. Really. And so when a big city-killer meteorite does hit suddenly out of nowhere, as predicted, well you know...the sun the sun. And that's our story and we're sticking to it...
Sun in the eyes? This 'official explanation' first heard after-the-fact with the 2013 Chelyabinsk 'meteorite' was the topic of this 2-18-16 post - a compilation of a few others on the same subject [excerpted; video]:
Flashback: Chelyabinsk, Russia Meteorite-Hoax 2-15-13
Chelyabinsk, Russia 'Meteorite' undetected because "sun was in their eyes"
"Meteorites, meteorites, here come the meteorites. And so there it is. John Q. Public is now being told that there is another 'new normal' to contend with, which is that any city anywhere on the planet could get an 'impact', at any given time, with no warning, bang, city wiped out by a 'meteorite'. On that note, it is amazing to consider how this would, in a instant, prepare an entire geographic region for some ordo-ab-chao type NWO transformation. Just noticing...As reported in the second article.., some Russians believe that what hit there was a missile. The Russian politician quoted in the first article...also claimed that things are not what they are being made out to be. Another thing worth noting is that as the reported impact site just happened to be in the middle of a frozen lake, there are of course no photos...So were they real meteorites, or giant 'molotov cocktails' and missiles?"
"[link] Below is a video of a congressional hearing one month after the fact (March-April 2013), where the seriousness of this new "meteorite threat" to the people of the world was discussed. The Russian 'meteorite' is the topic of the discussion. This reported 'meteorite'...left very little evidence behind. To start with, it was undetected, because, it is said, the sun was in their eyes [:47 and 4:22]. Then, it landed in the middle of a frozen lake, according to the reports, and no photos were possible. Reportedly it was recovered at a much later date but that story received very little attention. Was it real? Interesting choice of words by a couple of speakers in this video. At :09 the newsman uses the term "rocketed". At 1:04 the congressman uses the word "detonated". Are those verbal clues 'hidden in plain sight'? Exploding rockets?
:09 "the meteor that "rocketed" into Russia really got our attention a few weeks backs"
:15 "...the threat to our modern world. In the 'meteor and asteroid tracking business' they call the big one's 'citykillers'..."
:47 (and 4:22) "it came out of the sun, it came from a direction where our telescopes could not look"
1:00 "If you detected even a small one...like the one that "detonated" in Russia..."
1:28 "the concern is meteors that are smaller...but still big enough to take out a city...the number of undetected "citykillers" is very large...in the range of 10,000 or more"
2:04 "a big segment of the population thinks it's just a matter of call Bruce Willis in..." [in other words, what is being said is that 'they are clueless']
2:56 "realize the threat is real"
[Note: video is shortened version of original which vanished. Time marks noted above are slightly late]"
"Crash course [note video image] on mysterious "citykiller" flying-objects impacting earth as a new daily reality? The sun was in their eyes so they could not detect the Chelyabinsk 'meteorite'? That's what they say. Which has now brought to the attention of the world this new "threat to our modern world" [:15]. That's right citizens of earth, "undetectable" meteors big enough to take out an entire city are an imminent threat against the planet and your daily life, it is said - with at least 10,000 of these "citykillers" lurking out there somewhere in the twilight zone just waiting to crash down undetected on your world. "The threat is real" [2:56], say the novus ordo secloru-mites - anytime, anywhere...instant devastation is now a real possibility...and there is virtually nothing that can be done about it, say they. Undetected flying objects? Would those be real meteorites? You think? Never heard of such a thing before, ever."
"Zio-Hollywood depicted some planetary devastation via 'comet strike' a few years back. The movie was titled "Deep Impact", it was released in 1998. Hyper-sensationalized perhaps, but the message is conveyed nevertheless..." [see full post: link]
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[*compare: VW 'Tiguan' Commercial Depicts Meteorite Strike, Evacuation - Fake Meteorite 'Coming Soon'? 1-14-18]
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