"the Sulawesi tsunami was reported as being generated by an on-land earthquake. In other words this just allowed another extremely anomalous 'new-normal' disaster scenario to be created..."
Indonesia's tsunami warning system failed. California's could too
[LA Times - excerpted] If a big quake strikes too close to shore, it won’t be detected by those deep-sea sensors, and the wave can arrive before major evacuations occur. That’s what happened on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi...
In Southern California, an earthquake could trigger an underwater avalanche in the Santa Monica Bay, producing a tsunami that could inundate low-lying areas of Santa Monica and the South Bay towns of Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach and Redondo Beach, said Costas Synolakis...
“This is exactly the scenario we are afraid of in Southern California,” Synolakis said, “where we are going to get an on-land earthquake … and the biggest shaking triggers a submarine landslide...”
In Los Angeles County, a locally generated tsunami could bring water as high as 11 feet in Redondo Beach, 8 feet at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, 7 feet in Manhattan Beach and 5 feet in Marina del Rey.
Friday’s tsunami was seen as unusual. The largest tsunamis in the world are generated from what’s known as subduction zones, in which one tectonic plate slides underneath another. Earthquakes on subduction zones can generate vertical motion that propel tsunamis to land.
But this tsunami was generated after a quake began on land on a strike-slip fault — the same kind of fault like the San Andreas, where one block of land slides past the other horizontally. This produces horizontal movement not typically associated with large tsunamis, yet is still possible, as Friday’s disaster showed.
There are other possible explanations for why a tsunami hit Palu so hard. One is that the bay starting moving back and forth, like someone shaking a mug filled with coffee, leaving the liquid to slosh onto land, Synolakis said.
Another possibility is that the fault movement caused just one side of the bay to move, pushing water toward the other side, Synolakis said.
re: "...the Indonesian island of Sulawesi...tsunami was generated after a quake began on land'
Fires that do not make sense, flooding that does not make sense, hurricanes that do not make sense, dams breaking that do not make sense, volcanic eruptions that do not make sense, for some examples, in each case because what John Q. Public is told is supposed to have happened simply defies laws of physics, not to mention plain logic. Nothing adds up in other words. And the most important thing to note about this is that after the first or second occurrence of any of these anomalous so-called 'natural disasters' the extreme anomalies are no longer even mentioned but rather made out to be completely normal. Think, for example, the new fictional thing called a "firenado". No such thing existed until a few months back, suddenly now it's 'a thing' - and just like that it's the official 'explanation' for the unexplainable, in this instance the unexplainable so-called 'smart fires' that have been burning down whole communities in Agenda21 target zones across the planet.
Here is what makes the 9-28-18 Sulawesi tsunami something to take special note of. It was highly anomalous...according to what was reported by official sources.
First thing to consider though, in any instance when the question is raised as to whether any particular highly anomalous disaster-event is in fact naturally-occurring or man-made is to realize that if the event is in fact man-made then any news report on the event would have to be essentially pure fiction. A cover story in other words...like "firenadoes".
On that note, the official reports on the Sulawesi tsunami of 9-28-18 did not make sense. It was reported to have been caused by a land-based earthquake. Land based earthquakes do not make tsunamis. Except in this case it did - say the 'msm experts' - and 'we know it was very unusual but we can explain', say they.
Hence the above LA Times article - explaining the unexplainable supposed on-land earthquake that made an admittedly very unusual tsunami that destroyed Sulawesi Indonesia on 9-28-18.
As stated in the above article (excerpted - see full) a real tsunami would result from a vertical movement of a geographic plate on the ocean floor. One sliding under the other, or one dropping suddenly - an up or down movement - this would displace water, a tsunami would be generated. Sideways motion of plates - horizontal - would not displace water. On land earthquakes are on land - they cannot displace water either way.
Until now. And here are the explanations for this this unexplainable brand new type of tsunami...um it was a "firenado". Um, no wait... I mean... these are them:
[quoting above LA Times article:]
1. "One is that the bay starting moving back and forth, like someone shaking a mug filled with coffee, leaving the liquid to slosh onto land"
2. [or] "...the fault movement caused just one side of the bay to move, pushing water toward the other side"
What? The whole bay shook like a cup of coffee...or maybe it was just one side... and whammo the island was destroyed - from an on-land earthquake? Believe that? Doesn't matter because this now, i.e. tsunamis even from "on-land earthquakes", after this 9-28-18 Sulawesi event, is now a new normal in tsunami-land earthlings.
In fact...the exact same thing may happen in Southern California one of these days to the beach communities near Los Angeles - you know the San Andreas fault [mentioned in article] is in CA right?
Of course there is another very real possible explanation not mentioned that actually makes perfect sense - that would be a tsunami bomb.
Anyway, to sum up, the Sulawesi tsunami was reported as being generated by an on-land earthquake. In other words this just allowed another extremely anomalous 'new-normal' disaster scenario to be created.
Do note it. Especially coastal dwellers anywhere on the planet.
Something else to never forget while on the subject - Agenda 21 requires eliminating coastal dwelling. Does that have anything to do with this? Think?
Rev. 18:4
[see RH post: geoengineered tsunamis - storm surges]
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Jeremiah 5:22 'Fear ye not me? saith the LORD: will ye not tremble at my presence, which have placed the sand for the bound of the sea by a perpetual decree, that it cannot pass it: and though the waves thereof toss themselves, yet can they not prevail; though they roar, yet can they not pass over it?'
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