Mark Dever & Tim Keller [Gospel Coalition] Call For Churches to Promote Neo-Marixst LGBT Agenda Inclusive Survey
In America, the Evangelical leadership of Albert Mohler, Russell Moore, Tim Keller, The Gospel Coalition, The Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission [ERLC] of The Southern Baptist Convention have lately presumed to take on the task of remodeling God’s design for the family. They now attack the “Idolatry of Family” and assert we must replace it with an inclusive and expanding village Church family. In America, the end of innocence may be at hand, bringing God’s judgement with it. Let us look soberly at where we have arrived in the parade of exhausting and relentless forced conversations and endless conferencing led by the court jesters we have allowed in leadership.
In October 2018, the ERLC and Russell Moore will host in Dallas the “Cross Shaped Family Conference” to which he has invited as speaker Sam Allberry, the self-professed and ever popular SSA/ Gay Priest of the Church of England. Allberry is co-founder of a ministry called “Living Out” for Gay Christians and views the nuclear family as lacking what he believes the affirming church will bring to it . In 2014 Allberry asserted the Revoice activist /Fishburn replacement theology for the “Idol ” of the Nuclear Family version in an interview with The Reformed Reader”
Freshly off their promotion of the radical Revoice Conference* and hosting of Tim Keller and his wife Kathy for a “Gay Christianity” extravaganza in London, Living Out stepped into the global spotlight to promote a Church Audit for LGBTQ+ Inclusion as its conference legacy:
“At our Identity in Christ conference with Tim & Kathy Keller in June 2018 we launched our Living Out Church Audit – a tool to help church leadership teams answer this key question: how biblically inclusive is your church?
10 statements to help you audit your church family:
'Living Out' carefully worded deceptive leading open-ended question/statements false-gospel dialectic gay audit |
This post is a follow up on: 'Gospel Coalition' - Piper, Chandler, Keller, Carson, Lutzer - Counsel "Folding" Homosexuals Into Churches 7-11-12 "The so-called Gospel Coalition, led by Piper, Chandler, Keller, Carson, and Lutzer has determined that homosexuals, unrepentant, unregenerate, openly defiant of God's eternal word in refusing to acknowledge their sin, should be "folded into our churches"... The reason given for this decision - as the story goes - is because they said...'you're evil if you don't let us'. Oh no, not that. -- The very fact that these professed leaders of the 'Christian community' would actually meet to convene a "panel on homosexuality" is the height of absurdity in the first place. And to give as the reason for meeting that "Christianity is deemed evil for opposing homosexuality" is even more ludicrous. And to then concede on that point and 'open the doors', as it were, so that they can come in and get comfortable and see that 'we're not evil' is unimaginable..except for the reality that the outward professing church of 2012 is absolutely apostate..." [see post]
As seen with the 'follow up' post linked directly above dated 7-11-12, six years ago, the so-called 'Gospel' Coalition - or better the False-gospel Coalition - including Tim Keller et al. have been at work on this agenda for quite a while. What was started then 2012 with a soft sell, is now advanced 2018 to the hard sell. Which is to say now out in the open and forcing the doors. Note: For any church or believer to even take the 'audit' - even if to oppose each point - is to validate it. To acknowledge it in any way is to enter into the sodomite-dialectic, and once entered, to eventually succumb to it. Point by point compromise is gained until the end-goal is achieved. The dialectic always wins, participants only go along for the ride whether they realize it or not. Note: the Word of God is not up for 'discussion' so it can be "revoiced", it is simply to be proclaimed.
*see also: July 26-28, 2018 "REVOICE Conference": Plague Spreading 7-17-18 "Sodomite infestation of apostate 'christendom' spreading like the plague... The name ['REVOICE' (Isa. 5:20)] makes the agenda very clear. The conference description on the main page of their website lays it right out in no uncertain terms: "Revoice 2018 -- Supporting, encouraging, and empowering gay, lesbian, same-sex-attracted, and other LGBT Christians..." [see post]
Consider carefully any still involved in the outward-professing church-world of Laodicea the sodomites are out of the closet now [Gen. 19:4-5] and you may be gay-audited one of these days. Recommend throwing it in the trash and finding the door before the brimstone and fire starts raining down [Jude 7].
Rev. 18:4
Galatians 1:9 ' As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed'
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