Lawmakers push cyber law after JPMorgan hack
Lawmakers are calling for action on cybersecurity legislation following news that 76 million household accounts were affected in a massive hack at JPMorgan Chase.
Though Congress has so far been unable to advance major cybersecurity legislation, some lawmakers said that should change.
“The longer we wait to take action, the more vulnerable we become, and as we've seen today, Americans will pay the price,” Sen. Angus King (I-Maine) said in a statement late on Thursday, after the Wall Street giant disclosed that information about 76 million household accounts and 7 million small business accounts had been stolen.
“Congress must work to pass legislation that will improve our capabilities and protect us against more attacks like these,” King added. “The next Pearl Harbor will be cyber, and shame on us if we're not prepared for it.”
Congress has looked to pass some type of anti-hacking bill for years...The effort got a boost nearly a year ago, after a major data breach at Target compromised 40 million shoppers’ credit and debit cards. But subsequent attacks at other outlets — including this summer’s theft of 56 million people’s card data from Home Depot — has yet to result in legislation.
With Congress scheduled to hold only a short session after the November elections, the issue is likely to go unaddressed until at least next year.
re: '...effort got a boost nearly a year ago...Congress must work to pass legislation'
Unknown hackers are wreaking havoc throughout cyberspace say the would-be overlords of the planned New-Atlantis. Just less than a year ago [1-'14] it was a major attack on Target, said to have been masterminded by a 'Russian teen'. Before anybody could feel cyber-safe again, less than two months ago some super-hacking unidentified 'Russians', we are told (it's the Russians again), got their hands on 1.2 billion passwords, and who knows what mischief could be done with all those [8-'14; see 'related to' above]. Be afraid, very afraid, was the not-so-subtle message conveyed.
Then just one month ago it was millions of g-mail accounts supposedly compromised [9-'14]. Without missing a beat, right about the same time [9-'14] the mystery all-powerful hackers managed to somehow get their paws on Home Depot's file systems too, creating the further potential for even more 'chaotic-ness' in the financial realms. And of course now, we are told, the unidentifiable mystery hackers who are outsmarting the entire world of internet-security experts have breached JPMorgan [10-'14] and gained enough information to where a scenario of potential-chaos for years to come is now very possible, according to the (script) official story line.
Or, it's all staged to force the digital-control internet-identity agenda, and will be repeated endlessly until it's a done deal. You decide. Rev. 18:4
Thus saith the LORD on the ZWO: 'When They Shall Say, Peace And Safety; Then Sudden Destruction Cometh' - 1Thes. 5:3
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