Both of these 'major threats' (psyops) to the world materialized virtually out of 'thin air', and as it happens both are perfectly conducive to the Zionist masters-of-the-universe agenda [i.e. 'tikkun olam'] as discussed in the two posts below, here reposted to mark the occasion of the second of the four bogus-blood-moon lunar eclipses October 8, 2014. The 'blood-moons' that are not blood-colored at all but copper-colored, that are falsely said to be biblically-prophetic signs proving divine-favor on the still Christ-rejecting unbelieving nation of Israel; even though the Bible tells us that this is quite impossible because Israel will not see God's favor (they will not see him at all) until they first recognize the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and say "Blessed is he" [Matt 23:37-39]; which they are not even close to doing presently - for this will require "great tribulation" [Hosea 5:15; Matt. 24:21]; and even though the lunar eclipse is not visible from the land of Israel, and the Israeli people will not be able to see 'their sign' - nevermind all that say blood-moon promoting professional Judaizers Hagee and Biltz...because...just's um the global takeover plan and it just is...blood moons blood moons...they're signs..."God's billboard" (Hagee)...we're not manipulating all these world events...the signs the signs...Israel Israel.
The second post below discussed the foretelling through Hollywood employee Katy Perry's Isis-costumed openly Satanic song "Dark Horse" performed at the 2014 Grammys awards show. The performance was a blatant declaration of a pre-planned production. That agenda-specific scenarios would arise, that they would take place within the time frame of the 'moons', and that the whole production would then play perfectly into the overall global-takeover scheme - hence the main-refrain of the song "are you ready for a perfect storm?". This pre-told "perfect storm" seems to be exactly what is now underway and the dual-psyop ISIS/Ebola hoaxes are the main vehicles of it's outworking at this juncture.
The complete dismantling of the existing world system [link] is the purpose of this 'geoengineered' perfect storm - and the reality is that this is no longer the dress rehearsal. Be absolutely aware - still a whole year to go in this now opened 'moon-window'.
Follow links, connect dots:
Reposted: "Four Blood Moons" Zionist Fake Bible Prophecy Scheme Now Underway - April 2014 To September 2015" 4-14-14
"Four Blood Moons" - Tonight is the night, 4-14-14, into tomorrow early morning, 4-15-14, the production begins. This is only the start point though. What this does is create a window. There is now a window put over the next one and a half years - April 2014 to September 2015 - and probably for some time beyond that, where whatever is intended can be played out at any given time, and attributed to the "signs in the sky". With the tremendous worldwide attention being directed at this "tetrad" event at just the outset, the only possible conclusion would seem to be that some very big things are in fact planned to be played out during this 'window'. What that very well may be was the subject of a previous post. As there is nothing really to add at this point other than the importance of noting that the scheme as of tonight/tomorrow is now underway, it is here excerpted and the full post linked. Be very aware:
Excerpted from (3-23-14): Israel Closes All Embassies Worldwide: Hagee "Four Blood Moons" Hoax, Katy Perry's 'Dark Horse' Related?
" thing is certain - and that is that a massive worldwide deception is on the terms of middle east warfare, ultimately finalizing in a fake Gog-Magog WWIII*, prearranged to result in Israeli victory, allowing for a claim of divine-deliverance, to then be interpreted-to-the-world as evidence of the god-given right to rule the planet and mankind [link] the immediate future, and very possibly the John Hagee 4-blood moons scripted deception, which has to do with this very subject, namely Israel being divinely-delivered from her 'enemies' with signs in the sun and moon as proof that it is in fact "God's divine deliverance".
![]() |
Hagee flashing the Baphomet hand while preaching "4 blood moons" |
A few things for the record....astronomers will not be referring to the events as blood moons...Another very noteworthy thing about all this is pointed out in this quote by the astronomers: "It is somewhat ironic that three of these four lunar eclipses are not visible – even in part – from Israel. The only eclipse that can be seen at all from Israel is the tail end of the September 28, 2015 eclipse, which may be observable for a short while before sunrise." [source]
At any does seem that the globalist-kabal with all their numerology and occult practices and faking bible prophecy schemes to deceive the world may have actually scheduled certain events to coincide with these upcoming astronomical events. Major events even like wars and rumours of wars, with signs in the sky, etc.. Syria is on the list for conquest. Possibly something starts there. This could lead into an Iran involvement, and it is definitely not without importance to note the fact that Russia has suddenly become the big bad villain. Totally scripted. In the fake Gog-Magog scenario they have to play the lead role of enemy from the North. China very likely will come into the picture too, and although the verse actually refers to the battle of Armageddon, will be said to be in some sort of alliance with Russia as the kings of the east [Rev. 16:12] when the fake Gog-Magog does go down. All the players are being lined up.
One more very important point to note, that being the issue of God's deliverance of the Jews from "her enemies". In no way is it possible that the LORD God Almighty will ever deal with the Jews in terms of any "deliverance" until they first recognize and acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour of both the Jew and the world..."
*Note: The real Gog-Magog takes place at the end of the thousand year period known commonly as the millennial kingdom [Rev. 20:7-8]. Ezekiel's chapter 38-39 Gog-Magog and the Revelation's chapter 20 Gog-Magog are one and the same. This is almost universally denied though because the scheme as described above is not possible unless it is made into two separate events. Note 2: This can only be done by purposely ignoring the chronology of Ezekiel. These chapters of Ezekiel are absolutely chronological. To correctly interpret Ezekiel this chronology must not be overlooked. Ezekiel 38-39 can in no way happen before Ezekiel 36-37, which is the restoration of the nation of Israel by the LORD God: cleansing them, giving them a "new heart", and putting his Spirit within them, unto obedience; Ezekiel 36:25-28; 37:14,23-24. This has absolutely not happened yet, and will not happen, until after the tribulation, the time of Jacob's trouble; Jer. 30:7 (Israel returning to the land in 1948 and Jerusalem in 1967 was not at all the restoration promised by God, but was accomplished by their own political machinations - without God at all [1John 2:22]). Ezekiel 38-39 then, can occur at the end of the thousand-year millennium only, "after many days", when Satan is loosed for a time from the bottomless pit where he has been held for that thousand years [Ezekiel 38:8; Rev. 20:7], to lead Gog-Magog [Ezekiel 38:9; Rev. 20:8], only to be "devoured" [Rev. 20:9;], that God may magnify and sanctify Himself before all the millennial world [Ezekiel 38:23; 39:6].
Full post: here
The 'perfect storm' underway? see: ISIS: ZWO Invoking 'Spirit Of Antichrist'; Script About 'The Promised Land' (Syria), 'Blood Moons', Katy Perry "Perfect Storm" [Bible Prophecy] 6-21-14 "Don't have to go too far back for the first 'clue' hidden-in-plain-sight. It was at the 2014 Grammys [January 26th] where Katy Perry's "Dark Horse" was 'unleashed' upon the world, with the main refrain being: "Cause I'm comin' at you like a dark horse (Like a dark horse)...Are you ready for...Ready for (Ready for)... A perfect storm" The from the studio-produced video of the "Dark Horse" song. It portrays Katy Perry standing atop a pyramid like the eye of Horus capstone on the dollar bill, dressed in, that's right, an Isis outfit. The intended symbolism is blatant...A "perfect storm"?...the "4-blood-moons" scenario, as created by team Hagee/Biltz, allows for a perfect "perfect storm" scenario to be unfolded over the next year and one-half or so. As stated in the 'follow up' quote above, the window is now open - April 2014 to Sept. 2015 - for their invented 'blood-moon prophecies' to be fulfilled. Primary zone is Syria. Iraq is a staged pretext... How so? Iraq was completely NWO conquested in December 2011...To the would-be earth-conquering Zionists Syria is crucial. One half of Syria, as seen above [see post], belongs to the original promised land of the Genesis 15 "Abrahamic Covenant" - Taking all these things into consideration, from Katy Perry as Isis, to so-called blood moons, to out-of-nowhere "ISIS" threat to the Middle East, and seeing how it all perfectly fits the Zionist global conquest agenda, it does indeed seem to portend the distinct possibility of a "perfect storm" about to be unleashed upon the world"
(and now "ebola")
Rev. 18:4
3-14-15 update: 4-Blood-Moons False Prophecy Update: 3-20-15 Total Solar Eclipse "Sign To The World" - That The World Will Not See
4-3-15 update: 3rd Of '4
Psalms 2:4 'He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision'
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